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COLLEEN D. J~NSON and CLARK YOUlqG, Co-Trustees under the Youn¢ Family Trust
dated October 11, 1999
Grantors .?or~ Collins, Counuy of Latimer, ~tate of Color~,.do
hereby CO~EY and W~T TO:
R}{~ ROBERTS MILES, TRUSTEE or her ~uccessors in trust under t'.k~e R~EA
ROBERTS MIL~ L!VIN~ TR~ST, dated Dece~er 31 1996 and ~PS ]~;.<~C a
Wyomin~ Corporation. ' ' ' '
~rantees of P.O. ~ox 725, Afton, Wyoming 83110
for the sum of Ten Dollars .and other ~ood and valuable considek'ation
the following described trac~ of land in Lincoln County~ Stat~:: of WYoming,
hereby releasin~ and waivin~ all rights under and by virtue o~'. the
]nom~gt~ad ~x~mption law~ of th~ State, to-wit:
Subject =o reservations and restrictions contained in the Unit:~:d States
To~ether wi=h all improvements and appurtenances thereon.
wI~SS, the hand of said grantors, this. day of Deco~2;r, A.D. 2001
' Colleen D. Jenso~.~ Co-Trustee
................ ~CYark- ~oung, Qto- T.r~stee
STATE OF COLO~ ................
Count~ of Latimer
'~':':' .."..-'on the day O.f'Dece~er~. A.D. 2001, Personally 'ap'p,~'~red before
m~ COlleen D. Jenson, Trustee, known .or identified to me to .':~ the person
whos~ name is subscribed to the within instrument, and ackno~?.edged
that they executed the sam~'.:
Not ary .~ubl i c
STATE OF WYOMINQ My co~ission expiree on
County of ~{~0 ~ ~-
On the day of Dece~er, A.D. 2001, personally aPpe~red before
me,. Clark YOung, Trustee, known.or identified to me to be ~he person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and achowled~ed to me that
they executed the same.
--~ M~Com~,~o,~pi~Ap~,~00~_ ~- -._ . ~ 'My comh:i~ion expires on ~ '~'/~-'~''- ·
zoo/~o~ ~
COLLEEN D. jENSON, and 'cLARK yoUNG, .Co_TrusteeS under the YoUng Pamily Trust
dated~0ctober 11, 1999 ·
Grantors Fo~t Collins, county °f'Larlmer, state of Colorado
hereby CONVey'and WARRANT TO: ..
RHEA ROBERT'S' MILES, TRUSTEE or her successors in trust under the RHEA
ROBERTS MILES LIVING TRUST, dated December 3'1 1996 and GPS INC. a
Wyoming :CorPoration. " ' ,
Grantees 'of P.O. ~ox 725, Alton, Wyoming. 83110
for the 'sum of Ten Dollars and other good and Valuable consideration
the. following described tract of land in'Lincoln COunty, State of Wyoming,
hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the'State, to-wit:
Subject to ~ceservat~ons and restrictions contained in the United States
Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use.
Together wi~:h all improvements and appurtenances thereon..
WITNESS the'hand of said ~rantors, this ~,(~'
' ' --~ay of December, A.D. 2001
Clark Young, Co-Trustee.
· County of L~rimer .
'On the day of'December; A.D. 2001, 'Personally appeared before
me, .Colleen D. Jenson, Trustee, known or identified to me to be the person
whose name.is subscribed to .the within.'.instr~ment and a~knowledged to me
that they executed ' ·
Notary Pub~ '. '
STATE OF WYOMING 'My commission expires On
· coUnty of ? ' ..
On the day of 'December,.'A.D. 2001, personally appeared before
me, Clark young, Trustee, known.or identified to me to be the .person whose
name is subscribed to the within .instrument,.and acknowledged to me that
they executed the same. '
My commission expires on :'
Exhibit "A"
T32N~ RllSW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming
Section 19: SW1/4SE1/4 and W1/2SE1/4SE1/4
Section 30: N1/2NE1/4 AND
BEGINNING at the Northwest .Corner of the N1/4 of Said Section 30
and.running thence South 109 rods to the North side of the street
of Alton Townsite, ·known as First Avenue;
thence East 2 rods;
thence North 109 rods;
thence West 2 rods to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
ALSO that tract of land described on the attached Exhibit "A"
EXCEPTING therefrom Rockbridge Meadows Subdivision, Lincoln
County, Wyoming, according to that plat recorded October ~4, 2001
as Plat No. 360-B
Also Excepting therefrom that parcel of land conveyed to. the Town
of Alton, recorded January 23, :.1997, Book 393P.R., Page 159.