HomeMy WebLinkAbout878307 '" -':~' ::i. 20 Southwest Title P,O. Box '1367 . .. Kemmerer, WY 83,10~ [Space Above This Line For Recordin~ Data] Parcel'Fax ID ~.: ]2-3518-3]-]-]~.068.00 This form was prepared by: First Mortgacje, A Loan Production Office add~ess: PO Box ~2860 Jackson, WY' 83002 tel. no: (307) 733-7'000 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE For Val'ue Received, the undersigned holder of a Mortgage (herein "Assignor") whose address is P.O, Box 12860, Jackson, WY 83002 ' does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and convey, unto the ' Citimortgage, Inc. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Delaware (herein "Assignee"),' whose address is ,158§1 Clayton Road, Ballwin, MO 630'11 a certain Mortgage dated May 24, 2001 , made and executed by Elizabeth F Redgrave, An Unmarried Woman to and in favor of First Bank of Idaho, a An Idaho Corporation ' upon the following described property situated m Lincoln County, State of Wyoming : Lot 37 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 12, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. such Mortgage having been given to secure payment of '100,000.00 (Include.the Original Principal Amount) Laser Forms nc. [800] 446-3555 LFI#LFtblV:' 11/98 Page 1 of 2 Initials which Mortgage is of record in Book, Volume, or Liber No. 'Tc~,~:a , at page '~ / (or as No. ~7 3,6'1 c~ ) of the Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming , together with the note(s) and obligations therein described and the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under such Mortgage. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Assignee, its successor and assigns, forever, subject only to the term s and conditions of the above-described Mortgage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on May 24; 2001 First Bank of Idaho Witness IPrlnt Name) (Assignor) Witness (Print Name) {Signature ) (Print Name & TllJe) Patrlcla Ann McDonald AVP Attest {Print Name) [Space Below This Line Reserved For AcknowleOgmenf, STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Teton On May24, 2001 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public tn and for smd County and State, personally appeared Patricla Ann McDonald known to me to be the AVP of the corporation herein which executed the within instrument, thal--lJl~_seal~~--e~i~t~-inshui,iem-4s-th~-,,corporate.-.-sea~-of-sa/d corporalF~, that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation pursuant to it's by-laws or a resolution of it's Board 'of Directors and that he/she acknowledges said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. [/~~ Notary Public My Commission Expires ///~ ~-- gcor9.~ (THIS AREA FOR OFFICIAL NOTARIAL SEAL) Teton County, Wyoming Laser Forms Inc (80C) 446-3555 LFI #LFISMP 11/98 Page2 of 2 RE ...... F REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (~y Corpar~llon) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That -- Wells Far$o Bank Northwest N.A. a~Fir~ --.- a corporation, of the County of_ Cache -- - t_~ . _ , and State o[~ Utah certify that a certain ma~g~ge, bearing date ~he. 15 th ..... made and &~uted b- ~~n .N~ ~ a~ ." dau et ~-_. does horo)y as mortg~ee, conveying ce~ain real e~[ate th~oin men~oned · _~h~OinLincolnS~ac~ which me.gage was recorded in the office in Book 4 36 P~ ~County, Sta~ of Wyeth, on the~~day o[~~~ 19.~., ~ of Mortgages, at page 167 . and mortga~ the following deathbed real Lot 17 of the Taylor Third Subdivision, Lin.Co.la County, WY°mia9 as described on the official Plat thereof. ? f' ,., ,, LIN"' ',ctfi. tVF_D ,,OI !",,/ "!:t t~,~'," ........ '"" Y 878326 L] [" J~ ,~ ....,. ' ?' '..:',i",J L i"~ is, wi~h a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debs. fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mor[gagoo doe~ hereby tel,.se and qui*daim un~ the said mor[gagor the pr,mise~ [hereby convey,d and mort. gaged, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~~e Si~ed, ~aled and Ddlver~ in At[ese ~al: By.; Carl d. alleges Note:_~]f i~ ~ no~ __desired ~_~des~be la~ds~ ~n ~ace therefor, ~nser~ ~he following: "Al] ~nd~ desc~b~d Jn said mortgage," ~unty of Ht~h [ ~s, Onthis 26th Carl j Gallegos --day °f~v~mh~ 20 - ' . --,~, before me personally appeared m me peraonaBy ~own, who, b~ng b7 me duly swo~. did thai he the_~r V~.= n~__ ~ ,.eh'- ~ and [hal the seal .ffixed sealed on behm f smd ~orat~on, and thai sa~d in~[rumen~ ~nd acknowled Jf°f. smd comora~on by .uthari~y of its BoardofD/roetor~and,a~d ~ . wes si~od TE OF WYOMING ., A. D. ~04 County o1~ · hJ, ina[rum~nr was filed for r~rd at. A. D. 10~ and duly recorded in B~k~ -day eL.. Co~ry~lerk and Ex.Officio R~gister of D~d~ No._ Fees, $ By Deputy Clerk