HomeMy WebLinkAbout878144 DEC Pt 2001 I?~45 FR bELLS FARGO HOME M'~E4 719 5?8 1526 TO 13078779602 p.1_l/46 °O(o~'- ~ }~83'7§'/ 3900 ~AST ~XZCO J~V~., SUITE 800, D~NV~R, CO 802100000 ,~_~___.~__~[Space A~vc Tlxts Li~o For Rgordi~g Data] MORTGAGE ", DEI~INITION$ Words u~ ia multiple s~tions of this document axe defined below and other words are defined irt S~iions 3, 11, 13, lg, 20 ~ 21. C~n roles ~g~d~g ~c usage of words used la ~is doc~nt are ~so p~vi~ ~ ~tion i6. toge~er wt~ ~1 Riders ~ ~ Borrower is the mortgagor under ~is Security Instrament. (C) "b~nfler' is C0~~ FZRST MOgTG~.O~, ~d~ is ~ LIMITED ~I~ILITY C0~ WYOMING-~ingle Felly,FanUc MaetF~edgle Ma~ UNIFORM IN6TRUM~T Form 3051 1/01 DEC~21 2881 17:45 FR WELLS FARGO HOME MTG 719 5?8 1526 TO 15070779602 P.12/46 0 ? 144 L~dor's address is P-0, ~oX 5137, ~$ MOI~, ~- $0~06Sla~ ~nd~ Is the moRgag~ under ~b S~ufity Inst~ment. ~) "Note" m~s ~e pro~sso~ note ~ig~ by Bo~w~r ~d d~tod~~ ~, ~e Not~ stato~ ~at Bo~°w~t owes ;~nder ~ETY ~Z~ ~o~ T~ ~~ ~'~ Doll.s ~E~ ~ O0/XO0 (U.S, $ ) ) ~* ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~' o o ) plus interest. ~rrower ha~ pro.sad to pay ~is debt ~n mgulg P~dodic payers ~fl to pay dto d;bt in full not lamr ~ 3~Y OX, ~) '~o~y" mo~s ~ propeay ~at is d~s~rib~d below ~.der the h~ing 'Tr~er of Ri~ts in (~ "L~n' m~ ~ Oobt ~iOonc~d by ~e No~, plus tnmr~st, my pr~aym~nt ~g~a ~ lat~ charg~ du~ under ~ Note, ~d ~1 ~u~ due ~d~ thi~ ~c~ty Imtmm~nt, plu~ int~r~t. (~) "~8~" m~s ~I ~ders to ~ls ~uri~ In~t~t ~ ~ ~ut~ ~y Bonower. ~ following ~e~ ~o to ~ ~a~ut~ ~y Bo~owet [~h~k ~x ~ applieabl~]: ~ Adj~tabb Ral~ Ri~r ~ Condo~ni~ Rid~ ~ Second Hom~ Rider ' ~ B~l~n Rider PI~ Unit Dovelopm~t Ridar ~ 1.4 F~ily Rid~ ~ VA Rider Biw~kly Paym~t Ri~r ~ O~er(~) [ap~i~] ~ "Appli~bte Law" m~s ~1 controlling applicable fedora, stat~ ~d I~M matures, re~lations, ordinates ~d ~niswative roles ~d orders (~at have ~ effect of law) ~ w~ll ~ ~i applicable finml, non-a~abte tudici~ opi~ons. ~ "Co~tY ~ciatlen ~, ~, ~nd ~~ts" ~s ~l'du~, f~s. ~sessments ~d o~er ch~ ~a ~; i~s~ on Bonowcr or ~c Property by a condo~Mum ~s~lation, hom~wncrs ~iafion or s~l~ org~iion. (~ '~tro~c ~m~ Tra~rer' mc~s ~Y m~sfer of hnds, other ~ a tr~sa;tion orig~aca by ;h~k, drY, Or s~lar 9a~r in~m~t, which is initiat~ ~rough ~ ~lce~onio tc~na, telephonic i~nt, ~utc~, or ~to ta~ s0 ~ to order, insect, or au~ofizc a tin.tiM institution to or cr~il m ~anl, Suoh t~ ~oludcs, ~t is not li~t;d to, poht-of-s~c trmsfers, auto.ted teller m~e trunnions, tr~f;m initiated by t;l~hone, wire tr~sfets, ~d suto~t~d clemnghousc (~ "~ow It~" ~s ~ i~ ~at ~e described b S~Ction 3. (L) ,M~U~ ~" ~s ~y compensation; se~t awed of d~a~, or pr~eds paid by ~y ~ird p~y (oaer ~ i~s~e' p~e~d~ pad ~d~ ae co~era~s d~bcd in S~ion S) for: (i) d~e io, or desf~cfion of, ~ Property; (ii) ~oad~adon or o~or'l~in~ of all or ~y p~ of Pro~n~; (iii) c~~ ~ li~a of oonda~aQon', o~ (i~) ~srePrcs~madons of, or o~ssion~ ~ ~o, th~ vau~ ~d/or co~df~on of ~e Rop~ny. ~ ,Morgue ~ce' ~ ~ur~ce prorating ~nder ag~nst thc nonpayment of, or default on, C~ "P~e ~t' m¢~ ~ r~l~ly s~l~d ~o~t fiu~ for (t) pfinoipM ~d interact undo~ Note, plu$ (ii) ~y ~u ~der ~alon 3 of ~ia ~u~ty (O) '~A" m~$ ~ R~ ~atata Set~ant Pr~dur~ Aet (12 U.S.C. ~timn 2~1 at a~q,) ~d its impi~mntMg r~l~ioa, R~galation X (2a C.F.R. ~ 35~). ~ ~Y might be ~d ~om time to ti~, or ~y ~dition~ or aua~aaor legl~ation or regulation ~at gore,s ~e s~ ,ubjeot ~tt~r. As used in ~ ~ufity lna~nt, "RESPA" rd~r$ to ~1 roquir~ant$ ~d taatfictiona ~at ~ im~aea in 1o~~ ~fier ~$PA~ ~6(~} (~s) P~O~ z o~ ~S F~rm 3051 1101 DEC 21 2001 17t45 FR ~JELLS F~RGQ HOME MTG 719 57B 1526 TEl l~O?B??96F32 p,13/46 (p) ,Successor in Interest of ]Sorrower" n~s any party that has t~e~ title to the property, whether or net that party h~s a~sum~d Borrower's obligations under the Note ~md/or this Security Instrument. TRANSFER OF RIGI'ITS IN THE PROPERTY This S~curity lnstrmnent secures to L~nder: (i) the repayment of ,,h~ Loan: and all renewals, extensions moditic~/ions of the Nou;; and (ii) th~ performance of Borrower's covenants md ~greements under this Security InsTrument and thc Noto, For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant ~md convey to I~der md Lender's successors and assigns, wifll power of salo, the following d~scribed properly localed in the ~20UN'I~ of v.Ilq¢OI~ : [Typ~ of P~ordin$/uri~ic~ion] [Name of R~;orcling luri~dlctton] LOT~ 1i AND 12 OP ~LOCK ~5 OF TI~ FIRST ADDITION TO TH~ TOWN OF LINCOLN' OOIIRTY, WYOMIN~ AS D~CRI~D ON TH~ OFPZCIAL 9~T THXS IS A PII~CHASE MON~ ~.CURITY INSTRUMeNT- TAX STATelY8 SHOULD BB S~~T T0~ WELLS FARGO EOM~ MOI~T~AO~, IN~., P.0. which currently has the address of Parcel ID Number: 501 3iIRCH AVliNUB [Ci~l , Wyo~g 82101 [z p ("Pm~y T~ETHER WITH ~1 ~e improvem~t~ now or her~flor crated on ~ prop~', md e~ms, ~pufl~m~s, ~d f~mr~s now or here~ffer s p~ of ~ prop~y. All r~l~nts ~ditions sh~l ~o be ~wr~d by ~is S~ufity lnst~ment. All of th~ far,gong is r~f~d to in ~uri~ Imtm~t ~ ~e "Pto~." BO~OWER COVENANTS ~et Bo~ow~ is law~lly seis~ of ~e estate hereby ~nv;y~o ~d ~e rt~t to ~ng~ge. gr~t ~d mnvey ~ Properly ~d ~at ~e Prope~y i~ ~en~r~, ex,pt for ~n~u~r~s of r~ord, Bo~oWer w~t$ ~d will d~f~d g~n~r~y the title to ~ Pm~Y agaimt al~ ~d dc~ds, subject to ~y ~umbr~ces of record. THIS SECU~ INS~UMENT combines ~fo~ coven~ts for na~on~ usc ~d non-unit6~ oov~ wi~ li~t~ ~i~s by jurisdiction to con~titut~ s ~fo~ s~aurtty mst~m~t cove~ resl pro~. , UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bo~ow~r md ~er coronet ~d agr~ ~ foll~s: 1. ~mt of ~nel~, ~t~t~ Es~ow !