HomeMy WebLinkAbout878256 State of ttryow i g Cor er Reco?g (in compliance with the COP.~i'ER PERPETUATION AND FILIN(~ ACT, Wyoming Stotutes, 1977, Section 3§-11-10% et. seq., and the Rules and ReguloUons of the Board of Reglstrat~on for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.) Reverse s~de of this farm may be used if more space [e needed. Record of original survey and c[taUon of source of historic information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories estabJished to perpetuate the }ocotion of this corner. Sketch of relative IocaUon of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. T20N R 113W 1/4 521 I 522 6194¢ th PU FOUND THE MONUMENT FOR THIS CORNER COMMON TO 4 SECTIONS WHICH IS A U.S.A. GOVERNMENT SURVEY BRASS CAP ON A STEEL PIPE PROTRUDING ABOVE THE GROUND 0.7'. THERE IS A SET MARKED STONE 0.4' NORTH OF THE MONUMENT. THIS IS THE MONUMENT FOR THE CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHOWN. T20N R113W ME MONUMENT S214_~22 ~ IS MARKED: S28 ~ S27 S89'5T50"W 5286.0~' (Meas.)(Moy not be o secUon line.) T20N R113W S21...~22 S28 ~ S27 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS 1944 · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. SCALE 1"=1000' 6th PM · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED BUT RELATIVE 1HE MONUMB, IT IS FOR DRA~q BY: NdM COUNTY: LINCOLN Dote of Field Work:, 03/29/2000 Office Reference: CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address Thls corner record was prepared by me or under my direction -J-I 6 JI .... ~-- ,5 4-- --Li 4 JI .... ~- ~, q .... IL 2 -J--i -Li 1 _L_i c Land Surveying -+-b-i .... i-J-+- n F~T q ~ F T~q F~T -q-,-F- T~q " I I __L_J_.L_ _.J_J._L_ _J__L__I .... L_J_J___~__L_I__ _J__l_~_. u '""" '"L',i CORNER COUWON TO 4. SECTIONS Corner Name: SOUTH~MEST CORNER OF SECTION 22 Section: 22 T 20N R 113W; 6TH P.M. Cross Index No.: R-15 SBRPEPLS/PLSW:Morch 1994 (CLCR...SJA)