HomeMy WebLinkAbout891667 A 1 B C o E F G H K L M N 0 P a R 5 T U V W x y Z 1 2 3 State of Wyoming Comer Record II In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Section 36-11'101, el seg., and the Rules and RegUlatio,J, of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors . I I RECORD: Nothing FOUND: Nothing f7~2 (:) '* Q) "\. (!>CS! æ "\. ~I c C\ SET: BLM type monument as shown below Brace Post Not to Scale 116 118S89'35'33"E 2651.26' 1325.63' 1251325.63' 04 No. Northinq Easting 1U7 7~17" L.j~17"1:14 W4 .7~37.j Lj':Jnlj4 105 1162937.759 2397146.8 o ~u It .L.j5 2.:19 '7.:1; .0 ( r au, . I LU ¿1~445 . ~ 6~ lÆJCL 239181 . 5 l~~ .74" 1 6 1165451.~302 2391871.0 17 . 2394522. 11 . 2394490. 11 71 Ö / 12 1161596.494 2394474. 124 1162929.013 2395818. 7 LO . iJU4 ;¿. 126 1767603.865 58 138 1164238:;g~ 23191~~r ,. .ouo ,. .1:11:1~ ,. lt5U ':n:~! :~Qi 143 1161581.771 2391821.21 05 <0 b Q) 0 N ~ c:5 ~ '" <0 S89'40'55"W 2653.16' '" 143 _ 1326.58'1~ 1326.58' 123 w ;,¡. M ëo f'I a ~ "" Q) N N N C\Ï Pi 0 '" '" '" ~ ' '" '" z o .... ....5305.48' CJ) S89'44'30"W 322,42' 142 1322.42' 10 1330.32' 122 114 ~ 1~ ~ LEGEND @ ~ lit Section Comer BLM type Monument Quarter Comer found !: 0 :z 0 w 0 ª,: r Z::;g . (")~ 0'\ 0." c:_ '.J z< -0 -1m .;::' .e....,.""... :x -<:0 ......,. . -:::, ~-:> iSi ð . -~ :,..;:..c:..- ,::) ï ::::; r'1 rn G~::O OÞ ::0 :::s; o 2000 '..............'............1..............1..............' Dale of Field Work 10 DEC 1991 Office Reference CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM œ \.Ø This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction end supet\lisioo. - SEAL & SIGNA TURE 0'\ 0" -I J K L M N o p a R 5 T U V W x v Z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 STA TE OF WYOMING Office of Clerk and Recorder County of Lincoln This ·comer reœrd' was filed at on the_ day of Firm / Agency, Address Lloyd B. Baker and Associates Box 210, 285 North Main Thayne, Wyoming 83127 Phone: (307) 883 - 2194 Fax: (307) 883 - 4194 Corner Name:Center North 1/16 Comer of Section 1, T32N R119W 6TH. P.M. Cross Index No: B-23 County CIeri< Deputy Desc. c-LO A-25 C-25 D-25 c-L.j E-21 IC-21 A-21 - ;:L - 3 - 4 - '3 C-24 A-24 .Q.24 B-21 A-22 ~ -;n. 11;;-27 D-21 - - I. - - ~