HomeMy WebLinkAbout891953 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In cOl'lpllance with the CORNER PERPKTUArION MiD 11LlNC ACT, ""yoPllng Statutes, 1977 Section 36-11-101, et. seq., anel the Rules anel Regulations of the Boal"eI 01' ProFessional Englneel"s anel Prol'esslono.l lanel SUl"veyol"s) Revel"se slele of this Fol"l'I Play be useel II' Plol"e space Is neeeled. Recorcl of' original survey Ooncl c:ltOo tlon of' source of' hlstorlcOoI Inf'orMOo tlon <If' corner Is lost or olollterOo tecl). Description of' corner MonUMentOo tlon evlclence f'ouncl Ooncl/or MonUMent Ooncl Ooccessorles estOolollshecl to perpetuOo te the locOotlon of' this corner. Sketch of relOotlve 10cOotlon of' MonuMent, Ooccessorles, Ooncl ref'erence points with course Ooncl cllstOonce to OoclJOocent corner(s) (If' cleterMlnecl In this survey). Methocl ancl rOo tlonOole for reestOolollshMent of' lost or obllterOo tecl corner. CD u:> \.0 c.n w FOUNDI STANDARD GLO I.P. 8c B.C. T-POST 1'-0' NORTH Monument location ,.... :z (") o r- Z::c fT1 °0 2m '-- - z< -I ", -<0 C") r- fT1 ::0 ^ Monument Inscription "c:. C-. ,TJ a :(..~ ."- ~: --....:,. .::-;., -,.;;."" rì :::; ~..;'.J ~;:::- "e; fl >:.:: r-.,) ;:::> -' ~~i:; -' - ..-....... .~~¿ 1..0 U1 U) :.;;fTl 2:::ü . Date of Field Work: 7/07/03 Office Reference: ~ Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner recorcl woos preparecl Ioy Me or uncler MY cllrectlon Ooncl supervision. SEAL cf: SICNATURE I 2 ~ 4 . . 7 . . 10 II 12 13 14 II I. 17 I. II 20 21 22 D 24 2B A A · . c c D D · . F , o 0 · . J J K K L L y y N . D 0 P P Q Q R R S S T T u u v y w w · x y y z Z 1 2 " 4 " . 7 a I 10 " 12 ,,, 14 15 " 17 ,. " 2D 21 22 23 24 25 D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 Corner Name North Quarter Corner Section Jg, T ~ N, Rill W. 6th P.M. Cross-Index No.: ~ County: Lincoln Wyoming