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WA DEED COUNTY EOOK ~3 ~JPRrAGE 5JL0 ' ' 030CT-6 ~,~lll: WILLIAM C'ALL, Executor of the Estate of Reuel T. Call, grantor o~Cuunt~8~.-d6 Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to RUSSELL B. GARDNER and TRISHA P. GARDNER, husband and wife, tenancy by the entireties, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situate in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED.EXHIBIT A "DESCRIPTION FOR REUEL T. CALL AND VERNA A. CALL TRAILSIDE TRACT" BEING MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION AS IF FULLY SET FORTH HEREIN Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictiOns, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this 'DS4~- day of September, 2003. WILLIAM CAL'~ Executor of the Estate of Reuel T. Call ST.4TF. OF OMING ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ). The foregoing instrument was executed by William Call, that he personally appeared before me and was dually swom and upon oath represented that he was the Executor of the Estate of Reuel T. Call, that the foregoing Warranty Deed was executed on behalf of the Estate and that he had authority under the terms under the written Estate of Reuel T. Call, and that it was the Estate's free act and deed of the Estate. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC NOTE: This serves to correct that certain 24pI ''''"'u~-'-~'--~~t f..~,~m,'~.u~p~ms...~-~'~,~o Warranty Deed recorded June 20, 2003 in Book 5 . on page 673 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk correcting the acknowledgement Page I of I DESCRIPTION F©R REUEL T. CALL A/qD VERNA A. CALL TRAILSIDE TP~ACT XHIBIT NO. 511 To-wit:-- A~O~. Wymr, ing I~g P~ey, Wyoming .~ ~J~e,~, W'ymuing That part of the SEWSE~ of Section 36, T32N, RllgW, within the Southwest Afton Annexation to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County,· Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk ~f Lincoln County in Book 27 of Deeds on page 401, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the south line of said SE~SE~, with the westerly right-of-way line .of U.S. Highway 89, S89°-14'-35"W, 80.50 feet, from the southeast corner of said SE~SE~; thence S89O-14 -35"W, 213.87 feet, along said south line, to a spike; thence· N01°-10 -24"W, 816.44 feet, along a southerly extension of the west line of the Call Air Foundation Addition Annexation to the Town of Afton of record in said Office as Plat No. 376F, to the southwest corner thereof marked by a brass cap; , thence N89o-56,_36,,E, 215.44 feet, along the south line of said Annexation, to the southeast corner thereof, on said westerly right-of-way line, marked by a brass cap; thence S01o-03,_54,E, 813.80 feet, along said westerly right-of-way line, to the INTERSECTION OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 4.02 acres, more or less; SUBJECT to an easement for the Papworth County Road No. 12-145; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line Of the Airport Addition to the Town of Afton, being N01° 05'-00"W; each "spike" and "intersection', marked by'a 3/8" X 12" 'steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap. inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "corner" found as described in 'the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "brass cap" marked by a 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed, "MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL PLS 5368 AFTON WYOMING", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, 'REUEL T. CALL AND VERNA A. CALL AND CALL AIR FOUNDATION, INC. PLAT OF TRACTS IN THE SOUTHWEST AFTON ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF AFTON WITHIN THE E~SE~ SECTION 36 T32N Rll9W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING', dated 18 SePtember 1998. /q ~ ...........~ ' ',, .,,.¥,., I I .... ,/ /' '. j