~e~ ~ep~ent Charge, ~d L~te Chugs, Bo~ow~ ~1 ~y wh~ due ~o pr~cip~ of, ~d int~r~st on, ~e d~bt ~vid~ced by ~e Note md pmpa~t C~g~ ~d 1~8 ch~g~ duo under ~ N~e, Bo~o~;r ~hall ~so ply ~nds for Escrow p~r$~t to ~fion $. Paym~n~ due under ~e Not~ md ~is S~cufity instm~m shnil ~ ~d~ in U ;urrcn~y. How~wr, if my 0h~k or o~r imtm~t received by ~nder as paym~mt under the Note or DEC ~1 ~005 ~?:4B FR bELLS FRRGO HOHE MT~ 71~ 57B 1576 TO ~307B??S6D2 P,14/46 ~eCutlty In~Irumgnt is rctmrned to ~d~r unpa{d, ~ndee ~y require that ~y or ~1 subsequent du~ ~d~r ~ Nme ~fl ~is Security Inst~ent be mad0 in on~ or more of ~e following fo~, ~el~md by ~nd~r: (a) e~h; ~). money order; (c) oe~ified chgk, b~ check, t~easarer's eh~R or c~hier'~ ch~k, provid~ ~y suah ch~k t~ dra~ upon an institution whose deposits ~e insured by a fede~ agency, inl~mentality, or cmity; or (d) Electronic ~unds Tr~sf~r. Pa~t~ ~e dee~ r~eived by ~nder when r~iv~ at the location d~stgnated in the Note or such other l~alion ~ ~y b~ desi~ated by ~nder in a~o~e wi~ ~e notice pmvbions in S~ction ~dmr ~y remm ~y pay~t or p~i~ ~ay~nt if ~e payment or p~t~ payers ~ insuffici~t bring ~e ~ cu~t. ~nd~r ~y a~ept ay pa~ent or p~iE payment insufficient ~o bring thc Lo~ turret, wi~out wgver of ~y rights h~re~d~r or prejudice to its rights to re~ such payment or p~i~ pa~ti ~ ~e ~mr~, ~ Lender is not obligated ~o apply such pay~ms at ~e ti~ su=h payments ac~pt~. If e~h pu~tc Pa~t is applied a of i~ ~dul~d du~ date, ~en L~mder ue~ riel pay inter~t on ~ppliUd ~ds. ~er may hold s'u~h unappli~ ~uds until ~rrower ~ pa~t to bring the ~ c~tut. If ~ower does not do lo wi~in a re~onabl= ~HM of ti~, .Lender $b~l eider apply such f~ or return ~em to ~rrower. If not appli~ ~lbr, such ~nds will be appli~ to ~c oulstading p~cip~ b~e un&r ~ Note i~iately prior to tbreclosure. No off, et or claim which ~t have now or in ~e ~ture aga~t Mndur s~El reli~e Borrower from ~ing paym~t~ due ~dur ~e Note ~ ~is S~fi~y lm~m~t or p~do~u8 ~e coven~ts ~d air~nts ~ured by this ~cufity ~mt~t. 2. Appli~tion of Pa~ents or ~oc~, ~c~t ~ o~e~s~ deic~d in ~is ~ction 2, all pa~ls ~c~t~ ~ ~pli~ by L~der shgl ~ appli~ ~ ~ follow~g ord~ of pfiofi~: (a) interest due un&r ~e No~; (b) princip~ due under ~e No~e; (c) ~ouum due Under ~tion 3. Su~ payers sh~l ~ appli~ to ~ch Pc~ic Pay~m ~ ~e order in which it ~ du:. Any ~g sh~l be ~pli~ first to late ch~gc~, second to ~y other ~ts due under ~is ~ty ~st~t, and ~en to r~ &e pr~ip~ b~mce of ~e Note. If ~der r<~ives a ~y~nt ~om Bo~ower for a delMqu~t P~ic Pay~nt which inclu, des a ~ffici~t m~t tO pay ~y l~e ~ge due, ~e payment ~y ~ appli~ to ~e d~linquent pay~nt ~e late chgge. If~r~ ~ one P~ic Pa~t ~ o~utmding, ~nder ~y apply ~y paym~t received .t?om ~owet ~ the r~a~t of ~e Peri~ic Pay~am if, ~d to &~ ~tcnt that, ~ach pa~ent c~ p~d ~ ~l. To ~e e~tcnt ~at my ex~sa eMst$ a~er ~e paint il applied to ~e ~11 pay~l of one or ~ P~i~c Pa~n~, such ,x~s ~y ~ ~plied to ~y l~e ~g~ duc. Vol~t~ p~ayment$ ~ ~pli~ f~t to ~y pr~ay~t ch~g~ md ~en ~ &seribM ~ ~ Note. ~y a~B~on of pa~ments, in~urmce pr~ds, or M~ll~us Pr~cd$ to princip~ duc u~r th~ Note ~ffi not ex,nd or ~$~ne ~e due Oa~, or ch~ge tBc m~t, of thc P~i~lc Palms. 3, F~$ f~ ~crow It~, ~ower s~l pay to L~dcr on the day Pcfiodic Paym~ts ~e due under ~c No~, ~til ~c Note ia p~d In ~1, a ~um (~e "Funds") to provide for paym~t nf ~oun~ duc for: (a) ~ md m~ssm~n~ md o~er it~-which c~ att~ priority over ~is S~rity Inst~t lien or en~rm~ on ~e Pro~; (b) bmehold payments or ground ren~ on ~e ~ny, if ~y; (c) pr~m for ~y ~d ~1 insur~ce r~ui~d by ~der ~der ~tion 5; ~d. (d) Mortgage lmur~ce pr~, if ~y, or ~y s~ payable by ~owcr to Lender M lieu of ~c pay~t of Mortgage las~e pre~ in accoMmce wi~ ~c provisions of ~tion 10, ~e it~ ~e c~l~ 'Bscrow It~." At oti~i~fion or at ~y tt~ during ~e ~ of ~e ~m. ~der ~y require ~at Co--unity As~iation Du~, F~, ~d Ass~s~nts, if my, k escrow~ by ~er, ~d such du~, f¢~. ~d Msms~m sh~l be ~ Escrow It~. ~ower sh~l promptly ~ish to ~nder gl noti~s of ~ts to M ~d ~ ~is ~ction, ~ower sh~l pay ~Mer thc P~da for B~row It~ uMes$ ~d~r w~vcs ~ower'$ obiig~ ~ pay ~e F~ds for ~y or ~1 E<row I~- L~dcr may w~vc Borrower's o~liga~on to pay to ~er ~ for <y or ~1 E~row It~ ~t ~y t~. Any such waiver ~y oM3' be in wring. In ~e ovont of su~ w~ver, ~ow~ ~hall pay dbectly, wh~ ~d whe~ payable, ~e ~munts DEC 21 2001 17:46 FR ~ELLS FARGO HOME hlTG 719 578 1526 TO i3078779602 P.15/46 due for any E~row Items for which payment of Funds hal bc~'n waive! by l.~ndi:r and, if Lender requires, sh~l ~sh to ~er re~ipm evidencing such payment wi~in ,~h t~= ~od ~ ~nd=r may Borrower's obligsdon to ~= such paym~nls ~d to provid= r~ipts =~1 for ~1 pu~s=s b~ d==m~ be a ~ven~t ~d a~r~m~t ~on~n=d in ~s ~ufily Inst~ment, ~ ~= phr~= "co~=n~t ~d ii usg in Section 9, If ~w~r is obilgtte~ to pay Escrow It~ dirtily, pursuit to a waiver, Bo~ower f~ls to pay ae ~unt du= for ~ Escrow Itm, ~nder ~y exercise iu ri~ts ~der ~tion 9 ~d pay such ~mt ~d ~w~r sh~l then M obligated ~der ~tion 9 to repay to ~n~r my such ~ount. Mnder ~y revoke ~ w~ver a to any or ~1 EscrOW It~ a ~y timg by a notice giv~ in ~cord~cc wl~ ~tion 15 md, u~n such r,v~ation, ~ow~r shall pay to ~nfler fli F~d$, su~ ~ts, ~m ~ ~,n r~ui~ under this ~tion 3. Le~ ~y, at ~y t~, ~ll~t ~d hold Funds in ~ ~o~t (a) $ut'fici~t to ~t ~nder tn ~e F~ at ~ ti~ $~ifi~ ~d~r RESPA, ~d ~) not to cxc~d ~e m~im~ ~t a lender can require =d:r h~PA, ~n~r shall estimate ~e ~ount of Funds due on ~ bMis of cumnt data r~onable estl~t~ of ex~t¢~ of future ~$crow lt~ or o~e~ile ~ ac~rd~e ~i~ Applicable Law.~e F~ds $h~l ~ held in ~ institution whoa. de.sits ge ins~ by a f~cral imtm~nt~ity, or ratify (mclu~ng ~d~r, if Lendg is ~ insti~tion whose d~osits ~e m insure) or ~y Federal H~e ~m B~. ~ficr sh~l apply the Funds to pay ~e ~row Ite~ no lat~ ~ &c time sp~cifi~ ~r RESPA. MMer shill not ch~ge Boaower for holding ~d applyMg ~ Funds, ~ualy aflyzing &, e~mw <co~t, or vefif~g ~e Escrow Ite~, ~1¢$s Lender pays Bo~ower in.rest on ~& ~d Appli~le ~w ~ Lender to ~kc tach a ch~ge. Ufl~i ~, agr~nt is ~e in writing or Appll~blc Mw requires iater~st to be pad on ~ F~ds, ~nder $h~l not ~ rc~ired to pay Bo~owor ~y M~r~t or ~ings oa ~e Funds. ~w~r ~d Mndor o~ agr~ M writMg, however, that i~ter~st sh~l ~ p~d ~ ~o F~, ~ndcr shill give to ~er, without chgge, ~ ~u~ a~ting of F~da ~ r~u~ by RESPA. If ~re i$ a su~l~ of F~ds held M ~row, ~ dcfin~ a~der RESPA, ~nder shall ~t to Bo~ow~ for ~e ex~s$ ~ds ~ ~ord~ce wi~ RESPA. If ~r~ is a nonage at FuMs held in c~row, ~ de~ ~er R~PA, ~d~r shill nod~ Bo~wcr ~ required by ~$PA, ~d Bo~owm s~l pay to ~nder ~e ~ n~ss~ to ~nk~ up thc ~oa~c ~ a~otd~ wi~ ~$PA. but in nn ~re th~ i2 mon~y pay~nU. If~ge fl a d~ficiency of F~da held in esc~w, ~ d8~ under RESPA, ~dg sh~l notify ~mwer m ~uir~ by RESPA. md ~ower shal pay to L~der the mum ~ts~ to up ~o defi~ienoy in <~rd~ wi~ R~PA, but in no more ~m 12 mon~ly paints. U~n pay~t ~ ~11 of ~1 s~ secu~ by ~s ~uri~ ~t~t, ~d~r sh~l pm~fiy ~d to Bo~ow~ ~y ~ds ~id by ~n~r. " attrtbu~bl6 to ~ ~op¢~ which cm att6n priority over &is ~curity Inst~t, le~ol~ pay~nt$ or ground mm on ~e ~o~y, ii ay, ~d Comuniw A~iation Dues, F~, ~d As~ss~nts, if ~y. To ~e extmt ~at ~ it~ ae E~row Itc~, ~ow~r :h~l pay ~ in ~ maker p~v~ed i~ ~wer ~I1 promptly dN~g~ ~Y lien which ~ priori~ owr ~s ~grtty maid.ut Bo~wer: (a) ag~ in w~g to ~e pa~t of ~ obligation ~ur~ by ~ lien in a ma.n~r to ~r, bul only ~ long ~ ~rrowor is p~do~ng ~h agr~m~t; ~) cont~$ ~e lien in g~ f~th by, or def~ds ag~t enfom~t of ~e li~ in, l~g~ pro~ings wNch In ~nder'a opinion o~rac to pre~ent ~e enfoment of ~e lien w~l¢ ~osc pr~g~ ~ p~nd~g, ~t offiy ~til such pr~ings ~ oonrl~ed; or (c) ~u~ from ~c holder of ~ li~ ~ agent satisfacto~ to ~nd~r su~rdmaing ~¢ iie~ to ~is ~ufity ~m~t, If Mnd~r d~e~e$ ~t ~y p~ of the ~ny i~ ~ubj~t to a lien whieh c~ at~ p~ori~ over ~is S<uNly Instant, Mnd~r ~y giw ~ow~r a notice ifimtif~ng Form 30,51 1/01 DEC 21 2001 17:47 FR bELLS FARGO HOME HTG 719 5?8 1,526 TO 13078779602 P.~6/46 0S'75,1.44 8 li~n, Within I0 days of the date on which that notice is Riven, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions s~ forth aboiie in this Section 4. L~nder m~y require Borrower to pay a one-time chaXge for a r~:al estate ~ verification and/or rc~)orting servi~ used by Londer'in con~cction with ~is Loan. $, Property lI~tlrance. Borrower shall keep the improv~~r~ents now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured agalns~ loss by fit~, hazards included wiLhin the term ~ext~nded coverage," and any other b.~nrds including, but not limited Io, ~arthquakes and floods, for which l.~ncler rtxluir~s insurance. This lnsurasce ~hall b~ rnain~.$ined in the amounts (including deductible levels) lind for the periods that Lender r~q~tires. What L~nder reqttires pursuant to the prec~ing ientenc~s c~n chanle durin8 the term of the Loan, Th~ ir~urimc~ carrier providing the insurance shall bc chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to ~ialq)proYe Borrower's choice, which right shall not bo exercised Bllrea,sonabiy. Lend~ may r~uir~ Borrow=r to play, in corm~ction with this Loan, either: (a) a on~-tiir~ ch~ge for flood zone d~t~rmination, c~rtification and trar. khlg setwices; or (b) a un.-time charge fei' flood zon~ d~-terrllination and ~rtification s~rvie..~s anti subsequent charges each time r~rmippings or similar chan~es occur which reasonably llllght affect su~ d~to'mination or certilicatioo.. Borrower shall also be resP°naible for the payment of ~y fees impearl by th(: Federal Err~rg~mcy Msrmgcm~nt Agermy in corme~tton with the revi~v of ~y flood zone determination resulting from an objection b~ Borrower. If Borrower fails to m~intain gay of the reverses d~cribed abel's, Leader n,~ay obtain insurance cov,~rage, at Lender's option and Borrower's exp~nse. Le~der is under no obligation to pu~hase any particular type or a.~ount of cov~age. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might ~0t protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in tile Property, or the co,tents of tha Property, against any risk, hazed or liability and might provide greater or l~ser coverage than wa~ pr~viously in eff~t. Borrower s~,k. nowled$es that th~ cost of the iasur$.ace corm'age so obt~ned might significantly exceed the cost of insuranCe that Borrower could have obtained. Any amounts ditbursed by Lender under this ~ction .~ shall become additienal debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. Thes~ amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from th~ d~re of tisbursomem and shall be payable, with suclt interest, upon notice Lender to Borrower requesting payment, All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of Such policies shall be subject to l_~ndor's right to disapprow such poticie~, shall includ~ a stnndard mortgage cla~¢, and shall ~arn¢ Lende~ as mortgagee and/or as an additions loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies ~nd renewal eertifi~tes. If l_~nder r~uires, Borrow0r shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premi~ms and renewal notices, if Borrower obtains any form of imuranc¢ coverage, not otherwise r~uired by I~nder, for daffalge to, or destruction of, ~e Pro~rty, such policy ~ali include a st~ndazd mortgag~ clause and shall name Lender ~ rnort~al~ and/or a~ au ~:lditional loss payee. In the ev<t of lens, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurano~ carrier and I.~der. lxnder may n'~ke proof of loss if ~ot made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender. and Borrower otherwise a~ree in writing, any iusu~nco pr~, whether Or not th~ underlying insur~ce w~$ required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the r~storation or repro ts. e~onomlcally feasible Lender's security is not les~ened, Durinl; su~ repair and restoration period, Lender shall have th{ right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had nn opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure 'work has bern complet~l to Leed~r's satisfaction, provided that su=h inspection shall be undert,~kcn promptly. Lender rr~y disburse p~oceeds for the repairs and r~toration in a single payment or in a series ct' protress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable requires interest tO I~ paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower an), tnter0~t or earnings on such ptw..et, ds. Fees for public ~justers, or other third parties, retained by Borrower Shall not be paid out of tho-insurance proceed~ and shall be the sole oblisation of Borrower. If the rostontion or repair is not ecouomtcally legible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds .