HomeMy WebLinkAbout892247Recorded at the request of Kern River Gas Transmission Company 8922 [~ 7 When Recorded Mail to: Paragon Partners Ltd. 5762 Bolsa Ave, Suite 201 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Attn: Title Supervisor RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 03 AUG - 6 PH 12." 5 5 JEANNE WAGNER BOOK 5~'~9PRPAGE 6 6 ~ State of Wyoming Grant of Easement Easement No. 6604 To Kern River Gas Transmission Company Executed May 6, 2003 STATE OF WYOMING GRANT OF EASEMENT Easement No. 6604 Project: K-WY-LI-14 K-WY-UI-79 K-WY-UI-63 WHEREAS the Board of Land Commissioners approved this grant of easement on February 7, 2002; THEREFORE, the State of Wyoming, acting through its Board of Land Commissioners (Grantor), for and in consideration of the payment of Eighteen thousand one hundred seventy-five and 21/100 dollars ($18,175.21 ) hereby grants and conveys to Kern River Gas Transmission Co. (Grantee), to use for the term of 35 years, in the following described tract of land for natural gas pipeline only, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1 Ail that portion of the NE¼:W½ of Section 03, of T. i3N.,R. 120W., of the 6th P.M., Uinta County, Wyoming, lying between parallel right of way lines 50 feet apart, being 25 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 8.22 acres, more or less. Parcel 2 Ail that portion of the SE¼ of Section 16, T. 19N.,R. 116W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying between parallel right of way lines 50 feet apart, being 25 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 1.61 acres, more or less. Parcel 3 All that portion of the W½ of Section 16, T. 15N.,R. 119W., of the 6th P.M., Uinta County, Wyoming, lying between, parallel right of way lines 50 feet apart, being 25 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 5.76 acres, more or less. See attached Exhibits A 1 - C 3 These descriptions are based on a survey done by and under the authority of, Harvey D. Peterson with Wyoming PLS No. 2932 and certified in March of 2003. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this easement across the above-described tract of land for the purpose of locating, constructing, using, maintaining, improving, and repairing the above-described natural gas pipeline, subject to the following conditions: 1. The rights granted herein shall forever be subject to the rights of the Grantor, its assigns or lessees to explore for, develop, and extract any and all minerals or other subsurface resources beneath this easement. If required for mineral exploration, development or extraction, Grantee shall, upon written notice from Grantor, remove or relocate the above-described natural gas pipeline at, Grantee's expense. 2. Upon abandonment or discontinuance of use of this easement for the purposes Specified above, all of grantee's rights under this grant of easement shall revert to Grantor or its assigns, the same as if this grant had never been made. Failure to report, to Grantor, the status of the use of this easement every ten years from the date of this grant shall be evidence of intent by Grantee to abandon this easement. Should this easement be abandoned by Grantee, the above-described tract of land shall be retumed to a condition satisfactory to Grantor. 