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Each of the paaies identified oetow Clot o~ers") purchased,~f?ne~_ ~,,
Commissaw ~anch and at that time became a ~ember oE the Co~m~ary,~&c~, ~a~d:~,
Owners Associafio~ ("the Associa~o~"). Assessments ~e due to the Associatio~ o~
~ua] basis. Accordin8 to the Dec]arafio~ of Cov~ts, CoM~tio~s and ~es~ictio~s for
Co~Jss~ ~anch ("the Decimation"), dated Ausust ]5, ]978, and recorded ~ the
Office o¢ the Linco]~ Cotm~ C]er~ o~ September 6, ]978, in Boo~ ]49 PR, pa~e 95,
mcordin8 of a Notice 0¢ Assessment and ~ie~ for ~o~-payme~t of assessments results
a ]~e~ o~ the prope~y o~ the lot o~er in Dvor o¢ the Associafiom The Assoc~afio~ may
Eomc]ose such He~ by adve~sement and sale u~de~ ~e Declarafiom Pursuit to the
Dec]~afio~ ~d this Notice o¢ Assessment ~d ~ie~, the Associatio~ Ms a ~e~ o~ the
prope~ o¢ the lot o~ers in the a~ou~ts as set fodh in the table below.
The lot owners identified below have defaulted in the performance of the conditions
and terms of the Declaration by failing to pay the assessments when due, and thus, the
power of sale has become operative, and the Association has declared the entire balance
owing for assessments and additional charges to be immediately due and payable and
elects to exercise the power to foreclose the Lien by advertisement and sale as provided
in the Declaration. No suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debts
secured by the Lien or any part thereof.
The names of each of the lot owners, a description of the lots against which the Lien
is being imposed, and the amount due and owing by each lot owner are as follows:
Lot Owners: Battlefield Inc. %Gardner, Mark S - 621 PineView Pl. Casper, Wy 82601
Lot Description
Commissary Ranch Unit B Lots 18
T24-R'l 16-S25
Amount Owed
$11.00 lien fees
Total $221.00
STATE OF [/[~2k '
: SS.
On this r-~ (pday of ~ 2 (~4 A ~, 2003, before me personally appeared
to me personahy known, wh~, ~'r~y~r~ duly sworn, did say that he is the TreaSurer
of Commissary Ranch Land Owners Association, a Wyoming non-profit corporation,
described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was
signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; and said Gary
L. Nordenstrom acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said
corpor tion.
'ssary Ranch Association
Given under my hand and notaries seal the day and year first above written in this
~627 S, 2050 W,
My Commission Expires
JANUARY 22, 2005
My commission expires: