HomeMy WebLinkAbout878191 A I ISFAC FInN OF MOR~I GAGE
Loan~1 810 3130878jb
Today's Date: DECEMBER 19T~'~, 2001
THIS CERTIFIES TttAT a certain mortgage owned by the m~dersigned, an association under the lax~s of the lYa'it'exl
States of America, dated April 22~a, 1997, execrated by Lynn Veigel and Tami Lyn Veigel, Husband ami gVil'~,
as joint tenants~ as Mortgagor, to First Security Bank of Wyoming, as Mortgagee, calling tbr $ 20,000.00, and
filed for record on May 8th, 1997, as Document No. 0837249, Cert No. N/A in Book 397PB of Photos, Page 53, in
the Office of the Connty Recorder or the Register of Deeds/Titles nfl~incoln Comity, Wyoming, is, with the
indebtedness thereby secured, fidly paid and satisfied and the same is hereby released, If required, the legal
description is as follows: N/A
Wells Fargq.Ba!~,k Wyominl~' Nationpl Associalion
Robyn A Robbins, Loan Admin Officer
Successor lo First Secm'~ty Bank of Wyoming by reason of
name change, amendment of charter and mergers.
The tbregoing insmrment was acknowledged before me on DECEMBER 19T[~, 2001, by Robyn A Robbins~ Loan
Admin Officer of Wells Fargo Bank Wyoming, National Association, an association onder the laws of the
States of America, on behalf of the association. Witness my hand and official seal.
X~ickie Klinger ' ~ (~
Notary Public lbr It,_State of Montana
~ ~ ~ Residing at Billings, Montana
My Connnission Expires: 9/20/2003
Constlmcr Loan Service Center
2324 Overland Avenue
P.O. Box 31557
Billings, MT 59107-1557
800-256-9689 ext. 6556720