HomeMy WebLinkAbout878159 HS SV,-79 IXICUMENT PROCESSING
Words used m multiple s¢cdor~ of ;his document are defm~d below and oth~r wor~ ar~ de~d in Sectio~ 3.
11, 13, ,Iff, ~ aha 2I. Certain ~les regard~g ~ usage of wor~ used ~ ~fis d~mmen[ are also prow~d ~
(A) "Security In~wumen~" me~ mis ~cu~nr, w~ch Is ~ted OECE~ER ~0, '2001 , Ioge~er
wi.fl~ nil Rt~rs m ~ ~um,nr. ,,
112). "Len~r. is
~,d,r i~ ~ A CORPO~TION
or~z,~ ~ e*i~un~ ~ ~ ~,~ of NEW YO~
4500 Park Granada. Calabasas. CA 91302-1613
~n~r h ~ mon~a~e ~d:r ~is Secumy
~) "No~" nm~m ~ pro~o~ no~e ~ned b~ Bo~row:r ~d d~md DECEMBER 20,
Nora s~ ~a; ~rrower owes ~n~r
ONE ~U.DRE0 T. IRT~ ~I~E T.0~S~ EIa~ HUNDRED SEVENTY and a0/100
Dollars (U S $ 13~, 870. fi0 ) pl~ ~terest, Borrower has pror~s;d Ia pay ~is ~b[ m re~lar
~) "~o~y" me~ ~ pro. ny ~a[ is descri~ ~low ~r ~e ~ad~g "Tr~sfe~ of R~u~ in the
(F) "Lo~' me~ ~h~ ~bI evil. ed by ~c No~, plus m~rest, ~y prepay~nI charges ~ la[~ cha~ges ~ue
un~r ~ Note, ~ all s~ d~ ~r ~hii Se~it~ Iaq~m, plus
WYOMING -SInGle Family- Fannie Mae/Frelld'ie Moa UNIFORM INSTRUMENT
*23991* *007869305000002006-*
10:05 From-COUNTRYWIDE FUND 30~fiT010~4 T-g~g P.04/15
appur~n~s, a~ fixtures ~ or he~ea~er ~ p~rt' o[ ~he pmpeny~ Ail replac~n~ ~ ~di~o~ s~l ~1~o b~
covered by ~$ Securivy lmlru~n~. All of ~h¢ tbr~go~g i~ referred m ~ ~i~ Sec~iW lmr~n~ a~ ~
BO~O~R COVENANTS ~t Borrower is law~lly sets~d of ~e :~tale hereby com.:yed ~ has ~e
ri~t ~ momga~, gr~l ~ coav;y tim Pro, fly ~ ~a; ttm Propeay ~s un~ulubered, exc;pt for
e~cmbra~s of record Bom)w;r warrants a~ will defend gemrally ~ ~ifle m ~e Prope~ ~ga~ all claims
THIS SECU~TY INSTRUMENT comb~ ~fo~ cove~rs for na;ional use ~ ~r;-~nifom~
cove~u wi~ l~d v~m~om by ]utis~cIion m comnmm a ~1o~ ~ecunry iml~nt covering real
UNIFORM COVENANTS ~rrower ~d ~r cave,or and a~ee ~
1. ~a~m~ of ~iacipai, Interest, Esero~ Items, ~e~ym~nt Charge~, ~d L~ Chaqes. ~rrower
sh~l pay w~n one Ih~ pr~p~ of,-and ~ere~I on, ~e ~br ~vi~nced by ~e No~ ~ ~y prepayment
c~ge~ ~ la~ charges due un&r ~ Note. ~rrower shall also pay ~s for Escrow h~ms pursuit
5e~on 3. Paymenr~ &~e u~r ~e No~e ~ ~ gaa~ty lm~z~n~ ~h~ b~ ~ ~ L}.S. curtsey. However,
if ~y check or olher. ~t~nr recelwd by ~r as pa~n~ re)der ~e No~ or ~is Secunt). lns~mem
r~m~ ~ ~n&r ~paid. ~er ~y requir~ ~t ~y or all subsequent payments due under ~ No~e and Ibis
~curi~ l~I~z~iI[ he m~ in one or ~re of ~ following fbr~, a~ ~el~cted by ~r to) ca~h; (b) rummy
order; (c) ce~ifed cb~ck, b~ check, treasurer's ch~ck or cashier's check, provi~d any such cMck is dra~
upon ~ ~s~im6on whose de~iir~ ar, ~t~rad by a &deral agony, imt~n~li~, or ~n~i~; or (d)
~ Tr~fer.
Pay~nt~ are &enid received by ~n~r when ret'elvcd ar ~e loca6on &si~a in ~e No~ or a~ ~ch
o~r l~almn ~s mgy ~ flesig~led by ~r in ~cor~e wi~ ~e notice provmiom m Section 15. Lo,er
may re~ ~y payment or pa~al pay~n~ if ~e payment or p~M pay~ms are ~uffielem to bring the ~
cu~eng. ~r ~y ~cep~ ~y payment or pa~ial paymem ~uffimenr to bring ~e ~ current, wi~our
~aiver or' any n~t~ hereu~r or preju~e ~o ~ts ri~ ~ re,se ~uch pay~ or p~Ila] pay~nts ~l ffm
~fe, but ~: is not obligated tu apply such pay~nt~ at ~e ~e such pay~n~ are gcep~ed If e~h
Peri~ic Pa~llt ts appl~d ~ of ~ scheduled d~ ~te, ~en ~r reed not pay i~resi on ~pphefl ~.
~er ~y hold such u~ppliefl ~ds u~il ~ower ~s pay~n~ ~ bring t~ ~ cu~enr. If Borrower
~s no~ ~ go wl~ a reasomble ~ri~ of t~me, ~nder s~ m~er apply such ~ or re~ ~m
~ower. If ~o~ applied earlier, such ~ will be applied ro ~ outst~ing p~'mcipM bulge u~r ~e No~
~flia~ly prior to foreclosure. No off, et or cla~ which ~orrower ~I have ~ow or ~ ~ ~mre
Le~er shad r~tieve ~rrower from ma~g pay~m~ fl~ un&r ~ Nog m~ ~is Security Imrm~n~
perfo~g ~e coven~ts ~d agreemems s~cured by ~ Secuti~
2. Ap~cation of Paymenta or Pr~efls. Exeep~ ~ o~erwise &scribed in ~is Section 2, ~1
accepied ~ applie~ by ~r t~l be applied m ~e following or&r of priori~; (a) ~mrest due ~r ~
Note, (b) pr~p~ ~ u~r ~ Nome (C) ~lo~s tire ~er ~c~ion 3. Such payn~nrs shall be applied
each Peri~ie Pay~n~ ~ ~ or&r ~ which i5 beca~ due Any re~ ~ shall b~ applied first m
c~rges, ~eco~ m ~y other ~ ~e~u~r ~is Secumy ~r~ent, ~ ~en ro xed~e ~e principal
bal~:e of ~e Note.
If ~r receive~ a pa~ent tYom Borrower fro' a ~l~ueng Pen~ic Pay~nt which h~clu~s
st~fficgn~ ~ount ro pay ~y lag c~rg~ due, ~e pay~n[ x~y be applied ro ~ flel~q~m paymenI ~ ~
la~e c~rge, if ~re ~ om Peri~ie Pay~m ~s outsmart, ~r ~y apply ~y ~ni re~ived ~om
~ow~r m t~ repaint of ~e Peri~m Pa~enrs if. a~ to ~e exgnr ~ag. each pay~m cm be paid ~ ~I
To ~ ex~g rhar ~y exce~s exists a~er ~ pay~nx h applied lo ~ ~11 pay~t of om or more Periodic
Payer, S, s~h excess ~y he appl~fl m any la~ charges fl~. ~olmt~ prepa~n~ sha~ ~ applied fir~ m
~y prepay~nt e~rges a~ IMm as deseri~ in ~e Now
ARy a~lication of pay~nts, ~ur~e pr~eefls, or Ml~cell~ous Pr~eeds to pri~tpal due ~r ~e
Nor~ s~ll ~r ex~ or ~s~om d~ due ~te, or change the a~r, of ~e Peri~ic Pa~nm.