~!1 be applied to the surr$ secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with il~-SlWY) IO00~l ~g.~I 1t F~rm 3051 1101 DEC 21 2001 17:47 FR I,ELLS FARGO HO~IE NTG ?15 5-2B i526 TO 13078779682 the excess, if any, paid to Borrower, Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for ~tion 2. If Borrower abandons the Property, l.~nder may file, ncgotial~ arid settle any available insurance claim and relat<t matters. If Borrower docs not respond within 30 days lo a notice from Lender that insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and s~ttl~ the claim. The 30-day period will begin when the notice ts given. In ~ith~r ~vent, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to 1.~nder (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance procc~.-xts ir~ an amount riot to ex,ced the amounts unpaid under the Note or this S~urity Instrument, and (b) any other of BorrOwer's rights (other than the right to any refund of unearlled premiums paid by Borrower) ~der all insurano~ poli¢iei covering the Property, insofar as such rights ale appiic..abl= to th~ coverage Of the Property. Lender may uso the instlrance ptoeeecls either to r~air or r~tore the Property or to pay arnounts lmpald under the Note or this Security ImtTumt~t, whether or not then due. 6, Occupancy, Borrow~r shall oomapy, establiih, and use' the Property as Borrower's principal r~iden~ within 60 days after the execration of this Semirity ]nstrtm~nt and shall contin~ to occupy the Property as Borrower's prit~eipal residence for at least one 3~ear after th~ date of occupancy',' 'unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or lmless etxtenuating circumstances exist which axe beyond Borrower's co~trol. ?. preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; lnspeetioxu~. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the property, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the Property. Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value doe to its condition, Unless it is detem'fil~ed pursuant to Section 5 that repair o'r r~storation is not ecor~omicall¥ feasibl~, Borrow=r shall prorttptl}~ repair the Property if clair, aged to avoid tiirthcr d~t~fioration or damage. If insura~,~ee or ¢onderrtnation proceeds arc paid in connection with damage to, or the taking of, the Prnperty, Borrower shall be r~sponsibl= for repairing or restoring tha Property only if Lenckr has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse procee~ts for the repairs and restoration in a single paymen! or in a series of progress payments.as the work is complett;d. If the insurance or condemnation procetds are not sulficien: to repair or restore the property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obliglttioe for the <ompledon of such repair or restoration. Lender or its silent may ma.kc reasonable ~ntties upop. and inspections of the Prol~rtY, If it has n:a~onabl¢ ~a~, Lender may insp~t the imerior of the improve~~nts on the Property. Lellder shall give Bonower tmtice at the time of or prior to such an htterior insptction apc'cifying such reasonable cause. 8, Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application proce~, Borrower or any penoas or entities acting at 'th~ direction of Borrower or with Borrower's kllowledge or e. onse~lt gllve materinlly false, misleading, or inaccurate information or statenlents to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with material information) in connection with the Loan. Material r~p~aentationa include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occup~cy of th~ Property as Borrower's principal residence. !}, Protection o,r Leuc~er's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Illstrument. If (a) Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreertmnts cor~tained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proc~:lhlil that migllt significantly affect l~adc~"s int~r~t in th~ Property and/or riithts under this Security Ir~trurmm (stroh as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, tbr condenmatlon or forfeiture, for ~-nforceraent of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument or to enforce laWs or reg,ulatiom), or (¢) Borrower has abmdon~ the Property, then l.~nder may do and pay for whatever r~asonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting and/or assessing the valu~ elr the Property, and ~urh:g and/or r,,-palting the Property. I.~nder's actioni cai1 tll¢lude, but ar~ not limited to: (a) paying; any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this $~curixy Instrument; (b) appearing ir~ o. ourt; and (c) paying reasonable Form 3O!iil DEC 21 2001 i?:48 FR WELLS FARGO HOME hlTG 919 598 ~526 TO 13878779~02 P.18/46 ~ome~s' f~s to p~tc~t it~ bter~ b ~e Prope~y ~d/or ~hts ~ this ~c~y Insolent. includin~ its a:cu~ position in a b~ptcy prOc~d~[, ~cufin$ ~ ~o~y includes, but is not li~tcd cntefinB ~e ~o~y to m~e repairs, ch~e l~ks, replace or board up doo~ md windows, drai~ water fi'om pi~s, eli~nste b~ild~$ or o~er c~e violations o~ d~gerous conditiom, md ha~e utilities cr ~ t~ action .under t~ ~ction 9, ~der d~s not haw to d~. ~ ~d ~s n~ on or off, Al~ough ~nd Y ......... --.. ~a-- ;~c-ra no li~ili~, lbr not t~mg ~y or ail u~ ~y duty or obligat~n to ac ~, It ts agr~u ta~t ~,u ...... ~y ~u ~burs~ by Mnd~ under ~l$ $~tion 9 shgl ~co~ ~dition~ debt of ~ower s~r~ by ~is ~ufi~ Instant. %~e ~unt$ sh~l be~ ~t~eit at ~e ~ot~ ~t8 from ac dat~ of disburs~nt ~d sh~l ~ payable, wi~ s~ch inter.t, upon ~atic~ fr~ ~der to Bo~nwer r=qu~sting pay~nt. If ~is ~cugty Init~ent ii on a lea~old, ~w~r lh~l comply wi~ dl ~¢ provtsioni of ~e ieee. If ~ower ~irca f~ title to ~c Pro~ny, the b~ehol~ ~d ~ f~e Oflc sh~l not m~rge ~nder ~r~s ~o ~e ~rger in w~tin~. 10. Mo~B{ ~c{. If ~ rCquir~ Me,gage Insur~c~ ~ a coMifion of ~inB the ~rrower sh~l pay the p~ ~ui~ to mantan ~¢ Men,aBe Insur~c~ in eff~t, lf, .for ~y ~on, ~e Mortgage ~ru~ covmgo r~uir~ by Lender ~ascs to ~ avalablc ~om the ~ngagc i~ur~ tho · ~vidM tach instance ~ Boaowcr w~ r~uir~ ~ ~e ~arately ~sig~ed payments prcvio~ p .... .. .......; ...... .o~ Bo~ower shMl oay ~ 9r~i~ r~ui~d to obt~n towed ~ pre~ :or ~no~.