HomeMy WebLinkAbout878320 Recording Requested By:
Created by Mary Snyder
Allied First Ba~ F~ AmA Federal Credit U~o~
387 Shuman Blvd. Suite 120W
Nape~ille, IL 60563
When recorded mail to:
Allied First B~ F~ APA Federal Credit Union
387 Shuman Blvd. Suite 120W
Nape~ille, IL 60563
State of Illinois
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Allied First Bank FKA Allied Pilots
Association Federal Credit Union, holder of a certain mortgage, whose parties, dates and
recording information are bel ow, does hereby acknowledge, that it has received full
payment and satisfaction of the same, and in consideration thereof, does hereby cancel
and discharge said mortgage,
Original Grantor: M. Daniel Carey and Nancy Sue Carey, Husband and Wife, as
Joint Tenants by the Entireties.
Original Grantee: Allied First Bank FKA Allied Pilots Association Federal Credit
Dated: July 23, 2001.
Date Recorded: August 3, 2001.
Document No.: 875045; Book 470; Pages 011-015.
County: qLincoln.
State: Wyoming.
Property Address: 1055 Thayne-Freedom County Rd # 125, Thayne, Wyoming 83127
Legal Description: See Schedule A.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Allied First Bank FKA Allied Pilots Association Federal
Credit Union, by the officer duly authoriZed, has duly executed foregoing instrument on
this 31 st day of December, 2001.
Allied First Bank FKA/~ied PilOts Association Federal Credit Union
Amy-Heafer, Lf~dit Analyst
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31 st day of December, 2001
Amy Heafer, Credit Analyst of Allied. First Bank FKA Allied Pilots Association Federal
Credit Union, on behalf of the bank.
~ 'O1:~i~ Mitchell D. Trier, l~otary Public, State of Illinois
Schedule A
Legal Description
A tract of land in the SE/4 SW/4 of Section 15, T34N RllgW of
the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being.more
particularly described as follows:
~gginning at the Southwest corner of a tract of record found
· n Book 14?PR, Page 564, in the Office of the Lincoln County
Clerk, and running thence Wast 114.47 feet, along the North
line of the Mark Lateen Tracct
Thence North 300 feet;
Thence East 214.47 feet;
30~' fee~,-m~re or leSS, to
Of the above described tract of record! the SOUtheast corner
Thence West, along the South line of ~aid grac~ of record
100.00, more or less to the point of be~inning.
Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon
situate or in 'anywise apperta~nins there%into. '
Subject, however, go all reservations, restrictions,
protective covenants, exceptions,
rights.of.way of record, in sight,easementS'or in use. and
Permanent Parcel Number: 12'3429-15-3-00-204_00