3. Funds for E~erow Items. ~rrower shall pay m Le~r on ~e ~y Periodic Pay~n~ are due
~ Nog, ~til ~ Nog is paid ~ Mll, a ~um (~e "~s") m provi~ for pay~nt of amounrg ~e for:
[~es ~ as~e~s~nts ~ o~r lle~ which c~ ~[I~ pnoriiy over ~h Securi~ lmt~nl a~ a hen or
e~r~e on ~ ~o~ay; &) kasehold pay~nt~ or crowd rents an ~ Prope~, if ~y; (c) pre~u~ for
~y ~ all ~ur~ r~quk~ by ~r ~der Secuon 5; ~ (d) MortiCe ~um~e premm~, if any, or ~y
~ payable by Borrower m ~nder in lieu of ~ payment af Msrtgage lmur~ pr~miu~ ~ aacord~
wi~ ~ provisiom ol Section 10. ~ese ite~ ~e called "Escrow It~." At orig~mt~n or a~ ~y t~ during
~ ~ of ~e ~an, ~r may r~quire ~at Co~u~ty Ass~a~on Dues. F~s, ~ A~se~n~, it' any,
e~crowed by ~rrower, ~ ~h dues. t~es ~ ~es~n~ ~1 ~ an E~crow Item. ~rrower shall promp~y
~rtmh to ~r all no~ice~ of ~um~ m ~ paid ~r ~ts S~ion. Bo~ower shall pay ~n&r ~ F~s tbr
Escrow Items urdess ~r. ~aive~ ~go~er'~ obl~ation m pay ~ Funds for my or all ~crow 1~
~r n~y w~ive ~rrower'~ oblig~tion m pay m ~t ~s for ~y or ~1 Escrow I~ ar lay r~. Any
such wai~er ~y o~y' b~ m wnnng; la ~ event of ~uch wai~er. ~ower s~l pay directly, when ~d where
payable, Se ~s ~e tbr my E~crow I~e~ t~r w~ch pa~len~ of ~s ~s been waived by ~r aaa, it'
D~c-20-Ot 14~Z? Fr~a..iOUNT~¥~IOE FUN~ t1~3~1010~4 T-g74 P ~/OE
(I) ~'C~m~}' ~l DU~ Ft~ m~ ~e~me~~ ~ ~ ~es. ~, ~s~s~ a~ ~r ~'~ --~~ ...
~y ~ird ~ (o~.* ~ ~,r~{ p:~ee~ pa~ ~r ~ cov~ra~s
co~a~m of ~ Prop~'.
N~, pbs (ii) any ~m u~r S~cuoa 3 of ~ds ~c~i~y
(0) "~SPA" ~am ~ Real ~mte ~t~ ~ed~s A~ (~2 U.S.C.
a~l~ntmg r~Bul~lioa, Rggd~n X (~ C.F.R.P~ 35~), ~ ~, ~I ~ ~ed flora ~ m i~, or
~) "~r ~ ]a~ uf ~r~w~r" ~ any p~ ~1 ~s ~n
Fi'gm-COUNTRYWIDE ;UNO $038T01024 T-~:~O P.OB/1B F-3?~
DOC ID ~ ODOYB693054M93
L~naer rcqutr~s, shall farr~h m l.,¢~er receipts evi~ncing such pay~n~ w~thm ~h ~ p:ri~ a~
~y r~qtfir~. ~rower's o'blisation to ~k~ s~h paynims ~ m provi~ receipts shall for MI pu~oses b~
a~ ~rrowar labs to pay ~ ~o~; ~e for ~ Escrow lmm, ~n~r may ~rcis~ its ri~ts unde~ Section 9
~ pay such a~un; ann Boaow~r sMll ~en be obhga~d un,~r Section 9 to repay ~ ~n~r ~ such
~r ma~, ~t ~y ;i~, coll~ct ~ ~XU Fu~ in ~ ~un~ (a) suf~nt m pe~aJ ~r w agpl~ ~e
~ ~x ~ ;i~ s~cified ~r RESPA. ~ ~) not to exceed ~ max~m a~u~ a le~er c~ r~quir~
u~er ~SPA, ~r s~l emn~te ~e a~un~ of F~ due on Ow b~sh of c~re~ ~m ~d re~so~ble
em~t~s or ex~imres of furore Esc~o~ I~ or o~ise in ~cor~ce wx~ Appl~able ~w-
~e ~s s~H be ~!d ~ ~ ~timUon w~se &posits are ~urea by a tectal age~y, x~;~memali~y,
or eafi~ (~l~mg t~er, ~f ~r ~a m institution whose ~pos~ts ~e so ~uxed) or in ~y Feder~ Home
~ ~ ~n~r s~ll appl~ i~ F~ to pa~ ~ Escrow l~ ~ tatar ;~ mc ria~ ,p~cifi~a
RESPA, ~ sh~l not ;~rge ~rrower ~or hoi~s aaa apply~g me F~s, ann~ly ~al~g ~he escrow
accoum, or veri~ing ~e ~scrow he~. ~ss ~n~r pays ~ower m~rest on ~e F~ds ~a Applicabl~ Law
~r~its ~r ;o n~ s~h a c~g~. U~ss ~n agre~n; is ~ in ~'mng or Apphcabl~ Law reunites
in. rest ~ be prod on me F~s, ~er shall nor be required to pay Borrower any mterest or e~gs on ~
F~s. ~rrower ~a ~r can a~e m ~mng, t~owever. ~t inr~est shall be pa~ on ~ F~.
s~ll gt~e ;o ~rrower. wi~our c~rge, ~ ~ual ~co~g og ~e F~s as requ~ed by R~SPA.
If ~re is a ~u~las of F~s bela m escrow, as &~n~d u~r RESPA, ~r sMll account to ~rrower
for ~ excess ~ m accora~e wis ~SPA, If ~ere is a shorta~ of F~s held m escrow, ~s
un~r ~SPA, ~r shall ~ti~ ao~ower as requ~ed by R~SPA, a~ ~rrowar shall pay m ~r ~
anw~.l ~cess~y m ~e up ~ sho~ge in accor~'e wis RE~PA, bm in ~ more ~ 12 mon~ly
paymen~ R' ~ere is a ~ficie~y a~ F~ ~la m escrow, as ~a ~r RHSPA, ~r s~l
Bo~ower as requires b~ RESPA, ~ ~rrower shall pay to ~naer rne ~ant necessary to nme up ~e
~ficienc~ h~ aecor~ce wtm ~SPA, but ~ no morn ~an t2 money pay~ma.
U~n pay~n; ~ Mll of all su~ secured by ~is Securi~ I~tmmenL ~nder sh~ll promptly re,nd to
~rrower any F~ ~td by
4. Charges; Lkm. ~rrower s~ pay all ta~s, assessments, c~rges, ~es. ~ ~smom amibumble
m ~ ~o~ay whtch ~ ar;a~ pnori~ over ~s S~curiw I~t~m. le,g~Id pay~nrs or ~ouna r~n;s on
~e Prolgny, if ~sy, a~ Co~u~ Ass~iafion Dues, Fees, ~ Assessment, ~f ~y. To ~ extent tM;
nea~ are Escrow lg~, ~nowgr shall pay ~m ~ ~ ~r pmvi~ in Section 3,
~wer stroll promptly disch~ge ~y li~n which ~s priorn~ over ~is Sect~ity ~m~m
Borrower tn) a~e~s in wri;~g m me pay~nI of lhe obligatmn s~curea by ~e lien ~ a ~r accepmble
~n~r. but o~y so loM as ~rrow~r is ~ffo~g such agre~a~m; (b) contes~ a~ lien in go~ faiih by.
&t~ agaimt e~brc'e~nr of ~ l~a ~, le~l precedes which m ~n~r's op~oa o~rare ~a prevent
e~mc~nr of ~e hen whil~ ~ose pr~eeamgs ~e ~g. but o~y ~ s~h proceed~gs at~ co~luded; or
(c) secures tYom ~ ~l~r of ~e lien ~ agree~nt ~atisi~cm~ to k~t subordi~thlg ~: lien w
Securily lmr~nI If ~r &~s rMJ any part of ~ Pro. ny is subject ~ a lien whicti c~
priority over ~im Securiiy ~m, ~n~r ~y g~ve Borrower a ~tice i~nd~mg ~e l~n. Wi~h~ 10
oi ~ ~ on ~h I~ ~fiee i~ gweu. ~O~er shall s~ ~e lien or ~e o~ or more of ~e ~fiom
fo~ abaw m ~his Section 4
~r ~y r~qulre ~rrow~r to pay a on~-xi~ c~ge ibc ~ real estale ~x verification ~tot
5. Pro~y I~ur~ce. ~rrow~r shall keep ~ ~provemen~ now exis~ or ~reaRec erectud on ~
Pro~y ~urefl ~ga~I loss by fire, ~ards ~luded wi~ ~e te~ "ex~d coverage," ~ any
~ar& ~1~, b~ ~t l~mo w. e~qu&~s ~d fl~ds, tot which ~r require~ ~u~e.
