HomeMy WebLinkAbout893922893922 BOOK ~,.,Q~_ {i PR P/LGE ~ 4 4.. RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK Loan# 335258 Loan # 0746039364 JEANNE RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That it is hereby certitied by WYOMING COlVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY A corporation of the County of Natrona, and the State of'Wyoming, that certain mortgage given by a L°ra L Gibson~ A Married Person~ Mortgagor(s), Maior Mortgage~ A Wyoming Corporation as Mortgagee, to secure payment of the principal sum of $89~724.00, dated on the 27th day of October, 20 00, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the 30th day of 0ctober ~ 20 00 in Book 454 of Mortgages, at Page 838 ~ h~strument Number ~ mortgaging the following described real property: See Schedule C attached hereto and made a part hereof. that the mortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled, released and discharged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the below signed mortgagee has caused its name to be signed hereto by its proper officers pursuant to due authority given this ] ~ Jr~' day of September ,20 03 , Wyoming Con~ D evelop.~/3.A~ho rity By: G eo r~u n~xe(u~I~irector Attestj~/ John J~'h-Nes, l~I~uty Director STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Natrona The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by George D. Axlund~ Executive Director, this 11 ~l~ day of September ., 20 03 //~ness my hand an~¢,cial seal. ~ Notary Public My Commission expires , r.. ....... , .~% St"t .... < My Commission Expiros August 31 200~ ? ALTA COkffqlTME:¥r - 1982 ~ WY 545 Commitment No. i SCHEDULE C · The lan~ referred to in thts commibnent is situated in tl~ State of Wyoming. County of I.incol., .'-,nd demribdd as follows: A [,ortion of the property referred to in Instrament No. 856251 recorded in BoOk 425PR on pa~e 31 of the records cf the Lincoln' Couns¥ ~le~k located ith~n the NE~SE~ of Section 10, T35N KllgW of the 6th W ' Lincoln County. Wyomin~ the boundary and area bein~ more particularly described as fol~ows: BEGInnING at'a Co~ton Gin ~-~'- · , ~ - - ' ~p~e s~ at a point in the North . - NEWGEn, said point befna 474.05 , line of ~e.~onument ~ound mar~i a ~:~= r~.~,_S 3~27,00,, E, from the B ~.a -=~ co a Cotton Gin ~ ,,._ ~ 7 ..... ,,u_~n l~ne, 164 89 ,. P oLongac_on of an eXlStxnq North-q - p~g tn, Northerly to an Al.--:-,,-L' ~,~ ~na rougn&y along said fe . umlilum uap on Rebar f ..... ~ ..... ',.~ 7. nee. 206.53 feet of the Sanderson property ~,,~ ,,~-~ng cite Northwest corner referred rD irt InstrUment No. 812952, recorded in 9ook 377PR. on page 628 in sa5d records; thence N 89027'00" W, 164.89 feet tc an iron pipe set; thence H 0o01,13,, E, 206.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGf~ING. LESS ~5~ EXCEPT that part of the above described land lying outsi~8 of the land contained In Warranty Deed recorded June 12, 1919 in Book 8 Deeds on page 215 of the records of the L5ncc!n County Clerk. 111'91