HomeMy WebLinkAbout878245 WH'EN RECORDED RE'FUikN TO: M D CAREY · 1055 TttAYNE-FREEDOM COUNTY RD ~125 tJ Loan No, 652369182 m'EASE~F MORTGAG~ ~}i;OK~ PR PAGE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) KNOW ALL MEN BY TItESE PRESENTS: CO~TY OF LINCOLN -' ) That in consideration of paymenf~f the debt named therein, GMAC Mortgage Ce'potation, by these presents does hereby release land located in LINCOLN County,.Slate of wYOMING, described as follows: Legal Description: See aaached Exhibit "A" from the lien of a certain mortgage made and executed by M DANIEL CAREY AND NANCY SUE CAREY, to APA FEI)ERAL CREDIT UNION, on Deeember=l 8~ 2000, and recorded on January 19, 2001, in Document N0. 870985, Vol. 458, Page 740, Certificate ---, County of LINCOLN and State of WYOMING, to the end that said mortgage shall cease to be a lien on the land above-described. ' Wimess their hands and seals, this December 21, 2001.  C Mortgag9 Corporation . Vickie lngamells, Assistant Vice I resident STATE OF IOWA ,.'. County of Black Hawk On Dece~nber 21, 2001, before me, Michelle Brown, personally appeared Vickie Ingamells, Assistant Vice President, personally known,to me (or p~'oved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed ilo the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument lhe person, or entity upon behalf of which.the person acted, executed the instm~nent. WITNESS my hand and official seal. [ ~,.~ NOTARIAL ~EAL- STATE OF IOWA ' - COMMISSION NUMlJER: 19~50~ ~otary's Sig~atur~ MY OOMMISSlON EXPIRE8 NOV.~a, ~004 Michelle,Brown .11/23/2004 , ~' .... , 2001-12-17 A' tract of land in the SE~.of SectiOn 15, T34N RllgW of the 6th P.M,, Lincoln County, Wyominq bain~ more particularly described as f°llows~ Beginning at the Southwest corner of a tract of record f~und in Book 147PR on page 5~4 in the OffiCe of the Lincoln County Clerk, and running thence West 114.47 feet, along the North line of the Mark Lateen Tract d~scribed in Warranty Deed recorded March 24,. 1980 ia Book 164PR on paqe 236 in said Offike; .... '~'~"- -~' thence North 300 feet; thence East 214.47 feet7 thence South 300 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the above described tract of record in Book 147;. 'thence w~st, along ~he South line o~ said tract of record 110.00 feet, more or less to the point of beginning.