~l~e ~11 ba ~m~d m ~e ~u (~lua~ d~dac;ibk levels) ~ {bt ~e ~ri~s ~a;
requkes. ~ar ~r requires p~suam m ~ precept senm~es c~ cha~e during the ;ers ot ~e
~ tmurance carr~r provide] ~ ~suf~ce shall b~ chosen by ~rower subject m ~n&r's right
disapprove ~rrower's c~ice, wh~h ri~[ s~ll ~t be exerciseO u~e~o~bly. ~r ~y require
w pay, ~ co~c~{on wi~ ~is ~, e{~r: (a) a o~-i~ c~tge for fl~d zo~ ~te~r~on,
~ ~r~ek~ sea.es; or th) a onequ~ ch~ge for fl~d zo~ de~fion ~fl cerfi~'afion se~ices ~
sabsequem ch~ge~ each ti~ re~gs or s~l~ c~ages ~c~ wll/ch reasombly ~ affect such
~inat~n or cgmficafion ~rro~er s~ll also be tes~m{ble fo~e palm of m~y t~es i~ed by
F~&ral ~rgu~y M~ge~n~ Agenc~ m co.chon w~ ~e review of ~y tl~ zo~ deter~rion,
resullmg from ~ objection by
. It ~rro~er t~fls m ~mia~ any of ~e coverages ~cr~ed above, ~n&r ~y ob'mm ~ut~ce
covgrage, at ~r's option ~ Borrower's e~me. ~r is ~t no obhgat~n m purch~e any particular
~e or ~I or' coverage. ~reforg, such coverage s~ll cover ~r, bur n~r or ~r nor prmect
Borrower, ~rrow~r's eqmty ~ ~ ~o~r~, ot ~g contents of ~ Pro~y, agaimr ~y risk. h~ard or
DOC ID ~ 000786930~43193
· aI ~e c~ of ~ i~ur~: cuv~r~ ~o obm~d mi~h~ ~[~fica~ly exceed ~ ~cost Of ~ur~e
Borrowe~ eoald ~ve abided. Any m~ d~bur~ed by ~r ~r !~9 Section 5 ~hall ~ca~
~bt or' Borrower ~ecured by ~i{ Seedily [~[ra~cnI, ~s~ ~ls ~hall bear mmr~st at ~ Nolo ~a~ from
~e da~e of disburse~nt a~ shale 'b~ payable, wi~ ~uch inmre~t, u~n ~nc~ f~om ~n&r m Borrower
requesting pay~n[.
All. ~ut~ ~licies ~qui~cd by Ix~r a~ re~wals of ~uch pohci~ {hal1 bc sabj~c/m ~n~r's
to disapprov~ s~h ~licie~, ~hal{ i~lm~ a standard ~r/gage chuse, ~d shall ~[n~ ~er ~ mortgagee
a~/or as ~n ~dl~oflml los~ paye~. ~n~r ~ll ~e Ih~ rt~t ~ hold ~ ~licie~ and r~mw;d cenifica~s.
~r ~eq{~ires, Borrower s~l promptly give m ~M~r MI tec~ipm o[ paid pre.urns ~ r~wul nodcc~.
Borrower obm~ any tom at' imur~ce ~over~r, ~t o~cr~e raquirud by ~t, tbr d~ to, or
~sl~ction ut, th~ Pm~, smh ~hcy ~11 ~lu~ ~ afeard mortgage chus~ ~d ~hall r~c ~n&r
mutlgagee ~/ot a~ ~ ~iUo~l loss payee.
~ ~e evem of lass, ~rrower s~all give prompt noticg to ~e ~c c~icr ~ ~r. ~r
iB~ ~f~g proceeds, wt~mer or ~t me ~rlyil~g ~urance was r~qmred by ~et, shall ~ applwd
re~totafion or ~pair of ~e Pro~y, ,f Om re,arabian or repair ~ ec~call) ~caaible ~d ~n~r% a~curity
not laaaan~a, Dut~ ~llch repair ~ resmrat~n ~ri~, ~r ~a have ~e xi~x m ~la such ~ura~e
pr~ 'until ~t~r ~ ~ ~ opportunity to ~ct auc'h Pro~ Ia ensure ~ warp ~s been compl~
to ~r'a aaI~f~on, ptov~d ~t such ~ction a~ll be u~aken promptly ~t~r ~y diaburae
proc=ed~ for ~ repaffs ~ restorable ~ a single paya~nt or {na sert~s of ptogr~s~ pay~entt a~ ~ ~ork
campkmd Ll~ss ~ ~ccm~nt i~ ~ ~ ~itmg or Apphcable ~w r~qalre~ hter~sI m be paid on such
F~es for p~hl~ ~ju~rs, or o~r ~ird p~s, teml~ by ~rrower a~ll not ~ paid out at' ~e ins~e
pt~M~ ~ shalt be fl~ sole obligation cf ~rrow~t. If ~ r~sroraUon or repair Is ~t ~o~ndc~ly t~aaible or
~'~ aecurity weald ~ l~e~d, the i~e proceed~ ~hall be applied m ~ s~ ~ured by
Sccari~ ~eat, w~ or not ~ma ~, w{~ ~he excess, it' ~y, paid m ~a~r. S~h
pr~ ~I b~ applied ~ ~c or~r provi~d for m Section 2
If ~rrower aban~m ~ Property, ~n~r may file, negotmte ~ s~ttle ~y avail~le {~ur~ce cia~
~ tela~d n~r~ It' Borrower ~s no~ re~ad wifl~ 30 ~ys to a mtic~ ~om ~n~ ma~ ~ ~ura~
cattier has offered m s~ule a cla~, ~n ~ ~y ~t~am a~ a~c ~e cla~, ~ 3~y ~nod
begm w~n ~ ~lice is ~ven. la ~i~r evenL or $f ~n~t acquires fie Pro. ny ~r S~ctton 22 or
a~wise, BorroWer hereby a~{~ ~ ~r to) Bortow~r'a ri~t~ m my ~sur~e pr~eeds ~ ~ amount
naI m e~ued ~c amounts ~p~d u~t ~ No~ at ~m Sccatiw Im~at, a~ ~) ~y o~r a[
t~tm (o~er ~ ~ r{~ ~o ~y ~e~ ot'une~d pte~u~ pa~ by ~rtowcO u~r all ~at~c~
im~e pt~ee~ ei~t to repa~ o~ to{are ~e ~o~ny or m pay ~o~ta ~aid unit ~ Note or ~i~
Security ~tmmem, w~th~t or ~l ~n ~,
6. ~.cu~ucy, ~rtower ahmll ~cupy, cs~bh~h, and us~ ~ Ptap~t~ aa ~rro~r's pr~al residence
wi~m ~ ~ys a~r ~ ~xecution of tiffs Secumy ~n[ a~ s~ll com~ue lo ~cupy the Pro~r~
Bor/owu~'a pr~ipal re~c for at tea~ o~ y~ar a~ur fl~ ~ of ~cup~y, u~,~ ~t o~erwi~
~ wrum~, wM~h eoment ~ ~ b~ ~'e~ombly w~ld, at u~em~ ex~aat~g citc~t~s ex,at wlfich
at~ beyo~ ~trower'a control.
