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1. That I am a joint Trustee named in the Frank K. ~artlett Trust &ted May 4, 1981 h'~st and the Beverly B. Bartlett Frost &ted MaV 4, 1381. 2. That on June 22, 1981 in Book 177PR on page 566 of recor& of t. incoln County Clerk was recorded a Quitclaim Deed from Frank L. Bartlett and Beverly B. Bartlett to Frank L. Bartlett and Beverly B. Bartlett, Trustees of the Frank K. Bartlett Trust dated May 4, 1981; and that on June 22, 1981 in Book 177PR on page 564 of records of Lincoln Co,mty Cie;lc v/as recorded a Quitclaim Deed from Frank L. Bartlett and Beverly B. Barlett to Frank L. Bartlett and Beverly B. Partlett, J)~ustees of the Beverly B. Bartlett Trust dated May 4, 1981 as conveving the following described land: That part of the SE'~SW% of Section Z :', T26N R114W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln Count/, Wyoming described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8" x I2" steel spike on the West line of said SE~SW% w~thin the right- of-way of the LaBarge Creek County Road No. 12-315, N 00008' W, 552.50 feet from Southwest corner of said SE~SW~ where found a 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 BIG PINE WYOMING T26N Rl14W S12/13 S1/16 thence continuing N 00o08' M4 758.30 feet along said West line to a point; thence S 53°46' E, 1349.54 feet to a point; thence S 36°12' W, 560.07 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of said County Road; thence continuing S 36© 12' W, 50.00 feet to a 3/8"x 12" steel spike on the center line of said road; thence N 53°48' W, 900.00 feet along a tangent of said road to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING. 3. Frank K. Bartlett, Jr. died on ~}uZ~- 10~ ! 98-5 Pursuant t'o W.S. 34-2-123 (197Z) and according to the terms of the Trust, successor trustee is Beverly B. Bartlett of 1767 Meadow Creek Lane, Ogden, UT 84403. Affiant is lawfully serving in capacity of successor trustee. Dated this _ / ~ clay of ~2001. (;/Beverly B. Bartlett State of Utah! z/ // County of I, Beverly B. Bartlett, do solemnly swear that 1 have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed b~; me; that I know ~he contents thereof and verily belie've the statements therein contained are tn~e. ~,/ lJeverly B. 13artletc ,- , The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before n',e by Beverly B. Bartk~tt this Witness my hand a~d official seal. My Commission Expires: ~~~blic - /~ ~ ~C~ CINDY AIKENS /~/~ ~605 Harrison Bird Thffd FI · Ogden, (jT B4403 February 17, 2003