HomeMy WebLinkAbout878259 State of yoming Co 'r er Record (In complionce with the CORN. ER P. ERPE3'UATION AND PILIN~ AC~, W~mlng Stotu~es, 1977, Section 36-11-101, et. seq., end the Rules ond ReguleUons of the Boerd of Reglsiro~on for Professionel Engineers end Lend Surveyors.) Re~rse side of this form mey be used if more spoce is needed. Record of originel survey ~nd citation of source of historic inform~Uon (if corner is lost or oblitere~ed). Description of corner monument~tion evidence found ~nd/or monument end accessories established to perpetuete the IocoUon of th~s corner. Sketch of reletive Iocetion of monument, nccessories, end reference points with course end distance to edj~cent corner(s) (fl determined in this survey). Method end rdtionele for reesteblishment of lost or obliterated corner. FOUND THE MONUMENT FOR THIS 1/4 CORNER OF MAXIMUM CONTROL WHICH IS A U.S.A. GOVERNMENT SURVEY BRASS CAP ON AN lEON T20N1/R4113W PIPE WHICH PROTRUDES ABOVE THE GROUND 0.7'. THERE IS A STEEL POST SET 5' WESTERLY FROM THE MONUMENT. THIS IS THE MONUMENT FOR THE 1/4 CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHOWN. S8 THE MONUMENT 1/4 T20N R11 S17 ~ 516 6th PM ",~ 2646.80' (Meas.) T20N R113W S8 1/4e~-.~ CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS 1944 I RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONLJMENT. SCALE 1"=1000' 6th PM * a RELATED CORNER MONUMENT, BEARING~ ARE ASSUMED BUT 11-1E MONI. IME3dT IS F~R RELATI~ DRA~/ BY: NdM COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of Field Work: 03/29/2000 Office Reference: CRO,~,~ INDEX DIACRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction 1 2 3 ~ 5 S 7 S 9 10 15 12 13 14 15 18 ~7 18 19 20 21 22 23 2,4- 25 Uln-I;ah Englneer'lng and and supervision. ---I- i--T--~-/--i--F--T--~'-~ .... r- i-T- --q-i-r-- -T--i -]-'s -~- 6 J-:'-L 5 J- _L z~ -J .... L 3 -J .... I_ 2 -J-- _L 1 _L_ c Land Surveying _+_~_~ .... ~-J_+_ _-~_$_~_ -~-±-~- ._H J,_+_, , ~ , ~ II, , I [ $ I , , ~ , , I , " 85 Soug;h 200 Eas~; __1 J_ J__ I_1_1 __ I_L I .... I j_ I__ I_±_~ __ I_L I_. Ver-nal~ U~cah 84078 --~-9-+ ...... +-F-~ .... f--~-+ ...... +-F--~-- K Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 \ Lab -~-lB~ .... Fl6-1 .... y- 15'~ F13-F- L '--F'-~--T----'i--T--I---T-I-q .... r--I-T--'q-T-I---T-F-I- o -5-?5 .... ,?-i,- -(27 .... 2,2d .... -F2,4-F- -i-+-k- -t-Fl .... s I I I I ,I I I I I I I I , i V I I I I I I I I I I I I ] i I I i I .--H-i-+--H-T-F.--+-i--t .... H-i-+--~-T-I---+-i--I- w ._l_ I_~_ _J_ ~_l_. _J._t,__l .... L L.L__~--J_.-~_J._~ _l_ 1/4, CORNER OF MAXI~U~ CON'mOL Corner Name: SOUTH 1//4 CORNI~ OF SECTION B Section: 8 T 20N R 113W; 6TH P.M. Cross Index No.: J-7 SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994 (CLCR...SJA)