HomeMy WebLinkAbout891900BOOK.~ PRPAOE (i ~ 7 oO'C)',/¢~ LINCOLN C0UNIY CLERK AFFIDt~T OF SOCCESSOR TRUSTEE I, LA~NCE E. ~LE~N, being of lawful age and being first duly sworn upon my oath, deposes and states as follows: That my mother, Jessie A. Alleman and my father, Winton H. Alleman, were the Trustors of the Winton Alleman Trust dated the 15th day of May, 1984 and any amendments thereto. 2. That on February 5, 1999, my mother, Jessie A. Alleman died. 3. That on May 23, 2002, my father, Winton H. Alleman died. That in the Winton Alleman Trust, dated the 15th day of May, 1984 and any amendments thereto, there was no successor trustee to my mother, Jessie A. Alleman and I was appointed to act as a Successor Trustee of that trust upon the death of Winton H. Alleman, Trustee. That I hereby accept the appOintment of my father to act as a Successor Trustee of the Winton Alleman Trust, dated the 15th day of May, 1984 and any amendments thereto. ( o That in accepting that appointment I receive all powers and accept all limitations and obligations cfa Successor Trustee as set forth in the Winton Alleman Trust dated the 15th day of May, 1984. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~4~ )ss. ) LAWRENCE E. ALLEMAN I, LAWRENCE E. ALLEMAN, being first duly sworn, states that I am the affiant noted above, that I have read the same, know the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true. LAWRENCE E. ALLEMAN Subscribed and sworn to before me this /~)/~lay of July, 2003 by Lawrence E. Alleman. My Commission Expires: NOTARY~LIC / BIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lU i ~ OFFICIAL SEAL z¢/~"i~ BANG D. PHO ~-~,~,~.'"'~ ~j~:~ COMM. #1400228 ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC* CALIFORNI~ ~ '~?~ San M~teo County :~.', '~'~' My C0mmissimi expires Feb, I3, 2007 ALBERTA )MING copy is COU --ALTH DEPARTMENT PLACERVILLE, CALIFORNIA 2015 FUNERAL AND LOCAL '~ ::' .-.:.: :, 95667 -' ' -'-29~C- - CA~'~- ' : ': .- /-:--':~';~ : ,~..-r' 1229 Rising Hill .~ West, P~ace~ill{ ._ R~ynolds" .-'' 4'' Place~ille, CA 95667 ? :¥:fi ~ -.:. ~ '~alm~ ONLy This is a {'fu'e and exact re~roducliofi'of the document officially registered placed on file in the office of the El Dorado County Health Department ~I~L~ (::~ '~ ' ~"-""~ 0-5/2 4/2 0 0 Z - -~ '~- 'L. DATE ISSUED COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER Hs sno va d unless prepared on an engraved bo; ~-~ ..... yn§ hedae, sea and signature of the County Health_(