7. ~e~rvation, ~a~c~ ~d ~ion ~f the ~; Im~etions. ~mwer shall mt
d~ge or ~pair ~ Pr~ allow ~e Pro~y to ~riota~ or co~ni't was~ on ~ Proart. ~ur or
~ ~iro~er i~ t~a~ ~1 ~e Pro~rty, ~otrowet atoll ma~m~ ~ Pro~ ~ ot~z m prevent ~
~om ~riot~g or ~et~aamg m valu~ ~ m tea co.ilion. Unless it is ~te~d p~s'u~t to S~clion 5 mat
wpait or ream~atiou is not eco~cally feaaibk, ~nower {~II promp~y re~k ~ Pro. ny if ~uage~
druid ~tlher ~mfiorafio~ or dmg~. if inmuta~e or co~tian pr~e~ ~ paid m ca~ctio~ w{~
d~gc ~, or ~ ~g of, t~ Proart. ~owcr shall ~ reachable Ior repmt~g at r~s~ring ~c' Pto~r~
o~y ff ~n~r ~ ~el~asefl pre.ada ~or s~h pu~s~a. ~t ~y ~tae proce~d9 for ~ t.pa~s
r~a~fion in a ~e paymaat or m a a~x~s of prosrea~ paymems aa ~ waFk is co~kt~d. 1[ ~e ~mu~
co~/ion pr~ee~ ar~ no~ au~cten~ Ia t~pa/r o~ te~ta th~ Ptapc~, ~rowet i~ not relayed
~rtowet'a obligation fat ~c compleuon of au~h te~tr at reamration.
~ or its agem ~y ~ reg~ble cnn'~s upon ~ ~p~tiom of ~ Pro~y It ii has re~b~
ca~e, ~r t~y im~ct ~ interior of ~ a~rown~nt~ on ~, Pro.ny. ~n~r m~l gtv~ Borrow.~
at ~ t~ of or prior to ~uch an m~nor ~Uon {~ci~h~8 a~h t~n~o~ble came
~. ~rmwer'{ L~ Application. ~rrower s~ll ~ in ~f~lt d, dod~ ~ ~ application
~owcr or my ~rsom or emilics acr~ ar ~e ~cdon of Borro~r or wi~ ~rrower's ~wledge
com~nr gave ~rial]y ~l~e, ~slc~ing, or hmcgura~ ~u~iion or ~ralc~ ~ ~r (.or fmlud
provl~ ~r ~l~ me.rial i~o'mmt~) In co. clan wi~ ~ ~. Ma~r~ repr~s~ma~iom ~'1~. bur
~e not l~d [o, rept~ien~Iio~ co~er~ng ~rmw~r'~ ~eupa~y of lh~ Pro~rty as ~rrower'~ prmcipal
D~ ID ¢ 000786930543193
9. ~ot~ction of l~nder's Inheres{ ia the Pro~l~y and Righu Under tiffs ~cuHt3' l~i~mcn~. If (~)
~rru~er f~{ ~o ~donn ~ covc~m~ ~ agreemen~ con~d in ~s Securi~ Imuu~nL ~) ~re
l~g~ pr~eed~g ~r might $i~ficantly affect Lcn~r'~ ~reres~ ~ ~ Proper~ ~id/or rights un~r O~is
Scc~ity .lm~r~m (such as ~ pr~;eding in b~ptey, ~robate. for con~ion or forfeiture, for
;ntorcemem or' a lien which ~y a{ram priority over ~is Secur~ ln~u~n; or to enforce la~-~ or re~latiom),
or (c) Borrower ha~ uba~o~d ~ ~o~y, ~h~n ~er ~Y ~ ~d pay for whoever i~ reaso~ble or
appropria~ ~o protec~ ~r's interest in ~c ~ope~ a~ ri~; ~r ~{s S~curiry lmr~nl, incl~
pro~r~g an~or assessing ~ valu~ of ~ Pro. fly, ~ secures ~/or repau~ I~ Prop2r~y.
aelio~ c~ ~clu~, but ur~ ao; l~{~d w' (a) paying any ~ secure&by ~ l~n which h~ poorly, over
Sec'~{~y lm~a~; &) upswing ~ court; aha re) paying r~aso~ble ~rro~ys' fees io pro.ct irs in.rest
lh~ ~o~ ~/or r{~s ulcer ~hi~ Securi~ Imr~ai. ~cl~g ils s~ured ~ifion m a bankmplcy
precede. Securing ~e ~o~ ~cl~es, hut i~ not li~ted Io, e~er~g ~ Pro~r~ to ~ke repairs, c~
locks, r~lace or Vourd u~ d~rs and w~l~ws, drain wat~ ~om pipes, el~ build~g or other
wolaliom or d~erou~ co~i~ns. ~ ~ve u~ili~5 mrmd on or off. ~ough ~r ~y t~e action u~r
~{s S~;5{~ 9, ~r does ~i ~ve to do so a~ ~ ~t ~,v,~r my duiy or obligation ~o do so, It i~ agreed
~r l~ur~ m [{ab~lily for ~ tak~ ~y or ali ~c[~om au~ortzea ~r m~s Section 9.
Any ~o~ ~b~r~d by ~r ~r ~}~ Section 9 s~ll b~co~ ~r~l deb~ of Borrower
a~ s~ll be pay~bl;, wi~ such ialerest, u~n ~rice tYom Lez~r ro ~ower r~qu~simg pay~nr.
If ~is SecuriIy im;~n; ~ on a l~ehold, Borrower sl~ll comply M~ MI ~e provisions of ~ leas~. If
to ~c merger ~ writing
10. Mo.~g~ In,or.cc. If ~t~r r~qu~ed Mo~gag~ ~ur~e as ~ co~kion of ~g ~c ~,
Bo~ower ~11 pay ~ pte~un~ requir~d ~ ~ ~ Moss,ge Imur~ in elfecL If, for ~y reason,
Mop.ge Imur~ toyotage required Vy ~n~r cea~e~ ~ ~ ava{labl~ ~om ~ mo~gage ~urer
pravtou~ly provi~ ~'h ~sur~e ~ ~o~er ~as r~qu~ed m make ~epar{~ly &si~ted p~y~nts ~w~d
~ pre~ for Me.gage lmura~e. ~rrower sh~l pay ~e prenfi~s re~a~red ~o ob~ coverag~
subsrm~i~ly equivaem ~o ~ Mo~gage ~sur~c previously ~ effect, at a cost/ubst~tiatly equtv~enr
co~I m ~rrower of ~he Mot{gage Insur~e previously m effect, ~o:n ~ al~nmte mortise ~uter selected by
~f. If s~b~aially eqmval~m Mo~gage lmura~e Co, eraSe i~ ~t available, ~rro~'~r ~11 comw~e
p~y ~ ~r ~¢ ~unt of lhe separately ~sl~led pay~m~ ~r were ~ when ~e ~ur~e coverage
of Mo~gag~ ln~ur~e. Such loam re~erv¢ s~ll ~ non-te~hle, t~i~st~g Igc f~l ~t ~e
ulI~ly paid in ~l, ~d ~nder shell ~t be requked ~ pay Bo~ower ~y ~er~t~ or ear~gs oa such loss
reserve. ~n~r c~ ~ longer ~eqaize loss reserve pay~nrs if Mortgage lm~ cowrage (m ~
a~ for ~ ~riod ~t ~'~c requires) p~ov~d by an ~urer ~elec~d by ~r again ~co~s ~vaiiable,
ob~d, ~ ~r reqMrem $ep~amly ~¢~t~d pa~nrm ~ward ~e pre~ tbr Mo~gage Imura~e. If
~n~r re~lred Mo~gige I~ur~ al a co~iiion of mnk{ng ~ ~an ~ Bo~ower ~a~ :~quired
separably d~igm~ pay~nts ~d ~ pceml~ fur Morrgage Imur~, ~ower sMII pay
pc~ r~qu~ed ~ ~m Mo~gage ~ in effect, or m provi& a non-tc~able lo~ reserve, umil
:he ~r'~ require~nt for Mo~gage In,urge ~s m accor~e ~i~ ~y wrico agreen~nI
Borrower ~ ~r prov{dMg tbr s~h re--zion or ~fil ler~fion ii required b~ Applicable ~w,
No~mg in ~ ~cfion 10 ~ec~ ~.o~er'~ obligation m pay ~resr al ~e ra~ provi~d M ~ Note.
