HomeMy WebLinkAbout878257 (In compliance with the CO~ER PE~ETF~TION AND PlaNE ACT, Wyoming Statutes, [977, Section 36-11-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Eegulatlons of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers end Land Sur~rs.) Reverse side of this form may be used ~f mom space is needed. Record of original survey and citaUon of source of historic informoBon (if corner is lost or obliterated). DescripUon of corner monumentaUon evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. FOUND THE MONUMENT FOR THiS CORNER COMMON TO 4 SECTIONS WHICH IS A U.S.A. STANDARD BRASS CAP ON A PIPE WHICH IS BENT OVER WITH THE BRASS CAP MISSING. SINCE THE MONUMENT IS NO LONGER ADEQUATE WE SET A NEW MONUMENT ALONG SIDE ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE OLD MONUMENTS PIPE. THE NEW MONUMENT IS A 2 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ON A 3/4' X 30= REBAR MARKED AS SHOWN BELOW. THERE IS A STEEL POST SET 5' WESTERLY FROM THE MONUMENT. THIS IS THE MONUMENT T2DN1/R~ISW FOR THE CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHOWN. s~ls9 THE MONUMENT IS MARKED: Tf?:t~13w 1944 6th PM 'X~ S89'59'27"E 2646,80' (Meos.) T20N R115W Sl 7 ~ Sl 6 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS 2000 ~t RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT, SCALE 1'=1000' 6th PM * A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE ASStJMED BUT THE MDNUMENT IS FOR RELATIVE DRAWN B~ COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of Field Work: 05/29/2000 Office Reference:, C~1~0~..°~ [JVJD~;~J DL4~-~9.,,4J~ Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 , g t015121314t518 171819202122232425 i ~ i' , , , ^ Uln'l;oh Engineering o. nd and supervision. '--r--~--T- -~--~--I-- -T--F-'3 .... F"~--T-- -~--T--r--;--T--~ -~--' a -~-6'- -L-5~ .... ~'~ .... ~3' .... L2'--'-'1-'- c L~nd Surveying ._~;_ +_ ._~__L_1-_ _+_L~ .... ~_+_ I I I I I I I [ I I ~ [ I I I , I [ , I , , , , , ~ , , i , , ~ , ~ B5 South 200 East --t- 7 -~- -F- 8 ~ .... i- 9 -i .... i-.1 0~-- -.1-1 1--i-- -{- 12-1-- ¢ ._~ .J_ ~_. ~_:__~ _: ; L ~ ._~ .J_ ~__ '_.LD _j_ ~_L ~_. Ve~n(~t, U~o.h ~4078 F!T ; ! F,-T-,-~- F!T ~, ! F=T!; · I , I J --I'-;-+- -~-t-i-- -+-~--~ .... ~--i-+ ...... +-F-~-- K Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 -m-18-~- -]-17~-' -I-16~ .... y-15~ .... ~- 15-r-~ L ._I_I_.L_ .J_L_L_ _.L_LJ .... E-I_.L_ _J_l_L_ _J__L-J_. U/~.C'51 ~ ~P~ I''1' I '', ' ' ', ; ', ', ', ~ ', ', '-r-n-T-,-n-T-r--T-rn .... r-I-T--n-T-r---T-r-n-' ~ [ o~/! . -~-1,9~-: -~2,g~-' -~2,1~ .... ~2,2~ ~L21:: · -~2,,-iL-- ~~ /f~/ __l :_ I_:_ L J__I _ _ ~ _L t .... ~ j_ I__ ~_j__~ _ _ I _L- ~_. F!T;3 ! F T!9 F!T 3 ! F T!3 u X --~--1-+-:-~-T-~-- -+-F~ .... ~-.1-+--~-T-~-- -+-F-~-. ~ ._L I_j~_,_j_ I_L- _j._l,._j .... L I--1-- -J--l--L- -1--I J--. ,-] i : ITl I'1 t~ IT! !F! Corner Nome: ~OUTHFA~T CORNER OF ~EC'II~ 8 Section: ,~] T ~0N R I!,~W; ~TH P.M. Cross Index No.: d-9 SBRPEPLS/PLSW:Morch 1994 (CLCR...SJA)