HomeMy WebLinkAbout878240 ~OWN ~L MEN THESE P~SENTS, That ~(E?~%~[~ ~RO~ L. VASSAR A~ DEB~ A. VASS~ H~b~d ~d Wife~ of the CounW of LincoN, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) md other good and v~uable consideration to thru in hand paid by Jerome L. Vassar and Debra A~ Ross-Vassar whos= address is P.O. Box 3536,. Alpine, WY 83128 The receipt whereot is hereby contZssed ~d ach~owledged, have re~sed, rel~sed, convey and forever quitclaimed ~d by ~ese presents do for my heirs, executors and a~inistrators, ten, se, release and . Drever quitclam m~to the sad ~RO~ L. V~S~ ~D DEB~ ~ ROSS-VASS~ Hmb~d mid Wife ~ Ten,ts by the Entireties, heirs ~d assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest, prope~y, possession, clahn ~d dmand as we have, ought to have ~ or to all the following describ~ pre, sos, to-wit: A tract of lm~d lying N and being ~ po~ion of ~e SW~SE~A of Section 4, T36N Rll9W of the 6~ P.M., Lincoln Cowry, Wyoming ~d being more p~ticularly de,cribed ~ renews: Begi~ing at a point 1945.10 feet N 89°42'16'' W md 664_07 feet No~h from the Southeast corner of s~d Section 4 ~d ruling ~ence N 7059'38" W~ 197.25 feet; thence N 12043'34" E, 124.52 feet; thence S 89=54'07" E, 330.00 feet; thence Sou~ 316.80 feet; · ence N 89054'07'' W, 330.00 feet to ~e point of be~n~ing. Hereby releasing ~d waiving all rights under and by virtue of flxc homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. TO ~VE ~D TO HOLD ~e said premises unto ~e said Jerome L. Vassar and Dcbra ~ Ross-Vass~ heirs ~d assign, to ~s md ~eir own properw usc md behoof forever. So fl~at neither wc nor ~y o~er person in my nme or behalf shall or will hereafter gla~ or dcmd ~y right to ~tle to the prenmes or any pa~ d~ereof, but they ~d eye,one of them shall by thee presents be excluded ~d forever barred. Dated &is 21~ day of December, 2001 ~"~ J~rome L. Vass~ Debr~. Vass~ STATE OF ~OMING COUNTY OF TETON The for~i~ ms~ment was ac~owledged before me by Jerome L, Vassa' ~d Debra A, Vasi~ ~s~ [ ~ day of December, 2001. Witness my h~d ~d official se~. r~~ .. My Co~Nssion Expires: ~& ~ ~ ~f~ Notaw ~blic t - " MARK B. H~SLER - NOTAR~UBLIO CounW ~ ~ State of ~ My Commission ~pires ~'~ ~'