HomeMy WebLinkAbout878262 State of Wyo n , g Cor er Record (In compliance with the CORNER pERPETUATION AND FILINt~ ACT. Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Section 36-11-101, et. seq., end the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.) Reverse side of this form may be used if more spcce is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historic information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentetion evidence found end/or monument and accessories established to perpetuote the location of this corner. Ske[ch of relative locoUon of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. /--- S89'59'58"E ~// 442.68' (Ueas.) S89'51'45"E S89'48'08"E s6Ts5 ~IN R115W T21N R113W ~ SC SC T20N S5~S35 1944 = S5 1/4 1~4 6~h PM ~ T20N 6th PM 1944 FOUND ~E MONUMENT Fffi ~IS STANDARD CORNER COMMON TO 2 SEC~ONS ~ICH IS A U.S.A. GO~RNMENT SUR~ BRASS CAP  ON A S~EL PIPE PRO~UDING ABO~ ~E T2eN m~3W GROUND 1.5'. ~ERE IS A MOUND ~ ~/4 S~NES 2.5' IN DI~E~R BY 1' TA~ ss ls5 SURROUNDING ~E MONUM~T. ~E 1944 6th PU M~UMENT IS 2' NOR~ ~ A ~NCE CORNER ~ ~ICH ~NCES RUN EAST AND NOR~. ~IS IS ~E M~UM~T F~ ~E CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHO~. ~ T21N RllSW ~ ~ SC ~ ~E MONUMENT S35j S56 4 s5 g z T20N ~ 1944 T20N R113W T20N R113W S~_~5/__S5 S7 ' Sa 1-4SS 61944 1944 th PM 6th \ 589'53'19"W 2634.16' (Mess.) -- S5 CORNER MONUM~T S~B~S T20N SCALE~I?~I 0~' 1944 e RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. 6th PM & A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. COUNt: LINCOLN Dote of Field Work: 0~29~2000 , Office Reference:. C~O~ INDEX D]~M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 lg ~ 21 22 23 24 ~ ~ , Ulntah Em nee~lm ~nd and supervision, -~-6~-~ , -f~f-.;-~!~ .... ~L3~ ....,L2~--~--L~ ~ _L_, c Land Surveying _~_2_~_1_+_~_. o ._~_+_ .~_~_~_;_+_~ .... ~-+- , m , , m m m ~ ' ~ , ~ , , m , m ~ m E B5 Sou~h ~00 .... ._~ j_ I__ I_z_l -- ~-L I .... ~ J_ ~__ [_iD __ ~_L m_. Yarn&t, Utah 84078 FiT ] ~ F'T~q F~T ] ~ F Ti] ," .-~]-+ ...... +-F~ .... ~-+- -~-T-p- -+-F~-- K Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 -m-18~ F16~ .... F15-1-- -F14~-. -F1¢-F- L '--F~--T- -I--T--F--T-FI .... FI--T- -I-T-F--T-FI-' o .__1 j_ I_ _ I_~_1 _ _ I_L I .... I j_ I_ _ I_~_1 _ _ I_L I_. --~q-+- -.-T-~- -+-F~ .... ~q-+- -~-T-~- -~-51~ ~52~-' -F53~ .... ~54~ ~35~ ~56-~- x __k m_2__~_~_k_ _~_m ~ .... k~-~---~--m--k- -~--~ ~--. y C~N~ ~M~ ~ 2 ~C~ ~E~T OF ~C~ 21N 115W 6~ Z-21 Corner Nome: Section: ~, T R ; ,P.M. Cross index No.: SBRPEPLS/PLSW:Morch 1994 (CLCR...SJA)