HomeMy WebLinkAbout878229 AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE We, Colleen D: ~enson and Clark Young, C°-TrUstees under the Young Family Trust dated October 11, 1999, being duly sworn on oath depose and State as follows.: 1. Colleen D. JenSon and Clark Young are the Co-Trustees under the Young Family Trust dated.October 11, 1999. 2. That the following described real property was conveyed to'Lawrence O..& Evelyn R. yoUng, TrasteeS, of the Lawrence O. & EvelYn r. Young Family Trust, dated April 15, 1998 in Quit Cla:im Deed recorded in Book 412 PR, Page 225, to-wit: T32N RI. 18W of the' 6"' P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming ~Seetion 19:SW1/4SW1/4 and WI/2SE1/4SE1/4; Section 30:N1/2NE1/4 and Beginning at the Northwest corner of the NE1/4 of said Section 30 and running thence SOuth 109 rods to the North side of the street of Alton Townsite, known as First Avenue; thence East 2 rods; thence North 109 rods; thence West 2 rods to the Point of beginning. ALSO, That part' of Section 30, T32N, R118W of the 6~ P.M., LinColn County, Wyoming, described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel, labeled "Lawrence O. Young Evelyn :'~ ~ ~ R. Young, Derald A. Young for access way along West part of Canyon View Park Am~exation, _:, Tract B".. dated December 19, 1996. ) ' LESS AND EXCEPT land contained in Quitclaim Deed recorded ~'anuary 23, 1997 in Book 393 ~ ~-~, PR on P~,,~e 159 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. ':~ 3. That a clerical error was made inthe aforementioned Deed and a Corrective Qui't Claim Deed was recorded in Book 424 PR, Page 523, correcting that parcel of land described above as Section 19:SW1/~SW1/4 to read Section 19, SWI/4SEI/~. 4. Tha~ the Exhibit "A" referred to in ~he Qui~ Claim Deed recorded in Book 412 PR, Page 225 and the Corrective Quit Claim Deed. recorded in Book 424 PR, Page 523 was not attached.. 5. That a Trustee's Deed. was recorded in Book 442 PR, Page 197~ Said Deed contained the correct description, except the wrong Exhibit was attached. 6. The correct description should be as follows: T32N Rl 18W or,he 6~ P.M, Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 19: SW1/4SE1/~ and W1/2S]SI/4SE1/4; Section 30:N1/2NEI/4 and Bc~nnlng at the Northwest comerofthe NE1/4 of said Section 30 and running thence South 109 rods to the North side of the street of Alton Townsite~ known as First Avenue; thence East 2 rods; thence North 109 rods; thence West 2 rods to the point of beginning. ALSO, That part of Section 30, T32N, R118W of the 6~ P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel, labeled "Lawrence O. Young Evelyn R. Young, Derald A. Young for access way along West part of Canyon View Park Annexation, Tract B", dated December 19, 1996. LESS AND EXCEPT land contorted in Quitclaim Deed recorded ~'anuary 23, 1997 in Book 393 PR on Page !59 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. 7.~ That this affidavit is made in conformance wifia Wyoming Statate 34-11,10I, Further your Affiants sayeth naught. :~i~OOK. o 4S0 P~'P:GE^ 3 F~ E 0 t: I V E D LII,~OO!..!'.j OOiJL!Ty OLER!.~, 87822.. 9 :r: ",,, · II' 3;? : ,' ", "J ~ 4 :.. i \ which Mortgage is of record in Book, Volume, 0r Liber No. ¥'~)?' , at page ,..-:.. (or as No. ~/&,i.~; ? ) of the County Cie Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming , together with the note(s) and obligations therein described and the money due and to become due thereon With interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under snch Mortgage. TO }lAVE AND ~I'O HOLD the same unto Assignee, its successor and assigns, forever, subject only to the terms and conditions of the above-described Mortgage. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Assignor has executed tliis Assignment of Mortgage on December 20, 2001 First Bank of Idaho, fsb d/b/a First Bank Advisors, an idaho Corporation W~tness (Prin~ Name) (Assignor) Witness (Print Name) (Signature"~ (Print Name & Title) Patricia Ann McDonald AVP At, est (Print Name [Space Below This Line Reserved For Acknowledgment] STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Teton On December 20, 2001 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public i~i and for said County and State, personally appeared Patricia Ann McDonald known to me to be the AVP  known to to be me of the corporation herein which executed the within instrument, that the seal al'fixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation pursuant to it's by-laws or a resolution of it's Board of Directors and that he/she acknowledges said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. odi ', ........ Notar P.~.~b~m My Commission Expires 0411912003 (THIS AREA FOR OFFICIAL NOTARIAL SEAL) Teton County, Wyoming Laser Forms Inc. (800) 446-3555 LFI #LFI5MP 11/98 Page 2 of 2 WITNF_,S8 our hand~ thi~ ~( '~ dayofDecember, 2001. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) County of' ~- (-~ ~. ~xl',~ ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by~~X~Y~ir~f~J~v~ Clark Young TrUstee, this ] 9 ~Jo day of December, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal, Nota~ Public ~ ~u~o~ ~. ~A=~' [ '~ ~ CO~iS$10N EXPIRES JUNE 11. ~ State of Colorado County of Larimer The foregoiBg ~instrument was acknOWledged before me by Colleen D. Jenson, TruStee this _~i5-;'- day of December, 2001.~ Withness my hand and official seal.. My Commis s ica,n/expires: GO0/~O0'~ Z~ST~# 9Z:lJl IOOE,6I'D2(I TOWN OF AFTU~ =FOR L~WRENOE O, YOUNG, EVELYN R. YOUNG, DERALD ~. YOUNG FOE A~OE~S NAY ALONG WEST PART OF CANYON VIeW ~RK ANNEXATION TRACT B To-wit: =- IThat park of the Canyon View Park Anne.xatlon being part of the II~W¼NZ% of section 30, T32H, RllSW, w~thin the bounds of the ~HB~INNIN~ at the northwest corner of said SW~NE% found as }} described in the Corner Record filed in sa~d Office; thence SOO~-24'-42,,E, the base bearing for this s%~rvey, 455.36 feet, alon9 the west line of said SW%NE~ to the Southwest point of said Annexation; thence S~M*-l~,-36,,E, 60.04 feet, alon9 th~ mouth line of said Annexatio;~ to a point; thence N00.-24,-42,,W, 457.17 fm~t, to a point on the north line of said SW%N~% and sa~d AnDexation; thence N89"-~'-00.W, 60.00 feet along said north 'line to the ENCOMPASSING'an area of 0.63 acres, more or les~; eaoh "point" marked by a ~/8" x 24" ~teel reinforoing rod with ~" aluminum cap insurlb~d, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BID PINEY WY PLS 5358" · the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west ].ine of th~ NE~ Section 30, T3RN, RilSW, bein~ NDO,~24,-42,,W; all in accordance with the plat prepared attache~ herewith EXHIBIT "B" and ~ade a part thereof titled, "EXHIBIT "B" LAWRENCE O. YOUNg, ~V~LYN R. YOUNG, DERALD A. YOUN~ PLAT OF TRACTS IN NE% SECTION 3D T3~N RllSW PARTLY IN THE TOWN OF AFTON LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMIN , dated 23 December 1996. ,...,,,, ~r~i,m,(t.,~ ~..~o "Modificafio~ h~ ally w~y Of tile foregOIn~ description lern)inal~ II[,bility