Mo~$uge Imur~<¢ rei~s~s ~r (or ~y emi:y ~ purchases ~ Note) for c~in losses
~u: ~ ~rrow~r ~s no{ repay ~ ~an aa a~e~d- ~tro~er {~ ~I a pa~ ~ ~ Mo~gage
Mon~ge ~rs ~valuate ~e~ ~:~ ~imk on ~1 ~h ~ur~e ~ forc~ ~om {~ ~ rhne, ~ ~y
~ro a~ree~m~ with o~r p~t:e~ that s~e or ~di~ ~eir risk, or re.ce lo~e~,, ~cse a~ee~nr~ are on
{~rm~ ~ co~iiom ~at are {ati~t~' to ~c mop,rage ~urcr ~d {he o~r party (or pa~s)
lhai r~ ~g~ge i~nrer ~y have ava~ble (which ~y ~l~ M~ obtai~d ~om Mortgage lnsur~e
As a r~sul{ of ~e a~n~n~: ~r, any purchaser of the Note, ~¢r ~sure:, ~y roinsu~er, ~y
other enuty, ur ~y a~liam ot ~y of ~e foregoing. ~y receiv~ (directly or ~ir¢cIly) ~unta ~ha~
frora (or ml~ ~ ct~r<~rized a~) a ~ton of ~rro~er's pa~n~ for Moagu~ lmura~e, a ~xc~nge for
sh~ or ~ffy~ {he ~rtgage ~urer's r~k, or reaacmg los~s. If l~h ugre~m provi~s
a~iu~ or' ~r ~s a s~re of ~ ~ur~r'i ri~k M exc~ge for a shoe of Ee pre~un~ paid to
~urer, ~ arrange~{~ is o~n ~d "captive re~ce." F~hcr.
,(a) ~Y such ~men~ will no~ aff~ct ~e ~oun~ ~mt Borrower h~ agreed m ~y for
Im~, or ~ ~her term~ of the L~n. Such a~eements ~'iH not inere~e th~ amount Boero~r ~ill
ow~ rot ~ Insurance, and they ~'iH not entitle ~rrowec to any re.nd.
DOC ID # 0007~6930543193
(la} Any such agrcemen~ will not affect the rights Borrower h~ - if any - with resPe~'l to the
Mo~gage l~ur~ under Ihe ~o~eow~ers ~o~e~ion Act of 1~8 or ~y other Jaw. These righ~
include ~e ri~t m receive ce~ain disclosures, ~ request and ~min c~cellafion of ~he Mo~gage
Insurance, m have the Mop.ge l~u~nce terminates automatically, and/or m receive a re.md of any
Mo~gago l~uranee premiums lhaI ~ere one.ned at th~ time of such can~l~floa or termination.
H. ~ignment of M~l~neou~ ~eeds; ~offelture. All Miscella~ous P~ee~ a~e hereby
m ~d s~ll ~ paid m
ff ~ Pro~r~ ts ~maged, such Miscell~Ous Procaeds shall be applaud ~ ~esm~adon m repair of
Pm~, ff ~ ~.gs~radon or repair is eao~a~y legible ann ~r's s~cari~ ~s x~ lgsse~d. ~g such
repair ~ ros~ranon ~ri~, ~r s~lt hava ~e righI m ~ld s~ch Mlscell~us Proceeds ~lIil Ld~er
h~d ~ op~ ~ ~t s~h Pto~rty to e~ure'tl~ work h~ been compleled to ~z's sat~t~cuon,
prov~dg~ ~ ~ugh i~t~n ~hall be ~rt~n promptly, ~r ~y pay for ~ rgpalr~ ~ restoration in
s~gl~ ~tibur~em~n~ or ~ a aene~ ut' pro.ess pay~ as ~ work is comple~d. U~ess ~ agrgement is m~
m wrking or Applkable Law requires ~res~ ~ ~ paid on such M~ee~ous Price&, M~r sh~l no~ be
required ~ pay ~rrower any ~res~ or g~mgs on s~h Misc~ll~ous Pr~eeds. ff I~ restoration or r~pair
~o ~e $~ secured by ~$ .S~uri~ I~nt, w~er or ~g ~en du~, wi~ t~ excess, if an~, paid
Borrower. Such M~scall~ous Proceeds shall be appl~d in ~ afar pravl~d for in Section 2.
In ~ even~ of a Io~ taking, ~s~ction. or lo~s in .al'~ of ~he Proart, ~e Mii~ell~ouf Pr~eedt
s~ll be applied m ~e ~u~ secured by ~ia Securi~ ~ment, w~mer or ~[ ~en due. wire ~ excess, if
~V, pa~a m Borrower
In ~ ~venr nfa panini [~g, &s~cdoa. or loss ~ val~ of ~e ~o~ny ~ whkh ~e hit' ~r~t value
of ~ ~o~ ~iaely ~fore ~e p~t~al ~ing, ~sr~g~n, or loss in ~alue is equal Io or ~eater ~
~ultl of ~ s~s secur~ by figs Sucuri~y lmI~m i~a[ely before ~ partial t~g, ~s;mction, or
Bsa in val~ t~ess ~rrower aM ~r o~erwis~ agree ~ wrid~, ~ s~ ~ecured b~ ~ Sec'ari~
Im,mme~ s~ll ~ re.ed by die ~mt[ 6[ ~e M~scell~om Pr~s mulnpli~ by ~ I~llowing fraction:
(a) Ihe total a~um of ~ sa~ sec~ed infO. rely before ~ partial tang, ~s,~tmn. or los~ m value
diBi~d by ih)~ h~r ~rket value ~af ~ ~oper~ radially beBre ~e p~dal ~g, ~ttmcdon, ar loss m
value, Any bd~g shall be paid m ~,rower.
In ~ event of a paaid rake, ~s[mcdon, or loss ~ value of ~ Pz-o~y ~ w~Ch ~e hk market value
of th~ ~o~n? ~amdiamly ~fore ~e panhl ~aking, ~simcnon, or lo~ in ~m i~ leis i~ ~ ~mm~ of
s~ secured ~ediamly. ~fo~e ~e partial t~g, ~s~tion, or loss ~ value, ~e~ 'Borrower ~d ~nder
o~rwisg a~ee m writing, ~e M~cell~oa~ Pr~eed~ ~MII be applmd to ~e su~ sec~aed b~ m~ security
If ~ Pro.ny ~s abashed by ~rrower, or if, after no~tce by ~n&r m ~nOwer ~ ~e O~osi~
Pa~y las defined ~ ~ ne~ se~e) offers m ~e an award to se.lc a claim for ~ges, Borrawer
respond m ~r wi~ ~ ~y~ a~r ~e ~t~ ~ ~tic. is given, Let~r is au~gd m collect ~ apply
MRc~ll~oua Pr~eg~ ei~r m restoration ar repair of ~e Pro~r~ or m ~ au~ secured by ~is Securit~
l~m~m, whe~hgr or ~t Ogn ~ '~s~g P~y" ~am ~he ~ird paro ~a~ owe~ ~rrower
Mi~cell~ous Pr~ee~ or ~ pa~ abaft whom 8orrawer ~t a r~ of ~Iian ~ reg~d to M~scallaneo~
~vrowe~ s~all ~ m defaal~ if any'~t~a or pr~ee~ng, whe~er c~wl or cr~l, l~ begun ~aL
~v's ~nt, could reset ~ t~a~tmre of ~ Property or o~ ~ga~ ~pmm~m o~' ~n~r'~
m ~ Pro~r~ or nghls under ~his Secuti~ lm~n~ Borrower c~ cure s~h a &faul~ ~d, if ~celeration
.has ~cmr~, r~imta~ a~ provi~d m.~efion 19, ~ caus~ ~e ~don or preaching to ~ diseased
mlmg ~I, ~ ~r~r'~ jud~m, preclu~ Brfeimre of ~ Pro.ny or od~r m~rial ~pairmem of Lear's
~rest in ~e ~op~ or ri~rs u~r ~is Seedily l~mmem. ~ priced, of ~y award or cla~ for
~ges ~t are am~bamble rd ~e m~paimn[ of ~t's in. rest h ~e ~o~ are ~r~by ~,ig~d
shall ~ pai~ go ~r.
~1 M~cdl~ous ~ced~ ~a~ ar~ mt applmd [0 t~smrat~on or r~pair of ~ Prope~ shall he applies m
~ or~r promOd for ~ ~cd~ 2
12. BorroWer Not R~i~med; For~arance By L~ndcr Not a Waiver. Extemioa of ~ t~ for pa~nt
or ~fieafion of ~rr~a~n of ~ ~mns secured by ~s Security Imtm~nt gr~md by LeM~r to Borrower
or ~y S~cessor m l~erest of ~ower s~ll ~t operas rd rele~ ~ liability of ~ttower or ~y Saccessor~
~ In~re~t or ~rrower. ~n&r ~h~ll ~[ be requ~ed m co~e pr~,dmgs aga~r any Succesmr m
~mres~ of ~ower or to rc~se m ex~ t~ for payn~n~ or o~erwis~ m~fy mnizadon of z~
~car~d Cy ~ ~guri~ I~mm by reason of ~y ~ ~ by ~ o~igt~l Borrower or ~y Succ~ssor~
~ lngr~s[ of ~rrower. Any fo~gg~ b~ ~r m ~xercising my ri~[ or re~ay ~l~g. walnut
libation, ~r'~ accapt~ce of pay~n~ from ~rd per'om, em~lies or Smces~ors h~ lnmrest Of Borrower
or ia amo~ l~st Ihan ~ ~unt Sen due, ~ha~ nog be a waivgr of or pr~l~ the ex~rmS~ of ~>' right
13. Joint ~d ~vgml L~hi!i~; C~signem; 8uc¢~so~ ~d ~si~ Bound. ~rrow~r cove~nt~
a~rees ~t ~,rower's ohhgattons ~ h~fi~ shall b~ jo~ a~ several Howevgr, ~y Borrower who eo-si~
~his $,cunty l~m~a but ~s no~ execute ~e Note (a 'co-sider"}' (a) is co-si~g ~is $gcufi~y Iml'ru~m
~(~ t~} CHL (~) P~- ~ a ~ Form 3~61
Dec-18-OI 10:08 From-COUNTRYWiDE FUND $036T01024 T-8~8 P,09/16 F-~?3
jN'TS .LiL 8 7 4
DOC ID ~ 000786930543193
I~m~n[, (b) ~ ~ per~onall~ obligs~ed ~o pay th~ s~ns second by ~is $ecUri~ l~mment; a~ (c)
~ ~r a~ ~ny o~ ~r~awer c~ agree to ex.nd, mod~, forbeur or ~e ~y accon~o~om wi~
regaxd m ~e ~ of ~a S~curity l~m or ~ Nora '~i~ouI ~ co-ai~r'~ coment
Subje~ to ~ prow~iom of Secnon 18, ~y S~cessor in ~est uf ~rrower who as~e~ ~rrow~r's
obhgatio~ ~ ~is Securi~ lmtru~nt ~ ~i~ing, ~ i~ approved by ~r, a~l o~ all,of ~trower's
ri~ts and b~fi~s ~r ~is Secun~ lmt~m, ~rmw~ ~11 ~ be releaaefl ~om Borrower's ubligafio~
~ lia~i~ ~r ~ Security l~n~ ~ess ~r ogees ~o ouch release ~ ~tmg. ~ coverts an~
agree~nt~ or' ~is Secumy l~nt s~lt b~ (excep~ a.s p~ovi~d m Section 2~) aM be~fi~ ~e
14. L~n Charges. Le~ ~y c~rge ~tro~er fees for ~eyiee~ ~rfo~d in cu~cdon ~i~
Borrower'~ ~f~, for ~e purpose of protecting ~n~r's ~resg in fl~e Pro~ ~ rights u~r this
sgurity l~ni, i~lu~, bu~ no~ Imted ~o, ,ttorneys' fogs, praper~ i~cdon ~ wluadon fees.
regard ~ ~ o~r fees, I~ ab~et~e of ~xpress au~riIy ~ ~s Security ~m m c~rge a s~c~fic
Borrower ~hall ~ ~ Coifed as a pr~ibition on ~e c~g~g of ~uch fee. ~r may ~t c~rge ~ees
are expressly pro~bl~ by ~ts Secari~ lm~u~m o~ by Appl~able ~w.
If ~c ~ ia sub3ect ~ a law wMch set~ ~x~m loan c~ges, and ~ law ~$ f~lly interfered au fiat
~e m~r~ or o~er lorn c~rges collected or ~ be eollec~d ~ co,etlon wi~ me ~ exceed ~e petmi~d
l~i~, ~n: fa) ~y s~ 1o~ charge ahdl be reduced by ~ ~moum necessa~ m te~e ~ charge
permiu~ l~fi~; ~M (b) ~y sams ~ready collee~fl ~om Borrower which exeee~d pe~d 1~
will be re~ [~ ~ower. ~r ~y ch~e to ~ke ~ re~ b3' r~ing fl~e pri~ipal owed ~r
~e No~ or ~y t~ a ~ect pay~nt m Borrower. If a re~ red~e~ pr~ipal, ~ reducntm will be
as a panini prepay~nt ~,i~ou~ ~y prepa~nt ct~arge (wheat or ~t a prepa~nt charge ia provi~d for
un~r ~ No~), ~rrowet'$ mceptance of ~y ~uch re~ na~ ~ d~ecI pa)m~nt m Borrower w~l co~tim~
a waiver of a~ ri~t at' ~gion ~rmwer ~ We ~is~ om of such overchgge.
15. N~i~. All nouc~s gWea b), ~rrower ar ~r m co,crOon w~ ~ Security ~tm~nt ~s~ be
in writ~g. Any ~ice m Bu~ower i~ co~ction wi~ this Security [~i~nt s~ll ~ ~e~ m have been
g~en m ~rrower when mailed by first chas marl or wlmn ~mally ~livered to Borrower's ~rice a~es~ if
sent by o~er ~. Nonce to ~y o~ Bog~wer stall cumtimm ~t~ce to all ~rrowers ~e~a Appl~able
expressly t~qu~es o~rwise, q~ ~tice ~reas a~ll be ~ Pro~r~ A~resa u~ess ~.rrower Ms
a subsnm~ ~tice ~e~ by nome m ~r. ~rrower shall pm~fly notify ~n~r of ~rrawer's ch~ge
a~re~a I~ ~r s~cifie~ a procedure for reporting Borrower's cMna~ of ~84~e~a, ~en ~gower a~ll
rein a c~ge of ~r~s ~ough ~t a~ctfied pr~re, There ~y ~ o~ og ~signa~d notice
t~r this ~cufity lmt~m at ~y one n~. ~y nonce m ~r shall ~ given by ~livermg ir or by
~g i~ by fi~st class ~il to ~n~r'~ ~e~ smsa ~re~ ~ess ~r ~ &si~d ~r ~re,a by
~t~e m ~trower. ~y ~tice m co~ction ~tm ~ Sec~ity lm~nt s~ll ~ ~ ~e~d ~ ~ve
g~vcn ~0 ~r umil ~malty recetved by ~r If ~y ~tke requkefl by ~ Securi~ l~m~
reqa~ed ~r Appltc~le ~w, ~e Applicable Law requ~e~m w~l safi~8 the corres~n~mg requitemem
u~r ~h See~ity ~nt.
16. Gove~ng ~; ~ve~hi~; Ru~ af Const~ctlon. ~ Security ~t~m s~'ll be governed
by t~ral law ~ ~ law of ~ juri~d~tion in wMeh ~e Property i~ l~amd. All ri~ts ~d obligatiom
con~d M ~s agony ~m ~e subject m ~y reqaieemems ~ l~iom of ~pplicable
Applk~le ~W ~ e~hcidy or impl~lly ~low ~e pa~t to a~ee by contract or i~ ~ght be silent, but
s~h ~ile~e ~MI1 ~ ~ co~I~d ~ a pro,bi, ion aga~t ~e~m by contract. ~ ~ event l~'t
pmvi~ion nr ctame of ~ See~i~ 1~ ur ~e No~ co~ with Applic~le Law, s~h co~lic~
no~ affgt o~r provhlo~ of ~ Sec~i~ ~nt or ~ Note which C~ ~ given effec~ w~out
co~ic~mg pruvis~n.