3. This easement may be transferred, however, no transfer may increase the burden on the servient estate in any manner. 4. Any transfer of ownership of this easement, or any change of name or mailing address of the owner of this easement, shall be reported to Grantor within thirty (30) days of the transfer or change. The State of Wyoming and the Board of Land Commissioners do not waive their sovereign immunity by entering into this agreement and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 1-39-104(a) and all other law. WHEREOF, the Board of Land Commissioners 9~used this.,.i~trument to be signed by its ~...[ by its Secretary, and its seal to 2003. Countersigned: Governor, President Board of Land Commissioners ecto~l' ~3ecretary //) - Office 6~tate Lands & hvestntterf[s Attorneje General's Office Approval as to Form: NancfE. V/ffhr, A~sistant Attomey General STATE OF W-YO~G LTINTA COUNTY, W?OMING L.L. No. K-WY-UI-079W SHEET I DF 2 state of Wyoming O~,~id~4 ~¢ Easement No. 6604 Exhibit A- I 6 7 1 A FIFTY (50) FOOT WIDE PERMANENT EASEMENT Being a fifty (50) foot wide permanent easement lying twenty five (25) feet No'rthwesterly and (25) feet Southeasterly of the following described centerline of a 36" Kern River pipeline, also following an existing 36" Kern River pipeline. Said fifty (50) foot wide permanent easement extending over, through and across a tract of land conveyed to State of Wyoming, and being Section 3, Township :13 North, Range 120 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Uinta County, Wyoming.r Said centerline of a 36" Kern River pipeline being rngre particula.rly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Section 3, from whmh a Stone found marking the Northeast corner of said Section 3, bears South 89°38~ 19" East, a distance of 92.67 feet; THENCE South 27°35'33'' West, a distance of 21.03 feet to a point; THENCE South 39°26'30'' West, a distance of 62.01 feet to a point; THENCE South 50010'42'' West, a distance of 3143.37 feet to a point; THENCE South 51°45'01'' West, a distance of 28.12 feet to a point; THENCE South 50°08'41" West, a diStance of 1817.92 feet'to a point; THENCE South 44°3 i'24" West, a distance of 18.37 feet to a point; THENCE South 40o58'25" West, a distance of 45.05 feet' to a point; THENCE South 34°51' 11" West, a distance of 122.62 feet to a point; THENCE South 26o05'26" West; a distance of 111.42 feet to a point; THENCE South 32027'46" West, a distance of 46.71 feet to a point; THENCE South 42o03'40" West, a distance of411.89 feet to a point; THENCE South 40004'58" West, a distance of 21.36 feet to a point; STATE OF WYOM/NG (Contihued) UNITA COUNTY, WYOMING L.L: No. K-WY-UI-079W SHEET 2 OF 2 672 THENCE South 42005'46'' East, ~ distance of 1310.90 feet to a point of terminus on the West line of said Section 3, from which a Rock Pile found marking the Southwest comer of said Section 3-bears South 00o20'23" West, a distance of 397.11 feet; said easement being 433.99 rods in length and contains 8.22 acres of land. Job #4701.700 Reference Drawing K-WY-UI-079W Basis of Bearing North line of Section 3 being S 89°38'19" E Professional L and Surveyor .k~.~~/ ./" - FNB. IRON RO0 w/ state of Wyomi~ . BRASS CAP A~ARKED JOEL M. COWEN Easement No. , /..-"COI:EY C. WALL RLS 482" K-WY-UIT-.O?8W STONE --.. .