HomeMy WebLinkAbout891712BOOKO~ t RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK '" ~ 8 CORRECTIVE Q~q~EED PRPAGE.?_Z~_ 83 JtlL JEAHNE THIS se~s to co~ect th~ Quitclaim D~d recorded in lincoln County, ~Y~i:~.J~n~?,~d 30, 2003 in Book 525PR at Pag~ 4?9 as Instrument Number 891228. Th~ scfiwn~rs ~or in that original Quitclaim Deed is th~ spelling of th~ names of Janet Ma~ Vetos and Joseph Edmond Fa~ant. ~OW ~L MEN BY THESE P~SENTS, that ~C~L FAGN~T, a singl~ p~rson, of the CiW of Ke~erer, County of lincoln, State of Wyoming, Grantor, for ~d in consideration of the sum often dollars ($10.00) and other valuabl~ consideration, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac~owl~dg~d, CO~EYS ~ q TCL S to ~CHEL FAGN~T, CELENA ~LER, J~T ~ VETO8, JOSEPH EDMO~ FAGN~T, ~Y ~CHEL 2L~S, DOROT~ ~GELA P~TER, SUS~ ~ ELLIOt, ~THO~ GEORGE FAGN~T and MATTHEW JO~ FAGN~T as joint ten~ts with fights of su~ivorship, of th~ City of Ke~er~r, County of Lincoln, Stat~ of Wyoming, Gr~t~s, all interest presently owned or h~rea~er acquired in and to the following d~scfibed r~al estate, simat~ in Lincok CounW, Stat~ of Wyom~g, hereby r~l~asing and waiving all rights under and by vMue o[the Homestead Exemption Laws of th~ State of. WyOming, to-wit: Lot Numbered Tw~nW (20) and th~ no~h hal[~) of Lot Numbered Nineteen (19) of Block Numbered T~ (3) in th~ Fai~iew Addition to th~ Town of Kemm~mr, Lincoln CounW, Wyoming, as su~y~d, pla~ed and recorded. In witness whereof, I haw h~reunto set my hand t~s /d fi/ day of July, 2003. · STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Rachel Fagnant this /$1~ day of July, 2003. Witness my hand and official seal. COUNTY OF ~J':)'~;i!,.':~;~ STATE OF I ~Y C~?:IMISSION EXF'IRES. · ~ My Co~ission Expires: 3/24/07 NOTARY PUBLIC