HomeMy WebLinkAbout893188 75 ~ RECEIVED ASSIGNMENT OF MDRT. GAGE LINCOL~,~ C, OUt,jTy CLERK FOR VA~U~ ~CEIVED, the ~IRST NATION~ BANE-W~ST, a National Ba~ing Co~oration, organized ~d e~sting under T~ LAWS OF ~t~, ~~ ~ . _ , _ STATES OF A~CA the mo~ .......... ., . . ~nn ul~l~:.,-~[',~f~l~. ,.,5.~ ~.~ described, does hereby tr~sfer, assign, set over ~d convey all right, title and interest in and to said mo~gage, which was given to said moagagee by. ~EN ~ HOOPES h GE~D~ HOOPES, ~SB~ h ~d appears recorded in BoOk~o~gages begi~g on Page ~~ offic~ of the County C]~rk of LINCOLN prop~y 'n~, Wyom~g, and ~hich~overs described as follows: SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE C Together with the note or notes secured thereby, to the _COUNTRYIv'IDF. I]O}tE. LOANS-'-]:NC. Its successors and assigns, subject however, to ~I1 of the agreements, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein contained~ as well as all rights of redemption provided by law. Daedthis---lll.TIt~day of_ ,AUGUST STATE OF _.~ _) ) ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by_ RoxI~. this 18T~ dayof AUCUSa: WHITNESS BY HAND AND 'OFFICIA~ SEAL. SEAL: My Commission Expires: ~ll5/;~,,'~ WCDA FORM NUMBER 203 - '-' -: _, 20 0~3. 'F~~.. ~NK - WEST JENKINS _, 20 03 County of i~ State of Un~oln ~ Wyoming 760 SCHI~DULE C A part of the E~SE~ of said Section 12, T31N Rll9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract of record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, in Book 116 of Photostatic Records on pages 311-314 described as follows: , BEGI~NING at a 3/8" x 12" steel spxke on the east line of said Section 12, N 00o-05, E, 660.09 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 12, found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in the said office; thence S 89o-52.0, W, 40.00 feet to a poin~ on the west right-of-way line of State Highway 241; thence continuing S 89o-52.0, W, 631.41 feet along an existing fence to a point; thence N 00o-06.3, E, 292.30 feet along an existing fence to a point; thence N 89o-01.0, E, 450.71 feet along an existing fence to a point; thence N 00°-04.7, E, 370.05 feet along an existing fence in part to a point; , thence N 890-40.0, E, 180.70 feet along an existing fence to a point on said wesn right of way line; thence continuing N 89°-40.0, E, 40.00 feet to a 3/8" x 12" Steel spike on the east line of said Section 12; thence S 00o-05, W, 6.00 feet along said east line to the northeast corner of the SEWSE~ of said Section 12; thence continuin9 S 00~-05' W 663 81 feet to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING. ' '