-~Exhibit A - 2 C'°')'-'-~-~TD N (BASIS OF BEARING) 673 ' / S 89"38 1,9 E / // J WYUTA CATTLE CO. ' K-wY-U J,o8ow . '. ~ROCK PILE T-POST~ 0 . 1000 2000 3000 P.O.T. = POINT OF TERMINUS NOTES: ~. BEAmNGS A? D~mNCES ~RE BASED m THE '~Ym~NG COORDm~T~ SYSTE~ ~ Ja"OERT~SG~[~,~ o.. KERN RIVER GAS TRANSNISSION 'EST ZONE, OERtVED F"O" GPS ~THODS. SCALE FACT~ OF . NAD'= NORTH A~ERICAN DATU~ 2, BASIS ~ BEARING NORTH LINE DF SECTION ~6 BEING S 8~'58'~9' E D.R.U.C.W. = DEED RECORDS OF 3. EASEMENT SURVEY AUGUST 2001. : ~A~E~LS UINTA COUNTY, ~YD~ING 4. PREPARED BY: UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 1811 BERING DR. HOUST~, TX. 7~057 ~S~~ ~mmNO. ,E~E~ KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY PROPERTY PLAT AS-BUILT PER~ANENT EASEMENT CROSSING PROPERTY OF ~ PIPEUNE STATE OF WYOMING T 13 N - R ~20 W, SECTION 3 UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING NO.j DA~ ~ R~SION D~I~ON W.O. NO, CH~ ~. D~ BY: UEI DA~ 01-2B-200] ~U~ ~R BID: J ~ 1 ' = 1000' I State of Wyoming FND. 1 1/2" IRON PIN FND. 1 1/2" IRON PIN W/ BRASS CAP MARKED W/ BRASS CAP MARKED Easement No. 6604 ~ /-"U S LAND OFFICE 1945" "U.S. LAND OFFICE ·" · ~945-,x Extuoit B 1 17 16 - 1 15 FND. 1" IRON PIN · W/ BRASS CAP MARKED ~JC:'},J~,~,l ]~ ' "U.S. LAND OFFICE 19451 ~ STATE OF WYOMING . · K-WY-L 1-015W ~ ' TYPICAL DETAIL FNO. 1" IRON PIN N T S ~/ BRASS CAP MARKED. ,, · · · ' W/ BRASS CAP MARKED ' c '~6.'~o'n~"., ~ ~ ' 177.62': ' ' "U.S. LAND OFFICE 1945" ~ ~ -~-~/ "~ ~ ~ · ~.o~ ~ '~P.O.B. .- ' 693. -/,4 ' ~ ~' - . '.. '" / ~ '-'- S 32"24'43' WL-~. ~ WESTERN ~/yoMIN / / / ~ ' 48.30' ~ J ' RANGE LIMITED S 17°46'54" W ,t /,~ ~ x~r m, PARTNERSHIP, et al 34.62'----~ / / '""~XIST S 26'22'0,8" W~"~ ~ K-WY-LI~14W , s 09o,4' w I I I SEE TYPICAL% ~ ' S 05 41 0~" E~ d / 1549.31 ~ ~0 %FND. 1 1/2 I~ .... R~ LIMITED S 89'~'40" E '% ,, ' - ...... ~ FND. 1 1/2 IRON PIN'' W/ BRASS 6AP MARKED PARTNERSHIP, ef al .S. LAND OFFICE 1945' K-~Y-LI-016~ 1249.41' ' ~s A mU~PRES~mN P.O.I. =POINI OF IER~INUS NOIES: ,, su~BY ~ oRI K.R.G.T. = KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION WEST ZONE", DERIVED FRO~ GPS ~TH~S. SCALE FACTOR OF ~ ~~L J-' sPcP/L == STATEPIPELINEcooRDINATES SYSTEM 0.9996225~ APPLIED TO RODDAGE AND ACREAGE. ~ ,, ~ NAD = NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 2. BASIS OF BEARING EAST LINE OF SECTI~ 16 BEING N 00'25 47 E -~ D.R.L.C.W. = DEED RECORDS OF ]. EASE~Nr SURVEY AUGUST 2001. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING 4. PREPARED BY: UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 1811 BERING DR. HOUSTON, TX. 7~057 PR ~' ~~ KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY CROSSING PROPERTY OF STATE OF WYOMING ~s PIPELINE T 19 N - R 116 W, SECTION LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING ' NO. ~ BY R~I~ON D~C~ON W.O. NO. ~K ~P. O~ BY; gEl DA~: 01-26-ZO0~ I~Um FOR ~O: J S~: I' = 1OOO' ~E~ BY: UE] ~ 01-28-2002 I~ ~ ~ON:~ STATE OF WYOMING LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING L.L. No. K-WY-LI-015W SHEET 1 OF 1 State of Wyoming Easement No. 6604 Exhibit B - 2 675 A TWENTY FIVE (25) FOOT WIDE PERMANENT EASEM~~i]:,7 Being a twenty five (25) foot wide Permanent easement lying twenty five (25) feet Northwesterly of the following described centerline of a 36" Kern River pipeline, also following an existing 36" Kern River pipeline. Said twenty five (25) foot wide permanent