HomeMy WebLinkAbout892747When Recorded Return 1o: Espy Law Office, P.C. Hansen Building 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 501 Cheyenne, WY 82001 :" 00K53; PR P^O 0 I O. 8923h3 RECEIVED ,LINCOLN COt)NTY CLERK 03 I~UG 25 PH 12:1 3 JEANNE WAGNER VERIFIED LIEN STATEMENT FOR LIEN FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE NAME OF CLAIMANT: State of Wyoming, Department of Health, Office of Medicaid ADDRESS: 2300 Capitol Avenue Room 147 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON TO WHOM MEDICAL CARE WAS FURNISHED AND AGAINST WHOSE PROPERTY LIEN IS FILED: NAME: ADDRESS: Kathleen E. Erickson 3710 St. Hwy 241 Afton, WY 83110 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY: Part of Section 33, T35N Rl19W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 1741/2 feet East from a point which is 3 rods East and 2 rods South from the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of said Section 33 (which comer is known as the center intersection of the streets running North and South, East and West) and running thence East 140 feet; thence South 8 rods; thence West 1'40 feet; thence North 8 rods to the point of beginning. Together with all improvements situate thereon and all easements and appurtenances belonging thereto. NAME AND ADDRESS OF VENDOR[S) FURNISHING MEDICAL CARE: The primary vendors providing medical care were Valley Pharmacy, Evanston Regional Hospital ~and university Surgical Associates in Afton, Wyoming, and various other prowiders on file with the Department of Health. DATE OF SERVICE: 5/1/1999 to present AMOUNT DUE FOR CARE: $ 37,683.32 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND OWING CLAIMANT, STATE OF WYOMING, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH~ FOR ALL CARE: $37,683.32. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I do hereun{:ler set my hand this y of August, 2003. ~te of Wyoming, ~~""~ ~ D~artment o~! He~l~~ Its:l Recovery Manager ~ STATE Of VVYOMiING ) ) COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) SS. The foregoing Verified Lien sta~.eme~tJ~or Recipient Name was subscribed and sworn to before me by Debbie Paiz thls_.~- ~J'~ day of August, 2003. My commission expires(/~/'~O 0 ~' WitNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Pubic