HomeMy WebLinkAbout893338PAGE 4 7 7 LIEN (Wyo. St~t.~ RECEIVED LIt,lOOl_.t,,~ COUNTy CLERK · 0.3 %P._ I '> It3:35 HAMILTON FLOORING dba HAMILTON CARPETS PLUS, LLC hereby roes a"nen statement for the outstanding balance on Invoice Number 1051 of RALPH AND PATRICIA BOEDEKER of.P.O. BOX 1069; THAYNE, WYOMING 83127. 1. Name and address of persons seeking to enforce lien: NATHAN HAMILTON of HAMILTON FLOORING dba HAMILTON CARPETS PLUS, LLC, P.O. BOX 936, AFTON, WYOMING 83110. 2. Amount claimed to be due and owing: One thousand, nine hundred, forty dollars and twenty cents(S1,940.20). 3. Name and address of the person against whose property the lien is filed: RALPH AND PATRICIA BOEDEKER; P. O. BOX 1069; THAYNE, WYOMING 83127 4. An itemized list settinq forth and describing materials delivered or work performed: SEE ATTACHED INVOICE WHICH IS MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION BALANCE DUE: .. $1,940.20 5. Name of persons against whom the lien claim is being made' RALPH AND PATRICIA BOEDEKER 6. Date when labor was last performed or when services were last rendered, or the date when the project was substantially completed: MARCH 10, 2003 Bowers Law Office P. C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Afion, ~yoming 83110 (307) 885-0640 L~in Statement -- Page 1 of 2 7. Legal description of the premises where the materials were furnished or upon which the work was performed: Land situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: HAYSTACK #1; LOT #i; T34 R118 S17, as recorded in the Deed filed October, 1998, in Book 419; Page 710 in the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. A copy of the contract if available: DATED this L"~' day of~,ugust, 2003. CHAN HAMILTON STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The~fo~egoing instrument was acknowledged before me by NATHAN HAMILTON this '"t'-:-"day of Augu-st, 2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: !\- t%_-oC Bowers Law Office P. C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 .4fion, Wyoming 83110 (307) 885-0640 NOTARY PUBL~ Lein Statement -- Page 2 of 2 3un 2G ()3 01:59p Hamilton ttami lton 's Carpers Plus, Carpets Plus (307) 885-7588 P.O. Box 936 450 S. Washington St. Afton, WY 83110 [ 3/10/2003 307-8,35-7587 I p.2 479 Invoico Date Invoice # 1051 Bill 1'o BoCci ~, Pat PO Bo:t 1069 · Thaym, Wy 83127 Terms Item Area Size Rate Amount Carpet-Star k Caxpet-Ord, :r Pad Carpet~Ord. :r Labor-Carp :t Descriplion ' Carpet-Stock, Enchantment, Castle Rock Carpet..Order, Ariemis, Iron 8# Pad Carpet-Order Artemis, Iron Carpet Installation -Invoiced by installer. Late Fee of 10% of balance due pea' month Interest. Maximum allowed by law of 1.5% monfldy or 18% annual. Ralph and Pat, We have mad numerou~ attempt~ to collect this debt. We have been told that the check is in tho mail six times and had se~r~"l~-I Other e~cu~ why we have not received payment. It is apparent that there is no intent to pay this debt and so we are forced to turn this into a legal matter for collection. add. upstaLrs 12 x406" 12 x 35 9" 12 x 23 3" Yds/Sf I 101.67 31 21 11.94 9.68 3.50 9.68 427.15 157.74 23.66 644.76T 461.45T 355.85T 300.08T 427. i 5 315.48 47.32 Thank you Cor your business. Subtotal Sales Tax (5.0%) PLEASE R ~tkI) BEFORE SIGNING. Buyer understands that there may be a d.ve lot variaficm fr )m the sample. Even with extreme care, installers can't avoid scratches to walls, base )oards. wallpaper. Rooms must be clear & ready tbr installation_ All old flooring an, 1 furniture mum be cleared from the room to be inmallatiou is to take place. Installer is not responsible for unforescsm structure problems. All necessary floor preparatinr s, cutting doors, furniture moving, & hauling old flooring to dtunp are additional ,:harges. Our in.smilers are not plumbem, hence they are not responsible for damages if we replace a toilet. We back our installers performance but a~k that they are paid dimc[ y by the customer. We require that materials be paid in full before they leave the store. , ~ finance charge will be charged on all accounts past 30 days after installation. Thanka. ltamilton Carpeta Plus / Color Tile. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page I Jun ~6 £3 01:58p Hamilton CarPets HamL!ton 's Cra-pets Plus, P.O. Box 936 450S. Washington St. Alton, W~' 83110 307-885-'r587 Plus (30'7) 885-?588 p.3 48O Invoice Date I Invoice 3/10/2003 ~ 1051 Bill T 3 Boedek .-r, Pat PO Boa 1069 Thayne Wy 83127 ! Item i Oescripli°n Area Size Yds/Sf Rate Amount [ We have filed this claim with Lincoln Terms you f, county Circuit Court along with cerlificd mail informing you of our intent. Should you decide to settle this matter out of court we will waive the interest and late Payment will be accepted in the form of cashiers check, money order or cash. This is an attempt to collect a debt. 6/10/03. PLEASE R.[ AD BEFORE SIGNING. Buyer understands that there ma), be a dye lot variation from the ~ample. Even with extreme care, inslallers can't avoid scratches to xs~lls, baseb 3ards, wallpaper. Rooms must be clear & ready for instsllation. All old flooring and furniture must be cleared from the rooms to be installation is to take place. Installer is not responsible ['or unforeseen structure problems. All necessary floor preparations, cutting doors, fumitme moving, & hauling old flooring to dump are additional charges. Om' installers are not phimbem, hence they arc not responsible for damages if we replace a toilet We back our inslallers performance but ask that they am paid directl) by the customer. We requke that materials be paid in full before they leave the store. A finance charge will be charged on all accounts past 30 days after installation. Thanks, I-lamiltun Carpets Plus / Color Tile. Subtotal $2,552.09 Sales Tax (5.0%) sss. u Total $2,640.20 Payments/Credits $-700.00 Balance Due 1,94o.2o Page 2 Document # L077WY