easement extending over, through and across a tract of land conveyed to State of Wyoming, and being Section 16, Township 19 North, Range 116 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said centerline of a 36" Kern River pipeline being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section 16, from which a 1" Iron Pin with Brass Cap marked "U.S. Land Office 1945" found marking the East Quarter corner of said Section 16, bears North 00025'47" East, a distance of 177.62 feet; THENCE South 34017' 14" West, a distance of 334186 feet to a point; THENCE South 36029'03'' West a distance of 49.62 feet to a point; THENCE South 37035'59'' West a distance of 693.74 feet to a point; THENCE South 32024'43'' West a distance of 48.30 feet to a point; THENCE South 26022'08'' West a distance of 29.90 feet t° a point; THENCE South 21°41'09" West a distance of 1549.31 feet to a point; THENCE South 17046'54'' West, a distance of 34.62 feet to a point; THENCE South 09044"04'' West, a distance of 30.45 feet to a point; THENCE South 05041'08'' East, a distance of 10.43 feet to a point of terminus on the South line of said Section 16, from which a 1 1/2" Iron Pin with Brass Cap marked "U.S. Land Office 1945" found marking the Southeast comer of said Section 16 bears South. 89°22'40'' East, a distance of 1249.41 feet; said easement being 168.56 rods in length and contains 1.61 acres of land. Job #4701.700 Reference Drawing K-WY-LI-01 ~ BaSis of Bearing East line of~ia~_~~ 00°25'47" E Date: ~/~~. ~~ ~~~. i ~~~~0~ Ha~e~D. }~ Professional Land Su~eyo~ STATE OF WYOMING' UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING L.L. No. K-WY-UI-063W SHEET 1 OF 2 State of Wyoming Easement No. 6604 __ Exhibit C - ......... .67.6 PERMANENT EASEMENT Be!ng a twenty five (25) foot Wide permanent easement lying twenty five (25) feet Southeasterly of the following described centefline of a 36" Kern River pipeline to a' point of convergence whereas the herein described easement changes to a flay (50) foot -permanent easement lying (25) feet Northwesterly and (25) feet Southeasterly of the following described centerline of a 36" Kern River pipeline, also following an existing 36".' Kern River pipeline. Said twenty five (25) and fifty (50) foot wide permanent easements'extending over, through and across a tract of land conveyed to State of Wyoming, and being Section 16, ToSvnship 15 North, Range 119 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Uinta County, Wyoming. Said Survey line being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Section 16, from which a 5/8" Iron Rod with Brass Cap marked "Coley C. Wall RLS 482" found marking the Northwest corner of said Section 16, bears North 88°33~34".West, a distance of 2745.65 feet; THENCE South 31024'46'' West, a distance of 1645 86 feet to a point of convergence wh'ereas said twenty five (25) foot wide permanent easement ends and said fifty (50) foot wide permanent easement begins, continuing along the herein described centerline of a 36" Kern River pipeline; THENCE South 25035'57'' West, a distance of 17.09 feet to a point; THENCE South 21 °09'25" West, a distance of 7.65 feet to a point; THENCE South 20019' 19" West, a distance of 39.78 feet to a point; TI3BENCE South 16023'39'' West, a distance of 1328.81 feet to a point; THENCE South 14°16'19'' West, a