HomeMy WebLinkAbout878324 REI ....... ' REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE [Sy Corporation) - ...... KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That a corpora[ion, of the,County, of_. Cache and State o[~ U t ah -' certify t~hat a certain mortgage, bearing date the zl ~. h ~ do~s herod made and ~x~uted by_ · Thp~as day o~.. _.~, A. D.~_~O H; Newman ~ - L~ ' - -- -" mortg~ee. ~onveyin~ ce~ain real estate ~heroin menNonod as se~nty for tho paym~ of $ th~oin s~a~. which me,gage was recorded in the office o[ the County Clerk and Ex.Off/cio Re,stet off Deeds - ~ County, Sta~ of Wyeth, on the_ 7th_~dayo/~Decembe~ .. X~ 20Q0 in Book~45 6P~oi MortgaSes, ac page_ 687 , and mortga~ the following desc~bed real as~a~o in said County. to.wit Lo~ 62 o~ Star V.a~Zey Ranch PZat 3, LincoZn County., ~yom~ng as described on ~he o~f~ciaZ PZa~ thereo~. is, with a no:e secured thereby, and :he aforementioned deb~. fully paid satisfied, re/eased and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgage~ does hereby release and quitclaim Unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mort. gaged, ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~e Hortqaqee ~ has caused ~s~%~es~~e~_ N.A. Wells Fa~o RAnk Nnrehw~'st.~.k~ Si~ed, ~aled and D~lvered in the presence of ' Sr. Vice PreSident, C~rl ~, G~lleg~ By arl jU Gallegos Note: If i~ h not dosired ~ flea.be lands in ~ace therefor, insert the following: "All ~nds desc~b~d in said mortgage,"--' ~unty of. [It~h ~ ~s, On this_ ~6th day of ~ 20 _ Carl j. Galle~os --'~ Ol-,beforomepersonaltyappeared ~mepersona~y~own, who b~n~ by me duly swom, did say ~h~t he is the_ Senzor Vice_~res~dent and that the seal affixed to said in,tremont is the co.orate seal of said ~ora~ion, and Chat said instrument was s%~ed and Soaled on beh~lf of said co~ora~on by authorlty of its Bo.rd of Diroctors and said_._ Cart,_ J. c ', ~"~ m ,, ~fr~e ~ct and deed of ~Md corporaHon. - TH~ STATD OF WYOMING ...... ~u ~ of~ This instrument was filed for t~rd at o'cl~k~,, on ~s day of ~. D. ~9~ and duly recorded.in B~k_, . , Co~ry C)erk and Ex.Officio Ragist~r of D~ed$ No. ' Fees, ~ By : Deputy Clerk