HomeMy WebLinkAbout878176 :. · · MORT AFFIDAVIT -
The undersigned, Annette Holman., does hereby depose and say as follows:
.. : 1. That I am an authorized officer of the mo~gagee (or assignee), Mo~gage Electronic
" Registration Systems, Inc.
. "'~ 2. That this affidavit refers to the Assignment from ~MG, Inc. to Mo~gage
· . Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. a~ominee (or First Nationwide Mo~ga~e Corn, in
' relation to prope located at
Dated ~ I ~}D I , and recorded at the ~~L - R ;
Office iht ~ook LIQ D Pa-~ ~q ,, '*-t ecorder s
: g-~Q ~ 3 _, · -- _, s~.. Tn./ aha/Or I Document Number
3.That the Mo~gage Identification Number (M~) was either omiaed or incorrect on said-
4. ThattheeorrectM~fortheAssignmentisMIN [OOO }gq;Zooo occ ~.,~o~.t. a , '
that the MERS telephone number to call for in~brmation when using this M~' }s (~88) 679-
63 77.
~ of
Anneae Holman
Vice President ~
State of South Carolina
Coun~ of Richland
On this .(~/) day of g~CF~136~ 2001 the undersigned, a NotaW Public in and
for said Coun~ and State personally appeared Anne~e HolmaB, who is the Vice President of
the co~oration herein which executed the within instrument. '
MY CO~SSION E~S 3/23/2008