distance of 15.21 feet to a point; THENCE South 12026'04'' West, a distance of 785.57 feet to a point; THENCE South 19020'00'' West, a distance of 20.82 feet to a point; THENCE South 26042, 17" West, a distance of 50.84 feet to a point; THENCE South 34004'30'' West, a distance of 24.41 feet to a point; THENCE South 44042'46'' West, a distance of 48.82 feet to a point; THENCE South 48o07' 13" West, a distance of 228.51 feet to a point; STATE OF WYOMING (Continued) UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING L.L. No. K-WY-UI-063W SHEET 2 DF 2 State of Wyoming ..... Easement No': 6604 Exh/bit C - 2 THENCE South 33°42'03'' West, a distance of 1198.63 feet to a point; THENCE South 34027'37'' East, a distance of 429.74 feet to a point of terminus on the South line of said Section 16, from which a T-Post found marking the Southwest comer of said Section 16 bears North 88°09'11" West, a distance of 185.94 feet; said easement being 354.04 rods in length and contains 5.76 acres of land. Job ~4701.700 . Reference Drawing K-WY-UI-063W Basis of Bearing North line of Section 16 being N 88°33 '34" W Peterson PLS #293 Professional Land Surveyor w/FND'BRASSS/8'CApIRONMARKEDROD BROADBENT LAND CO: : State of Wyoming , · LTD. PARTNERSHIP · ' ~- COLEY C. WALL RLS 482' K-WY UI 062W - - f 'Po~T : 2~ement -No. oou4 8 I[9 "' ' ~ 88'~'~4'~ w - - ~P o B . ' -: - - ~ E~bit C-3 _~ 2745.65' , '/ ' ' ' , " 9 . ~ .... . ~ , N 88'33 34" W ~'IU ..... ... 17 1 6 ' ·,--- .Lf- ' (BASIS OF BEARINO) -[ ':' ~ · 16 15 · EXIST. K.R.G:T. P/L ~Z ,' ~' G 7 8" : , ~ ~ 36 K.R.G.T. P/L , / . '/ ~' I / ~ I ~S 21'09'~5" W TYPiCAl DETAIL "B", . J ~S 14'16'19" W r~,xr nr ~v~ ..... r.~ .~~/~.-.;~:..: . . . ' ' I - ''~E-,;F " ~IAIL Ur ~U]IR~ ' : ' ' /I ~s ~v~6'o4" w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'85, , TyP[C,L ~TA~L ,,A,, /~ . ..~ ........ ~ - )'2~j~; . N,T.S, // ~ ~ ~," w ~ ~S 4~42'46" W I T-POST~' /~ · I S 34'27'~7" W ' ~~ .... ~ · ' ~6:~5 20 ' _ · N 88'09'11" W .......... ~ ..~ 21 185.94' FAINI~H ~ ~U., IN~. K-WY-UI-065~ FND. 2" IRON ROD~ : ~/ BRASS CAP NARKED~ : lEGEND : 0 1000 2000' 300/~~ [.R, = IRON ROD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ P,O,B. = POINT OF BEOINNING - $C~E IN FEET ~ I PLAT i~E REPRESmTATI~ P.O.T. = POINT OF TERMINUS ~OTES; ~ [ ~~DF~'~"; FND. =FDUND K.R.G.T. = KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE BASED ON THE 'wYDuING COORDINATE SYSTE~ k983~ U,DE~~ SUPE~ISI~. P/L = PIPELINE WEST ZONE", DERIVED FRD~ GPS ~TH~S. SCALE FACTDR DF ~ SPC = STATE CDORDINATES SYSTE~ 0.999646117 APPLIED TO RODDAGE AND ACREAGE. " ~- NAD : NORTH A~ERICAN DATU~ 2. BASIS OF BEARING NORTH LINE OF SECTION 16 BEING N B8;33'34" W 3. EASE~NT SURVEY AUGUST 2001~ H D.R.U.C.W. = DEED RECORDS OF ~LS UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING 4 PR A Y ..... · EP RED B : UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 1811 BERING DR. HDUSTON, TX. 7~057 PR~ESS~LAND SURVEYOR D~. ~E.~ 'KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY PROPER TY PL AT~1111~ AS-BUILT PERNANENT EASEMENT CROSSING PROPERTY OF STATE OF WYOMING ~s PIPEuNE T 15 N - R 119 W, SECTION UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING ~. · DA~ BY R~ON D~C~ON W,O. ~C~ ~. O~WN BY: UEI ~: 01-28-200] I~D F~ ~D: I ~: J~ = J O00~ I ~ ~: UEI ~ 01-28-2002 I~D F~ ~ON: ~ W:. ~ ~NG