Aa u~ed ~ ~is Security ~t~nt' to) words of ~ ~scull~ geMer ~11 ~ ~ ~!~
corres~M~ ~u~r wm~ or wor~ of ~ l~ gear; ~) wor~ ~ ~ s~lar'~ ~ and i~tu~
~ plarM and ~ice ~rsa, ~fl (c) ~e word "t~y" gives sole discretion wi~ou; ~ny obligation ~o ;~
17. Bo~ower'~ Copy. ~ow~ s~ll be given ~ copy of ~ Not~ a~ of ~s Sectui~
in ~ Pro~" ~ any leg~ or bemficial ~reat m ~ Pro. ny. ~1~. but nor l~fited m,
~f~l ~resm ~ferred ~ a bo~ for ~ed. comr~'t Bt ~ed. ~tdl~m sales co.act or e~crow
a~ee~nl. ~e ~wn~ of w~h ~ ~e ~fer of titl~ ~y ~ower at a ~mre ~m m a pm'cMser
If ~11 or my part of ~e Pto~r~ or ~y hmres~ ~ ~e Pro~' i~ mM ur tra~I~rred (,or if ~rrower
a ~1 ~rmn ~ a hemfic~al M~rest ~ Borrower ~ ~old or tr~ferred) wi~oug ~M~r's prior wri~n
com~m. ~r ~y requ~e ~ate pay~m m hll of all s~ secur~ ~y ~s $ecurinj'
However. ~ opuon ~hall ~t ~ exeicis~ ~y ~Mer ff s~h e~rmse ~ prohibi~d ~y Applicable Law
~ Ir ~r e~rc~ 1~ opfio~ ~r shall g~e Borrower ~nce of gceler~don ~e notke shill
provi~ a ~riM uf~ less ~ 30 ~ys from ~ ~ ~ notice i. given M accor~e wi~ Secuon 15 ~i~
w~ch ~ower mst pay all ~ secu~d ~y ~ Securi~ I~nt. if ~rrower h~s m pay ~se smn~
prior m ~ expkadon or' mia ~i~, ~nfler my Woke ~y read,es ~rmi~d by ~s Securi~ Imtm~m
wiRt~t ~r ~tice or de~ un ~rrower.
DOC ID ~ 000786930.543193
19. Borrower's Right ~ Reinstate AVer Acceleration. If Borrower' mee~ ce~m co~nia~, Borrower
~h~l ~e ~he righ~ ~o ~ve enforcement of ~hi~ Secumy l~t ~sco~i~d a~ an~ ~ prior m fl~
aL (a) five days batbre sale of ~ Pro~ pur~ ~o ~y ~wer of sa~ co~d m ~ secun~y Inseam;
&) a~h ot~r ~rioa as Applicable ~w ~r ~peCi~ for ~ ~a;ion of ~orrower'a ri~t m rebism~;
(c) entry of a jufl~m ~brcing ~is ~curily Im~rument. ~osc coat, tom ~e ~at Borrower. (a) pays
~1 ~u~ w~h &eh ~ould be due ~r flfi~ ~curi~ lm~r~em ~ ~e No~ a~ if no ~celera~mn had
~curre~; &) cures any ~fauk of ~y o~r covemats or agree~s, (c) pays ali ~me~ ~cu~ed m
e~orc~g ~i~ ~miw lm~mem, ~lad~g, but nat lh~md to, reaso~hle auo~ys' t~e~, pro.ny
~ ~n fees, ~ o~r t~es ~urred for the pu~ose of protecrmg ~n~r'~ ~re~t m ~e ~o~ny
ri~s ~er ~s Sac~ity ~t~nI; a~ (d) ~e~ such ~t~n as ~r ~y rea~o~Bly require m assure
~r's ~etgst in ~ ~o~ny a~ rt~s ~n~er ~i~ Security lmt~m, ~ ~rrower'~ obligation to pay
t~ ~ secured by ~s Security lns~nt, shall com~e ~c~ged. ~r n~y requ~e ~t ~rrower pay
~g re.tatum ~ ~ ex~me~ ~ o~ or more of ~e fogowmg fo~, as ~lec/e~ by ~t, (a) c~h;
(b) ~y or~r; re) cemfwd check, b~ c~ck, tteasurer'~ c~ck or c~h~er'~ check, pro~ided ~y s~h ch~ck
is ~a~ u~n ~ h~fimnon w~le &~si~ ~e ~ed by a federal age~y, ~s~malt~ or e~iw; or
Elec~o~ Fun& Tr~s&r U~n r=~m~m by ~gowcr, l~is Securi~ lmt~em ~ oblit~tiom secured
~teby ~11 ream ~lly effective ~ ~t' ~ ~celeration had ~curred However, ~s ~i~ to t~smtc ~11
apply ~ ~e case of accelerauon u~r Section 18.
20. Sa~ of N~; Chrome of ~an ~[cer; Notice of Grievance. ~e No~ or a panda ~re~
Nora (wge~r wi~ ~i~ S~urity ~~) c~ ~ sold o~ or ~te ii~t wi~ou~ prior no~e Ia
A sale ~r resfl~ m a ch~ge m the v~Ity (~ at I~ "~ Se~icer") tl~t collect~ Pcri~c Payn~n~
dee u~r ~e Nora ~ ~is $ecuri~ ~m ~d ~ffotms o~r mongage 1o~ se~g obligatmm un~r
rh~ Not% ~ ~ecunty l~tm~a, ~d Applicable Law. ~re also t~r ~ o~ or ~re changes of ~ Man
flexvent u~ela~ m a sale of ~e No~ If ~ere is a c~ge of ~ ~ Sc~icer, ~owcr will be given
wriuen ~dce of the c~ge which will state ~ ~ a~ ~ess of ~ mw ~ S~rviccr, ~e a~ess
which pay~n~ s~ ~ ~ a~ any 'O~er ~br~tmn ~SPA requ~es ~ co~ction wi~ u notice of
rramfer of ~ervic~g If ~e No~ ~s ~old ~d ~rea~r th~ ~ h se~ked by a ~ Servicer o~'r finn
pm'c~er of ~ Note, ~ mortgage ta~ se~,lc~ oblig~iam Io ~rrower will tema~ wi~ ~e ~ S~rvic~r
or be tr~ertc~ m ~ s~cessor ~aa Servicer ~ are ~ a~u~fl by ~e No~ purchaser a~ess o~erwise
prowled by ~ Note purchaser.
Neither ~rrower nor ~r ~y co~e, joe, or be jomea m ~y judicikl ~r~n (as eil~t
individual litig~ or ~e ~er of ~ class) ~ arises from ~ o~r pants ~tiom purser m t~s S~curity
Im~ or ~ alieg~ ~at ~ o~t pa~ has br~achsd ~y provision of, or ~y duty o~ed by reason
~is $scuri~ leant. ~Iil ~uch ~rtow~r or ~t has ~ti~d ~ o~r p~ty (~ such ~tic~ given m
compliance wi~ ~ tequ~e~s of S~ciio~ 15) Or' s~h ~leged br~ ~ sffor~d ~ o~r pa~ hereto a
rsaso~ble ~n~ a~t ~ giv~g of s~h notic~ to take co~ec'tiv~ ~tion. If Applicabl~ La~ provi~s a
~ri~ w~h must el~. ~fo~ ce~in ~'tlon can ~ t~en, ~at t~e p~n~ will ~ dec~d m ~ reasomble
/or pu~e~ of ~ paragraph ~e notice of acceleration ~ op~ni~ to cut~ giwn ~ ~ower purser
to 5~cdon 22 ~ ~ notre of ace~lerauon g~ven to Popover par~nt ~ Secuon 18 shall ~ ~ex~d m
~ mtk~ ~ ap~ky m t~ correcdw ~tion provtsiom of Qfis Section ~
' 21. ~dous Subst~ces. As m~d m ~is Section 21: tn) "Hazar~us Subs~as" are ~,~e ~ubsrances
~t~ as toxic or ~z~dous subsmmes. ~ll~ts, or wasms by Enviro~n~ ~w ~a ~ follow~g
~ubst~es: g~l~, k~tos~, o~t fl~Ole or w~c p~rrol~um pr~ucu. ~ ~atici~s a~ he~ci&s,
voht~k' solvents, mumriah con~ing as~tos or fo~&hy~, ~fl r~mactive ~mrials; ~.) "~viro~al
Law" ~ t~ral law~ ~ laws of ~ jurisdiction whuru ~ Pro~ is l~a~d ~ r~l~te ~o heal~,
or ~nv~ro~ntal promctmn, (c) "Env~o~n~al Cle~{p" ~l~s ~y r~me ~fion. re~dhl ~n, or
re~v,l action, a~ ~F~d '~ ~nviro~nml Law; ~ (.d) ~ "~nviro~uml Condition" ~s a co~tmn
~ c~ cause, contribute to, or o~erwis~ Iri~er an Env{ro~n~l Cle~p.