~-~- . .......... a cost aubst~ti~ly ~vocage subst~tially equiv~t to tho Mortgage I~s~Ce pr~vi0usly i~ off.t, m equlv~t to ~e co~ to Bo~ower of the Moagagc Ins~ previously in client, ~m ~ montage in~r~ sclect~ by LeMur, If aub~t~i~ly cquivaent Montage l~ur~e coverage is not av~blc, Bo~owcr sh~ll ~nfinue to pay to l~nd~ ~e ~t of ~e ~atcly designated payments w~e due wh~ ~e insu.~ce coverag~ ceacd to bc ia effect, ~nder will ~cept, us~ ~d rc~n · - a non-~n~ble 10ss rcse~e in 1i~ of Mo~gage Insur~. Such loss rcse~e sh~l ie. no~i~ding ~le fa~t ~at ~ ~ ~s ulu~tely p~d m ~1l, ~d ~nder shEl not hc requital to pay Bo~ow~r ~Y interest or e~ on such loss ~t~rv¢. ~der ~ no longer rCquir~ loss provided by ' . ......... : .... ¢~* x~on~aae M~ur~e If ~der requir~ Mo~gag~ ~m~e ~ a condition of ~ng the M~ ~d Bo~w~r w~ ~oquircd to ~o ~p~aely d~sisn~ted paym~ts tow~ ~e prcnfiu~ for Mongasc l~rmce, Bo~wer ~1 pay ~e pr8~ rcquIr~ m~n~ MortiSe Insur~ce in eft<t, or to provide a non-rof~dable loss rme~e, ~til ~ndcr's zequ~t for Mpnga$~ t~c~ ~ds ~ ~cord~ce wi~ my written a~rcamcnt Mtw~ ~ower ~nder prolog for SOCh m~on or until t~atton b r~quircd by Applio~l{ ~w. No~in$ in ~fi0n 10 ~f~ ~awor'l ~li[ation to pay inet{at at ~e rate provid~ ~ ~e No~. Mo~ss$e ~sur~ ~imbur~ ~dcr (or ~y zmiW ~ pushes thc Nots) br ca. sin loses ~y ~ If ~o~r ~$ not r~ay ~e Lo~ u agra. ~o~owcr is not a p~y to ~ Mortgage Mortgage t~s ~ua~ ~eir total, risk ca gl s~h, insur~ in farce from fi~ to tt~, ~ ~tor ~to aSr~n~ wi~ o~ pmies ~at shoe or ~i~ ~eir fi~, or ~u~ ios~a. ~e ~ on t~ ~d co~tio~ ~a ~c s~isf~to~ to ~e ~$age insurer ~d ~e o~r p~ (or pmi¢~) of Ma~ ~a ~ moagag~ ~ez ~y have available (whioh may include ~ds obt~ned from l~ur~ p~). As a r~ of ~e~ agents, L~dcr, ~Y pur~h~er of ~e Note, ~o~er insurer, ~ reinsurer. a~y o~ ~tity, or ~y a~liate of ~y of ~e fore$oing, ma~ rec~iv~ (di~tly or lngi~fly} ~ts de~w flora (or ~ght be cfi~acle~z~ ~) a portion of ~ow~r'$ pa~enta for Mon~age lns~, in pwvides ~at ~ ~li~c of L~dcr t~f a sh~c of ~c insect's fitk ia ~c~g~ for a sh~ of p~ p~d to ~c ~urcr, ~c ~gemont ts o~n te~d 'captive remsur~ce." Furor: ~ (a) Anl ~ a~e~ ~11 not aff~t t~ ~n~ that Bo~ow$r h~ hired to pay for Mo~ie Mura~, or any mhcr ter~ of the Loan, ~ch agr~ts ~11 n~ iner~c the amount Bo~ow~ ~B owe for Mongase ~iur~ee, and they will not entitle Bo~ower to unl ~6{WY) i~os} ~o~0, o~ ~f ~orm 3061 I~01 {b) Any such agree, me, uts will n~ ~ff~ the fi~ts Bo~ower h~ - If any - w~th r~t ~0 Me.gage ~ance ~ the Hom~ ~o~t~ Ac~ of t998 ~ any other law.. ~ may tnclud~ the ~ght to r~w ce~ &sci~r~, m requ~t and obtain ~c~aflon el the Mo~g~g~ ~urancc, to have the Mo~e ~c~ t~t~ autom~tt~By, ~d/or · at the ~ ~f such cancellatio~ or re~d of ~y Mo~g~e ~ancc pr~u~ ~at w~c un--ed t~na~un. 1i, ~Rnm~t of M~c~a~m ~o~; Forreit~e, All Mi~ell~cous P~c~s ~ hereby ~ig~ m ~d sh~l ~p~d to ~n~r. If ~ ~o~ ~ d~g~, ~uch Misccll~cous Pr~da sh~l be applied to restoration or repair of thc Pm~y, if th~ r~tormion or mpdr i~ ~ono~c~ty f~iblc ~d ~ndgr'~ s~ufity is not less~ed. During gu~ r~r ~d ~torgion pe~, Lender sb.~l hay0 ~c ri~t to hold su~ Miscell~eo~ Proceeds until ~er ~ h~ ~ o ~nity to ~spect ~ Pro~y to ~ ~ ~?k.~?~ ~er's ~sf~ti~, prov~g~ ~m s~h insertion ah~l ~ undem~n pmmptiy~ ~naer my pay mr rep~m ~d r~tomion in a single disbursement or in a sg~es of progress payments ~ ~e wo~ is completed. UM~ m agrce~t is ~e ~ writing or Applicable Law r~uims ~ter~t to ~ paid on such ~tl~us Pr~s, ~r sh~l not ~ rcqu~ to pay Bo~ower ~y in~r~t or ~ng$ on such If ~ r~toration or r~r ts not ~ono~e~ly f~tble or ~n~r*s ~ty would ~ I~, ~e M~ll~us ~r~s snatl~ affpu;u t~ u~ .~ ...... wh~ or noi ~ due, wi~ ~c ex.ss,, if ~y, p~d to ~ffo~cf. Such Mi~ll~us P~ ~pli~ ~ t~c o~r pmvid~ for in S~don 2, In ~e e~ent of a m~ ~t, d~tmction, or to~ in v~ o~ ~e ~o~ny, ~e Mi~ell~s Pr~ ~I ~ ~pli~ W ~e s~ s~ by th~ S~ufity ~a~nt, whe~er or not ~n due, wi~ ~ ex~s, if ~Y, p~d m ~wer, ~ ~e ~ent of a p~ i~g, dest~clion, or loss in vaue of ~ Pro.ny in whi~ ~o f~r ~ket v~ue of ~e ~o~ny-i~ia~ly ~b~ thc p~i~ ~n$, destruction, or l~s ~ v~ ts ~& to or ~aer ~ ~e ~unt of ~e s~ l~ur~ by ais ~udty Instant i~diately ~fore ~ing, d~ction, or loss in v~ue, ~s Bo~ower ~d Mnder o~g~ise agr~ in wating, ~e su~ s~ur~ by ~ ~ty I~s~m~t shat ~ r~uc~ by ~e ~o~t of ~ Mi~cll~s ~(~eeds multipli~ by thc following fr~fion: (a) ~e tot~ ~o~t of the s~ s~urcd ~tel~ ~fo p~ig ~, d~ion, or loss ~ value divided by (b) ~ f~r ~ket vaue of ~ Pm~HY l~iatcly bcfo~ ~e p~ta ~, ~t~alon, or loss in v~ue. Any b~a~ sh~l ~ ~d to ~ower. ~ ~e evil of a p~ ~g, d~t~tton, or loss ia v~ue of ~v ~o~ in which ~e f~r ~rket v~uc of ~c ~o~gy ~iagy ~fore ~c p~ia t~ng, ~tmction, or loss i~ v~ue is less than the ~ount of' ~e s~ s~u~ imm~iaely ~b~ thc pmig t~g, des~ction, or loss in vaue, unless s~u~ by ~s $~ ~~t whe~cr or not ~c su~ aw ~ due. If ~g ~Y is ~mdon~ by ~ower. or if, a~ no~ce by Mnd~r to ~ff~er ~ing P~Y (~ ~ ~ ~e flext ~n~) off, rs t0 ~e ~ awed to ~ttic a cl~ ~or ~wcr f~ to ~nd to ~der wi~ 30 days ~ter ~e date ac no~ is give, ~cr is ~d lo ~ll~t ~d a~ly ~e Mt~ll~us P~oc~ ei~cr to r~toraion or raper of th~ Pm~ny or to ~ ~ by ~s S~ty ~t, whe~er or not t~ due, '~9a~g p~y. ~ ~c ~ird p~y · at owes ~ower Mi~ellm~us Pr~s or ~ p~y ~ainst whom ~ffower h~ a fight r~d ~ Mi~H~ ~. ~wcr sh~ ~ ~ d~fa~t if ~y action or proce~d~, whirr civil or cfimin~, is Mgun ~st, in ~ndvr's judg~nt, co~d ~ult in forfeiture of ~ Pro~y or o~er ~tc~ ~p~t of ~der's ~te~t ~ ~ ~o~ or ~m ~der t~s ~ty I~t. Bo~ow~r c~ cu~e su~ a default ~d, if a~era~on h= ~, re~e ~ ~mvi~a in S~ti~n ?,~?~ing.