HomeMy WebLinkAbout878294 DEED OF RECONVEYANCE J. SCOTT BROWN, 7, LSQ., TR-USTEE, trader a Trust Deed dated September 21, 2001 and executed by LAVERE B. MERRITT, as Trustor, with LNB INVESTMENTS L.L.C., as Beneficiary which Trust Deed was recorded on September 21, 2001 as Entry No. 876116, in Book 473, at Page 371, in the records of Lincoln CoungT Recorder's Office, State of Wyoming, and pursuant to a written request of the Beneficiary thereunder, does hereby reconvey, without wan:anty, to the person or persons entitled thereto, the trust property now held by said Trustee under said Trust Deed, which property so reconveyed consists of real property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, described as lbllows: PART OF LOT 1 OF BLOCK 23 OF TJ!~ AFTON TOW?!S1TE, Lincoln Comity, Wy~:aing being more particularly described as tbllows: BEGINNING at lhe Southeast corner of said Lot I and ~'tmning thence West 20 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence East 15 rods; thence South 4.5 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence South 5.5 rods to the Place of Beginning. Dated this the 14a day of December, 2001. State of Utah ) SS. County of S a~'~. Lake ) On the 140, day of December, 2001, personaliy appeared beibre me J. SCOTT BROWN, Trustee, the signer of the foregoing instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~g~;,,:~ NOTARY PUBLIC June 20, 2002 ~[. My Co~mission expires: Resi4ing at: " t ~ .... , ........