HomeMy WebLinkAbout878298 WARRANTY DEED :. OOK -480 :,, 4,94 W. TOM DAVIS, ...............J,. PAGE ........ TRUSTEE OF THE W. TOM DAVIS REVOCA]~.LE TRUST dated March 10, ! 987, grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($1.0.00) and other good and. valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO BILLY JAMES WAI)E AND STACEY WADE, Husband and Wife as Tenants by tile Entireties, grantees, whose address is /(~.7!.: /-"~'::X' 7z/~ Z.{/~'-//".,t'''] /h/r ~,'..:..f-. , .. r,'~',7 the foli°wing described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: That part of Section 8, T30N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel labeled "Pamela J. Hruska Living Trust dated I1 June 1991, Parcel A" dated June 19, 2001. TOGETHER WITH any water rights associated with theland to include Reeves Spring and Kingston Spring included under SW Smoot Pipeline Company. WITNESS our hands this .f/' day of December, 2001. ,.. W. Tom Davis, Trustee State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by W. Tom Davis, Trustee of the W. Tom Davis Revocable Trust dated March 10, I987 this .,~ / day of December, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. ...Mx. Sq~mjgsfon ffxn re~ 't'ne ~. 2004 JJ 7~',c ~.. ~2 '. -L .~ t- - t~;~, ,_.~ ............ Notary My Commission Expires: DESCRIPTION FOR -. PAMELA J, HRUSICA LIVING TRUST, DA'fED 1 1 JUNE 1991. t~ ~ 5 PARCEL A To.wit:. - q'lmt part of the N!4SW'ANWV4 of Section 8, TJON, R118W, I.,in¢oln County, bei,ag all or,at tract of reco~ in thc Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 466 Photostatic Records on page 607 and pa~ of that tract of record in said Office in Book 44i o'F Photostatic Records on page 414, described as follows: BEGINNING at ihe southwest corner of said N'ASW',4NW%; thence N00-0. -59 E, 332 30 feet, along the west line of said N[SSW[4NW~. 'La tt'.~,.~ northwest comer of the S~N55SW~NW~ of said Section 8; thence continulng~ N00°-09'-59"E~ 2g.64 feet, along the west line of said N~ASW~4NW~& to a ~pike; the~c.e Ng9%5()'-3 I'E, 4, t 4,83 feel along an existing fence l~e, m pan~, to u point; therme S01 -00 -02 E, 362,76 feet, along an~ existing fhnce hne, to a point on lhe sarah of s~¢d thence N89°-54'4g"W, 422.20 f~et, along said south line, to ~hc ~' r r CORNEA O BEGINNING; ENCOMPASS~O an area of 3.49 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARinG for 'd~is ~u~ey is the c~'x~t line of the SE~4 of S,,~tion 7, 'rJeN, gl being N00% 10'-06"E; SUBJECT to an easement for U.S. Highway 89; each "comer" found as degeribed 'in the Comer Record filed or to be ~led in the Office the Clerk of Lincoln County; each"sp~e' marked by a ~/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinfbrcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 536g', ~4th appropriate dot,ts; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing r~ wlth a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 53 68', with appropriate details; ail in acco~ance wifl~ the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Nneo fa Coun~ tided, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION PAMELA J. HRUSKA LIV~G TRLIST, DA~D 11 J~' 1991 ~ THE SW~A~24 SECTION 8 TJON RllgW LI O N CO~TY, WYO~G", dated 19 June 2001, ~zs / " M~dlflcatlan' ~n a~y way of the forgooln0 dagcrlpti~n' torm~*~ ~.. Ilabil!ty o~ th~