~e ~fion ~[ p~lng dis~ wi~ a ~ ~at, ~ ~nder s ju~nt, pr~ IoH~l~ ot ~e PrO.ny 0r o~er mated~ i~enl of ~er's inter~t ~ the ~ny or fi~ts ~der ~is ~u~ty I~ent. ~e p~ or' my awed or cl~ br ~ ~t ~ a~but~le to ~e ~pS~t of ~dcr's In.rest in ~e Property ae hercby ~i~ ~d s~ ~ p~d to ~nd~r. All Mi~ll~us ~ ~at ~g not appli~ to r~oratio~ or r~r of the Pro.ny sh~l ippli~ in ~e o~cr pro~d~ for tn ~tion 2, { WY) (~o5) ~ sot ~ Form 3051 1101 DEC 2i 2001 17:49 FR I~ELLS FARGO HOHE HTG 71:3 5?8 1526 TO 17d070779602 P.20/46 1~[o Borrower Not Released} Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extrusion of the ting for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this,Security Instrument grmted t~y Lender to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower or any Successors in interest of Borrower. Lender shall trot be required to commence proceedings against any Successor in Interest of Borrower or to refuse tO extend time for p~yment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums s~urt:d by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by Leader in exercising any fight or remexiy including, wlth_o..ut hmhallon: L,~nder..s gc~pt~ of pain. ts from third 9ersons, entities or Succorers in [ut~est of tlorrowgr or tn art~unts l~s than the amount then dlle, sllall not be a waiver of or pl~eclude the exen;i~e of any right or 13, Joint ~md ,8~ve~al Liability; Co-sillaers; Succorers and A~ig~ Bo-nd. Borrower alld ~r0~ ~at Borrower's obllgatiom and liability shall bo joint and several. However, any Borrower who co-signs, this getmrit¥ I~trum~nt but does not execute the Note (a "ce-signer"): (a) is co-signing this ' e * Security ~nt olaly to mortgage, grant and convoy the co-sign r s interest in the Property under the t~o"ns of this Secerity Ir~; C~) is not l~sonallY obligated to pay the sums seollmd by this S~curity instrument; and (c) agro~ that l~uder ~ ~my othe~ Borrower ctrl agree to exteod, modify, forbear or make rely acoommodalions with regard to the terr~ of this Security InsLrtl/l~ent Or tho NOte withOIlt the oo-si~er's S~bJect to tho provisiomt of Section 18, any Succ~sor in interest of Borrower who Bollower's obltgalion~ under this Security Instrument in writing, and is approved by Lgnd~r, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and benefits under this S~;urity Instrument. Borrow~ shall llot bo Ioleased from Borrower's obligations and liability umier th~ S~mtty Instrumon~ units Lender agr~ to such reichs in writing, The covcnsmt~ and aaro~m~nts of this ~ecurity I~trumeat shall bind (ex.pt a~ provided in Sectioll 20) ~d l:~.m:fit the succ~m and a~si~ of Lender. 14. Loan Ch~r~s. Lemdor may gharge BorrOwer fees for services performe~l in connection, with Borrower's default, for tho purpo~ of prote~ting Lender's ?iterest in the Pro~rty and rl. gh~ m.~d~.this Socurit~ hudnut, ineh~ding, but not limited to, attorneys f¢~, property inSl~otion ann v~tuauon ~ees. In regard to ~y other fee,s, the nbsan~ of~expr,~s.~.u_thont[. fee to Borrower shall not be constraen as a promomoll on me caaqlmll .u.~ ~.~,.,,~ .......... , .-- fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrurnellt or by Appncaole Law. If the Loan is subject to a law which se~$ rna.ximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpmed so that thc int~r~t or other loan charges collected or to be collected in cotmection with the Loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be r~uced by th~ amount necessary to reduce the charge to thc permitted limit; alld (b) ally sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pcrmittcd limits will be refund~ to Borrower. Lender i;my choose to mallg ~ats refulad by reducing the principal owed under the Nora or by making a dil~t payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be tlcamd as a Partial prcpaynlent without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's a~eptance of any sach roland made by diregt payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any fight cf action ltorrower might have arising out of such overcharae. 1~, Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this ~,eeurity Instrmrgnt mutlt be in writing. Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Inatrament shall be deen~d to have been given to Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when aciually delivered ~o Borrower's notice address if sent by other means. Notice to any one ltorrowsr shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law express_ly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be thc Properly Address unless Borrow,r has cl~igmted t substitute notice address by noti¢~ to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of Borrower's chanS¢ of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrowcr's change of address, ~hen Borrower shall only reporl a change of address through that spccifi~t procedure, Thcrg may be only one clcsignated notice add,ess under this Security Instrument at any one time. A~y notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stag0 herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice' connealon with this Security hastrunlo~t shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice re4uired by this SecuriB, Mstrument is also required under Applicable l.aw, the Applicable Law requir,~a~t will satisfy thc corrctponding requirement under thg Security (~-6(WY) (coos} ~,~;. '1o ot ~ Form :1051 DEC 21 2001 17:4~ FR kELLS FI:::IRGO HOHE HTG 719 5?8 1521~ TO 13078779602 P.2~/46 828 16. Ooverniull Law; ,%verahility; Rules of Con.ruction, Thi5 Securily Instrument shall he governed by federal law and the law of thc jurisdiction in which the Propcrty is located. All rights and obligations contalt~d in this Security Instrument ate subject to any ~¢quis-emcnts and limitations of ' w mi t ex licitly or implioitly allow the parties to .grce by contract or it A plicable Law. Applm?l?. La _ ..gh _ ,p ......... ~, ,e ~ r, rnhi iron a~alast agreerncnt by ~ntraet. In Am~t be silrnt, but such simnc~ s.ii, t~o~ o~ con,,,.~ ~.v .... b .