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Know all men by these presents: that CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION hereby certify that
a certain mortgage bearing the date of December 12, 2000 made and execute~ bv Sharla J Ellis Marri~,a et ..... xx7
mor s so. ,
certain real estate there~ mentioned as security for the payment of $172,00~.00 as therein stated, which mortgage
was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register bf Deeds of Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, in the Volume/Book 457 Page 115 Document 870324 mortgaging the following described real estate
in said County, to-wit:
is, with a note secured thereby, ~d the aforementioned debt, l~lly paid, sa~ sfied, released, and discharged; and in
consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclai~ unto the said mortgagor the premises
thereby conveyed and mortgaged.
In Withes whereof, CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPO~TIOI has caused these Presents to be signed
by its Vice President and Asst. Secretary and its corporate seal to be affix~ this December, 13, 2001
Attes By: ~"~
Robyne Parks Courtne!FGU ~ ~
Asst. Secretary Vice Preside
~igned, ~eated and d~redfin t~e presence of:
State of Louisiana
Parish/Coun[y of Ouachita
On this December, 13, 2001, before me personally appeared Cour ney Gullette to me personally known,
who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he/she is the Vice President of 4 '.HASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE
CORPORATION and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporat, seal of said corporation, and that said
instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by author ty of its Board of Directors and said
Courtney Gullette acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed af said corporation.
Given under my hand and notarial sea! this December, 13, 2001.
Teresia T Di~.ki-
Notary Public
Lifetime Commission
Tbe State of' Wyoming
County of Lincoln
This instrument was filed for record at ~o'clock ~, on the ~ day of A.D. 19~,
and duly recorded in Book~ on Page
County Clerk and Ex-Officio R ~gister of Deeds
No. Fees $
By: Deputy Clerk
~epared by: She~ey Demoss Loan No.: 00~000111323~315
Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation Connty of: Lincoln
1500 North 19th Street Investor No.: 403
P.O. Box 4025 Investor Category:
Monroe, LA 71211-9981 Investor Loan No.: 1675910537
Lot 8 o~'~he Salt R~~~qhtr~--Subdiv~n, r-.in¢~l~_County, Wyoming
described on the offlC....ial plat thereof.
LESS AND EXCEPT land as shown on survey by Marlowe M. Scherbel, filed
December 8, 1993 as Instrument No. 77564~ in the office of Lincoln
County Clerk, described as follows:
" Beginning at the southwest point of said Lot 8 on the easterly right-of-
way line of Hillside Loop Road of said Subdivision;
thence N 38"59' E, 46 feet, along, said'easterly right-of-way line
to a point;
thence S 54"35.0' E, 269.89 feet, 'to a Doint;
thence East, 284.66 feet, to a point on the east llne of said
Section 12; .
thence South, the base bear'ing for this survey and description,
531.31 feet, along the east line of said Section 12 to the
southeast corner of said NE¼NE~;
thence N 39"17.8' W, 842.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.