~rrower s~l not cause or ~r~t ~e preseme, us~, d~, s~rage~ or rel~as~ of any
~ub~. or ~ea~n m release ~y Hazardou~ Subs~e6, on or ~ ~e ~o~ny Borrower shall ~
allow anyo~ el~ ~ do, ~y~g a~dng ~ ~op~r~y (,a) ~at is ~ violation of ~y Enviro~al Law, (b)
which crea~ ~ Eavitonn~nml Co~i{ion. or it) ~ich, ~e to ~e preseme, u~e, or tele~ of ~ Hazar~us
Sobs~e, c~u~9 a co~ition ~{ai adwrs~ly affects ~e value of I~ Property. ~ prcced~g two
~hall nor apply ~ ~e prese~e, use. or storage oa ~ ~operty of s~l q~fi~ of H~ar~ Substances mat
at~ ge~ra~y roco~ed m ~ appropri~ Io noel re~eutial m~ ~ to {~~ of ~ Property
(~lud~., but mt ~ced w, ~at~us s~es in com~r pro~rs),
~rrower s~ll p~o~tly give ~r ~Uen ~[i~g of (a) ~y ~wgnga~on, claim, ~, lawsui~
o~r at,on by ~y gow~ or rotatory agony or priv~ pa~y m. olv~g ~ Pro~y m~ any
H~ar~us Subu~e or Eaviro~utal ~w of wh~h ~rro~vr ~s ~m~ ~owledge., ~) any ~v~o~nml
Condition, ~1~ bu~ ~ I~d m, ~y sp~, le~k{,S, &~charge. releus~ or ~rear of r~l~e of
H~ar~{ ~s~e, ~d (c) any co.{on cause~ by ~ pr~se~e, use or rcle~e of a Hazardom Subsranc~
~h adv~r~ly affec~ Ih~ value of ~m Pto~y If ~rro~er 1~, or ~ ~tifmd by ~y gove~en~
re~lam~ au~on~, or ~y pr{~aI~ p~. ~ ~y remov~ or o~r ~di~ion o~ my H~mdous Subs{~e
~t~cU~ ~ Pro.ny {m ~cessary. Bo~ower ~hall promp~y I~ all necessary rc~a{ ~uom m accord~e
wi~ Enviro~n~l ~. No~ heres ~aH cr~a~ ~y obligation on ~r for an Enviro~ Cleanup.
I:~ac-19-O1 ]0:0{] From-¢OUNTI~YWlDE FUND
5_. ~,
DO(: I9 ,~' 000786930543193
NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower an~ Lender fi~nh~r cov~mnt ~ agree as tbllow~:
22, Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall ~ve notice ,u Borrower prior to ~ele~tiun following
Borro~er's b~aeh of an~ covenant or a~eement in thi~ ~curity [~trum~n~ (but n~ prior to
a~eleration under ~tlon 18 notess Applicable La~ provi~ othello), The aoti~ ~h~! ~ei~: (a) &e
defauR; (b) the.~ion required to care ~e &fault; g} a da~, nm less th~ 30 days ~ the date the
n~ice is ~ven m Borrower, by which the default must ~ cured; and (d) that f~lure m cure the default
~ or ~fore the ~te s~cified ia t~g naice may reset in a~eler~ioa of the sums secur~ by t~
Security t~,ment ~d sale or the Proart. The noti~ ~hall ~her inform ~ower of t~ right to
r~i~ aRer acceleration ~d the right to bring a con~ acta m ~ert the n~-existenee of a default
or any ~er ~fe~ of ~rrower to ~ccle~atian and sMe. If the defauR a not eared on or ~fore the
~te s~i~d in the notice, ~nder at i~ o~ion may ~quire immed~te ~ymem in ~R of all su~
secured b~ t~ ~urity l~trument whhout ~er demand ~d may invo~ the ~w~r of ~ie and
~her reme~ ~rmi~d by ~plicable Law. ~nder s~ll be entitled to eoH~t ~t ex~s incurred
pu~uing the ~m~ provided in th~ ~tioa ~, including, but n~ ~mitcd to, redouble attorneys'
f~ and c~U of Ottt
If ~n~r inv~ the ~wer of ~ale, Lender s~l eve notice of t~m to forecl~ ~o Bottler ~nd
~O ~e ~n ~ ~s~ion of ~e Pro~, If d~ent, in ~r~ with Applic~le Law. ~n~r shall
give n~ of the s~a to Borrower ia ~he m~ner provided in ~ction 1~. Lender ~h~l p~h the n~e
of sa~, ~d the ~o~ ~h~! ~ ~d in the m~gr pr~bed by ApplJ~ Law. Lender or
desi~ee may p~c~ the ~o~y at ~Y sale. The pr~ of the sale s~l be appRed in ~e following
order: tn} m ali ex~ of the ~, including, bu~ not limited m, re~le at~rney~ ft~; th} m
~ams s~art~ by ~ ~curity Instrument; ~d (O ~Y execs to the ~on or ~ns ie~lly enRtled to
23. Re~. U~n pay~n~ of ~R stt~ ~cure~ by ~ s~cun~y h~m, ~n~r ~11 release ~s
~curiw ~m. ~rrower ~1 ~y ~y recor~ion c'om. ~er m~ charge ~rrower a fee rot
releasing ~ Securi~ ~t~mem~ but o~y ~f me $~e i~ pu~ ~ a ~d pg~ for sg~'icgs regal'ed ~
c'h~g of ~e fee is ~d ~r Applkabl~ Law,
~; W~vers. ~rrower re~¢~ ~d waives sll ri~ un~r ~ by Vi~e of ~e ho~sg~ exemption
laws of Wyoming.
BY SI~NING BS~W, Borrower ~cc~pus ~ a~rges to ~ m~ ~ coverts conmi~d ~ this
Sec~ty l~m ~ in ~y ~&r gxecu~d by ~o~er ~d recor~d wi~ i~.
IXE ID # I)00786930543193
STATI~ OF WYOMING, Lincoln County ss:
Tr~ for*go~$ ia~n[ wa~ ac~wle~ged b~fore ~ th~s De c emb er 20, 2001
by Ronald C. Schupp and Pamela Schupp
I~(WY) I~x:~l CHL (O6RIO) P,'t~. ~ ca ~ Form 3051 1/01
FA8361M 0007~930~3193
Tills ?LAJ'4NI~D UNIT D£Vl~LOPMi~NT RIDI~R ~ ~ d~is ~E~IETH ~yot'
~') of ~ ~ ~ ~ cov~l~ dw ~o~ ~r~ in ~ ~n~~ ~n~ ~d {~d ~;
MIDD~ ~l~H C~RT, T~VNE, WY 83127
*23991* *007869305000002D07R*
0 7 159 879
DOC ID ~ ~00'/8fi93054~193
pa~eB ~ ce~m common ~e~ ~ ~ac~i~s, ~s ~scn~d ~
Covenants and R~str~ctions
~y equiv~m ~:~a whkh crel~s ~ O~s As~iaion: ~ (iff) ~ by-llws or
r~la~ of'~ O~s Assoc~a Bprrow~ s~B prom~y ~y. ~h~u due, aa
~ fl~, f~ w~h ~u~r raquir~s Smuts:e, ~n' (i) ~r ~aive~ ~ provision
~&l ~u~i ~ires as ~ co~i~n o~ ~ waivmr can c~ ~ ~ ~na of ~ loau,
~r~z ~ We ~r p~ ~tke of ~ la~ m requir~ property i~e coverage pwvi~ by
Io ~ ~, or ~ col~n ~cus a~ f~iEtk~ of ~ PUD, ~y ~eds ~yable to ~tower ~ ~mby
cOverag~ m ~I.
D. C~~. T~- prm'eeds of ~y award or claim fm {~, di,~l or torrential, pmyabl~
Bo~o~ m colorlon wid~ ~y c~on m ~r {~ of ~I or ~y p~ ag ~ ~ or ~e c~on
areas a~ ~ili~s of t~' PUD, or fur ~y couvcy~e ~ 1~ of co~n, a~e hereby issued
PUD. e~e~ /bt SaM~ or ler~n ~qdzed by la~ tn ~ ca~ of subsmt~ ~sm~lioa by fi~ or
mMr c~l~ or m flz case of a {~g by co~maiuon or cm~ ~ iii) ~y
provision of ~e "C~ument ~C~a~s' ~'{he pl'ovision ~ for ~ express b~fi{ or
o1' prof~ss~ m~ge~ ~ ~u~i{~ of fglt:~je~m of ~ Os~rs A~s~'~i~n; or (iv) a~y ~lWn
w~ch W~ld have ~ effect of r~rin$ ~ ~1~ ~bi~ ~ural~e covera~ nam~i~ by
DO~ ID ~ DOO78693D543193
'F, Rgmedim. ii Borrower ~ts ~ ~y PUD d~s ~ ls~ssm~ w~ ~. ~n ~r ~y ~ ~era.
· liO~Ov,'~