~ thwhiAcPhP~b~ the event tho, any provision or clause of this Security lus _U3u~n.t o,r mc Not~ cou~!c~t,s_,w_i Law, such confl{,c~ shill not affect other provisions of thru Security instrument or mc r~u~ liven effect without thc conflicting provision, A~ used in ~his Security instrument: (a) wards of thc masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine gender; (b) word{ in the singular shall nlcan and include the plural mud vi~ versa; and (c) the word "may" ~iws sore discretion wifl~out any obli$adon take any ~ction. l"/, Bom'owl's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Imtrum~nt. la. Trsmsfer of thc Prol~rt:~ or a Benefidal Interest in Borrower. As used in this Set:tion 18, "Interest in the Property" means any legal or beneficial intcres~ in thc Property, including, but not l~mit~ to, those beneficial interests transferred iua bond for deed, contract for de~d, installn',~t' sales contract or escrow s{~rcern~nt the intg'nt of which is thc transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser, t in thc Pro rty is sold or transferred (or if ~oncower of the 1~o fly or any lnteres pe Lender's flor If ~11 o~ any pan . p~..t .............. ,~ ~,,~a or uansfcrr~d) without P written consent, Lender may naluirc immcd!ate pray ,n~n~t in full of all s~{ms secur~i by thi~ Security Instrument. However, this option shall not t~ exerc~sco by l~n~r if such exercise is prohibiU:d by Applicable Law. If l_~nder excrcim~ this option, Lender shall give Borrower noclc~ of acceleration. Thc notice shall provi~ a lzrlod of um 1~ than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordanc~ with Section within which Borrower must pay all sun~ secu~l by this $~urity Instrument If Borrower fails to pay thes~ s~a'us prior to the expiration of this pe~od, landez may havoke any remedies perrniued by this Security Imtrurueut without furtller noliC~ or ~lemand ou Borrower, ii). Borrower's Right to lleinstale ,kft~' Acede~ation. If Borrower meets c~nain conditions, Borrower e Pro rt utSttluli to lily po ...... · ' · s fived~ s before sale of th F: :t l~ , ' ' of prior to the earlier of, ( ) !Y ...... ~.,,.H,,mhl~ Law '{iht SI~'cIfY for the t~mmation ibis Se,~urity lnsUum~t; (b) su~ omer penoo -', ~ve .......... ml,~ ___ ' To mhatate; or (~) entry of a judgauent e.nfo.rciug this Securily l~t,.. Tho? Bono.wet m ri~h.t ..... avs lander all sums whi;h thru would be dUe uniter mis ~ecunty conditions are that BOFfOW,?: raj p ~y , ...... ~, t~.x ..... ~,w default 01' any other covenant~ or ]listnur~t ~d I~ Note as il no al~'..eler~on naa occurs-u, ~u~ v,~ .... ~" ' limited · c as all eXl~nS~S inourr~l in cufor~ing _this ~ty .kum~m?t,)ncl~ding! but not ~r~meup_L!_).p..~s .... , ,..~ -ro,~rtv insueaton and ~stuatton legs, anti user t0c~,s mcurrea fOr the takes such action ......... '-- to -ay the stuns ~.ecured by this Security fights trader this $~rity Instrument, aa(l t~orrowcr s oundut~ou ~ · h:s~t, shall eOnfirme unchanged, Lender may require that Borrower pay such rein~tatem~t sums and expe~ in one or mor~ of tl~ following forms, as sek~l b~ Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) , h~nk chOCk, treasurer's ch~k or cashier's check, pzovided ~my such check is dr_~.wn certified check ............... i-~tn~mentalitv or entity' or (d) Blectromc an institution who~ dc sits igc msurca uy a r~cra~ ns~u,,y, ........ ' .. · ......... ;~l~.'--.at~nt 1~., Borrower, this Se~urky Instnamnt and obligations u~. ~!. ~unas Tr~mr. upo.u ~.m~ .. a ....... .~ ....... .-~ However this fight to teimtate s~Ul nm shall r~main fully eff~ouvc a~ ti no acceleration a~o us~u..v,,. , applY20, ~ale of Note; Chaugc of Loan Servia.rS N~lce o,f.Gri~vance. Th.e_, to -- Uti lllstrurrl~I) ~all I~ Solo oue or more um~ wm~o~ v-'-' the No~ (together with this ~c Borrower. A sale might v~,sult in a ch{rage in the entity OmOWa as the "Loan Servicer") that collects Periodic Payments du~ under thu Note md this 5~urtty Instnm~ut and pefforu~ other mortgage loan servicing obligations under tho Note, thk $~,urity Instmmem, and Applicable Law. Thgre also might be one or more changes of the Loan Servic.¢r un~elated to a sale of tbe Nom. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borrower will be givm writt~ notice of the change which will state the uame and address o! the new Loan Servicer, the a~lress to wiglets payments shoutti be made and any other information RESPA DEC 21 2881 17:50 FR WELLS FARGO HOHE MTG 719 5?8 1526 TO 13078779E82 P.2'-~/q6 r~luir~s J~ connection with a r~otlce of cr~fc~' _of ~e~i~in~, I~ ~he Not~ ~ ~old ~d ~e~a~Or ~e se~i~d by a ~ Sc~iccr o~g ~ ~e purchmer of ~e Note, the moflgage lo~ s~icing obligations to Bo~ower will ~n wi~ ~e ~ Se~icer or ~ ttmsf~ed to a 5uc~s$or ~m Se~icer ~d ~c not ms~ by ~e Not~ p~chaser ureas o~e~is= pmvid~ by ~c Note purchmer. Nether Bo~g nor Lender ~y co~n~, Join, or be join~ to my j~ici2 ~tion (~ eider an individu~ litigmt or ~e ~m~r of a cica) ~at ~ses ~m ~e other p~y's aCtiOnS pursuit Security Inst~ment or ~at ~leges ~at ~e o~r p~y h~ bmach~ ~y provision of, or ~y duty ow~ rein of, ~s S~u~ty hst~nt. ~til such ~o~wer or ~nd~r h~ notifi~ th~ o~r p~y (wi~ such notice ~iven in ~mpll~c~ wi~ ~ r~qui~nt~ of S~tioa 15) of tach ~l~$e~ br~ach ~d afforded other p~ hereto a re~nable p~riod ~fi~r ~ ~iviug of ~ucn notice m ~, co~ecfiv~ a~fion. If ~plic~le ~w prov~es a ti~ pe~ which must elapse ~ofor~ cc~ act~on ~ ~c t~n~ ~at tim~ p~riod will be d~m~ ~ ~ r~onable for pu~oses of this p~agtaph. ~ notice of a~el~ratio~ oppo~ity to cum ~lven to ~ow~r pumu~t to $~tion ~2 ~d ~e notic~ of acceleration ~iw~ to ~wg pursuit to S~tion 18 ~h~l b~ d~ to ~e~ls~ ~e n°tic~ ~d opp~ity m t~o corrective action prov~ions of ~i~ ~fion 20. ~1, ~0~ Su~c~. As u~cd ~n thi~ S~tion 21: (O "H~dous Subst~ces' ge ~ose subsets dcfm~ ~ toxic or ~dous sub~t~es, ~llutmts, or w~tes by ~vi~nt~ Law a~d thc following ~bs~: $~line. kerosine, oter flmmble or to~ic pctrol~ pr~ucts, toxic ~ticides ~ homicide, v~atfle solving. ~teriaS can~ing ~bestos or fo~dchyde, ~d r~ioactivc ~crias'. (b) '~vlron~nt~ ~w' ~ f~erfl laws ~d laws of ~c jurisdiction whe~ ~c ~o~ny is l~at~ relae to h~, s~c~ ~ cnvim~nt~ proration; (c) "Bnviro~t~ Clc~up, includes ~y ~flon, re~l~ ~tion, or re.vat a~ion, ~ defined ~ Bnvko~ta Law; md (d) ~ Condition" ~s a ~ndi~on ~a~ can cause, contribu~ to, or omc~ls~ m~ger ~ ~virom~n~al Clemup. Borrower shill not ca~e or ~t ~e presence, use, di~s~, storage, or rele~ of ~y H~dous 5ubit~, or ~a~n to rcl=~e ~y H~ous 5ubst~ces, on or in ~t~ ~o~. Bo~ow~ shill not do. nor ~low ~yonc ~1~ to do, ~ ~tin$ ~ ~ny (a) ~at is ~ violation of ~y Envito~ent~ ~w, (b) which create~ ~ ~viro~tE Condition, or (c) whwh, due to ~e pre~ence, u~, or rele~e of a H~ous 3ub~tmc~, creat~ a ~ndidon ~at ~vetsaly afters ~e value of the Pmpe~. ~e priding two ~n~ ~hfll not apply to ~e pte~ce, use. or, smr~ge on ~e ~o~y of smfll qumtiti~s of H~ous SubdUes ~at ate lenerdly r~ized to b~ appropriate to no~ mtidenti~ us~ ~d to ~int~ce of ~ Pro.ny (i~lud~t, but ~ limited to, h~dous subst~s in ~ns~r ~er sh~l promptly giw ~nder w~t~ notic~ of (~) ~y investigation, claim, dcm~, lawsuit or o~er ~ion by ~y gov~ntfl or r~tulato~ a~ency or private pa~y involvin~ ~e Pm~y ~d H~dous Sub~c~ or ~nvito~entfl Law of which Bo~ower h~ ~m~ ~owledge, (b) Envim~n~ Condition, including but not limit~ to, ~y ~pillini, le~ing, ~schgg~, rel~e or ~eat of rel~e of ~y H~ou~ 5ubst~, ~d (o) ~y condition caused by the presence, u~ or rele~ of H~do~ ~u~$~ce which ~vers~ly affccts ~ vflue of ~ Property. If ~ow~r l~s, or is notifi~ ~y my love~tfl or re~lato~ au~ofity., or m~y private p~y, ~t ~y r~ovg or o~et r~iation of ~y H~us 5u~stmc~ ~cdn$ ~ Prop=ny i~ nec~s~a~, Bo~wer ~h~l p~mptly t~e r~a~i~l ~tiom in ac~ord~cc wi~ Enviro~nt~ ~w. No~int here~ shall create my obligation on ~d~ fo~ ~ ~vlro~td Cle~up, O~-6(WY) tOo~s} ~nge ~ or ]~ I:o~'m 3051 1/01 DEC 21 2001 1'7:50 FR t, ELLS FARGO HOIflE HTG ?lC~ 5'78 1526 TO 13078'779F~02 830 NON-UNIFORM CO¥1~NANT$. Borrower ~ ~r ~er ~ven~ ~d agree ~ follow~: 22. Aeeel~atlou; Remain. Leafl~ shall ~e notice to Borrower prior Io aeeel~ation follo~Bg Bo~ow~'s br~ of ~Y cov~B~t or a~r~eut in t~s ~ity l~t~t (but not p~or to acc~eration ~r ~ion I~ u~s Applioble LaW wo~d~ othe~). The not}ce shall m~ffY: (a) t~ de~ult; ~) the action r~r~ m cure th~ d~ra~h (c) a ~te, not 1~ th~ 30 days f~m the date the notice ~ ~v~ to ~wff, by w~ch the dofa~ mat ~ cw~; and (d) that failure to c~g the defa~t on or befor~ the dMo s~ifi~ ~ thru notice may r~ul{ In accusation of ih~ m~ ~ by t~ ~ty l~t~ent and s~e ~ the ~o~. The uotic~ shall f~h~ infom Bo~w~r or the ~ght lo rei~ate aft~ activation and th~ dsht ~ bring a co~ action io a~e~ the a degault or ~y oth~ def~m of Bo~ow~ to a~mlffa~on ~d ~e. If th~ ~a~t i$ not cured on or b~foro the ~te s~lfied in ~ uoti~, ~dur ~t i~ u~t~ may ruq~re i~ate all s~ s~ by ~ ~ur}ty ~t~n~ ~u~ ~her demand ~d ~' invoke the power ~le ~d ~ny o~ r~ ~r~tted hy AppliqUe Law. L~d~ ~{il bm entltl~d to toilet ~u~ i~ in p~{ ~e r~edi~ provi~ in this ~tio~ ~, iu:lu&ng, but '~ot li~t~ to, r~ble a~m~t' f~ ~d ~omts of fiflo If L~d. }nvok~ t~ ~wmr of s~e, L~d~ sh~ ~ve no{ice of inter to ror~l~ m Bo,ower ~d to ~he ~u ~ ~on ,of thru ~o~y, ff &ffermt, in ac~ ~th AppH~ble Luw, L~ mh~ll ~vg n~ of tho ~e to Bo~owff in the man~ provid~ ~ ~i~ 1~. L~na~ ~ali publ~ ~e noti~ of ~, ~ ~ ~o~y s~l bu ~id iu thg m~ pr~b~ by Appli~hle Law, L~d~r or i~ d~i~ ~Y P~ the ~o~y at any ~e. The ~ Of the ~ppll~ in ~ fol{o~ o~: (a) to all ~ of ih~ MIO~ iuc~u~ but aot H~t~ to, ~ble attorneys' f~{ (~) to all ~ ~ b~ ~ ~ity l~t; ~d (c) ~y exc~ to the ~ ~ ~m I~y mtitl~ to it. ~ ~i, ~w. 8~1 pay ~Y red,orion costs. ~der ~Y ~e ~'~ower a fe~ for rele~}ng ~s ~ I~L but only if ~e f~ is paid to a ~l~d p~Y for ~i~s ~der~ chMgtng of ~e f~ is ~B~ ~fl~ Appltuable Mw. 24, WMv~. ~ower ~le~s an~ w~ves ~i righls ~der ~ by vi~e of exemption lawa of 3051 1t01 DEC 21 200~L 17~50 FR bJELLS FRRGO HOf'IE F1TG 719 5?8 1526 TO 13078779eCI2 P.24;46, BY SIONINO BELOW, Bon'ower accepts and agree~ to the terms and eovenams contained in this Security Instmm~t and in any Rider executed by Barrower md recorded with it (Seal) ~, ~}l -Bnrrower -.Bo~o~r (Se~) ..... _ ($,al) -Borrower .Borro*'er -~ortower -BorrOwer -Borrower -Borrower ~6{WY! iooos) ~.a, ~.*=~ ~s Form 3051 1/01 DEC 25 2001 17:51FR ~JELLS FRRGO HOME HTG 719 5?8 &526 TO 13078779602 P.25/46 S~A~E OF WYOMING, Linco in Coullty Th~foregotng~nstmm~mtw~nc'lmowlcdgedb~forem~M~ 21st day of December, 2001 by m~S D. ~ 3061 1101 MORTOAO~ ADDENDUM The follow~ is ~ Addendum to the Mong~e. The add.dura ~h~l be lnco~oratcd ~to, m~d r~corded with, ~he This T~,-Exempt Fin~cing ~der ts Mcorpomted into and sh~l be deemed ~end ~e te~s of the Mo~8~e to which It is attached,. In addition to the coven~ts ~d ~eements made in thc SccuHW instniment, ~owcr ~d'~nder fu~hcr coven~t and a~ ~ follows: ~ndcr, or such of its successors or assigns as may, by sep~atc Mst~ment, ~sumc rcsponstbili~ for. assu2ng comp~ce by ~c ~ower pr~isions of ~ls T~ Exempt Financing ~der, may ~quire 't~ediate pa~cnt in full of ~1 sums secu~d by this Sec~flW lnst~ment All of pm't of th~ P~pcrcy ~oid or othc~i~e transferral [other by d~lse, descent or o~ration of law) by ~wer to ~ pu~ha~r or o~er transferee: i) ~o c~not reasonably be ~pectcd to oc~py ~c p~pc~ , as a p~nclp~ resident within a ~asonable or tr~sfer, ~1 as provid~ In ~ction Internal R~cnuc ~1 or ii) Who has had a p~nt ownership inte~st ~ a p~m:ip~ resMcnce during rely p~ of thc ~c year pefl~ ending on · e date of the s~e or tr~sfer, ~ as provided M Section 143(d) ~d (J} (l) of the lntem~ Revenue ~c; or Iii) At ~ acquisitJon cost which ts ~ater th~ 90 pcmcnt of the averse ~a p~rchase p~ce (sreater th~ 110 ~ment for targeted area residences), ~1 as prodded ~ Section 143(e) and (l) (~) of the Intem~ Revenue C~e; or iv} Whose f~lly income exceeds applicable '~momc limits as provided In Section 1~3{~ ~d (i) (2) of thc lntemal Revenue C~c. b) Bo~owcr f~ls to occupy'thc prope~ de.bed in the ~cuNty Ins~ment wt~out p~or w~tten consent of ~e Mnder or its successors or assi~s deified at the ~linn~g of ~l~ T~ ~empt ~nancins ~der, or c) Borrower o~dts or mtsrcpre~nts a fact that Is marshal with reset to the provisions of ~c~on 143 of ~e Internal R~enue C~e in ~ app~caflon for the loan ~cu~d ~ ~ls Secu~W lns~ment. References ~e to the lntem~ Revenue Code a~ ~ended, tn effect on the date cf execution of the Secufl~ Instrument ~d ~e d~med to lnchlde the implementing re~lationa. B~IQNINO BELOW, Bo~ower accepts m~d ~ees to the te~s and provisions /i~ t~s~T~xe~pt Fi~cing ~der. Bo~ower Bo~owcr MPP il0-B (Revised