HomeMy WebLinkAbout878362 .f~t.~^~e U~ REAL ESTAT£ MORTGAGE (By Co/porlllon) KNOW ALL MEN BYT ~ HESE PRESENTS, That Wells Far9o Bank Northwest, N.A. a~~~ a co~oration, of [he Couh~y of_~ C~che and Stata o[_ Utah _, does hgr~by certify ~hat ~ c~r~Mn mortgage baaing date ~he_ 2 6 th day o[ J~y , A. made and e.xecuted by C. R~inhart & ~. , a~Id~tion~ as n%ortgagor~ to_ Wgll~ Faroo BarNett as mortgage~, conveying co~ain real °state[heroinmenfionedasse~tyfor[hepaymen~of$ 100,000 O0 Hmroin seated, which mm~gage wa~ re ~' ' ' -- Y ~u~ .... ~ 200( in Book 450 P e~Mor~afe5, at psge~ 17 , and m0rLga~n~ ~he following described rem as~a~e ih said County, Lot 9~ of Nordic Ranchas Division No. 7, Lincoln County, Wyomin~ accordinq to that plat filed Hay 8 ~996, I~strument No. 819461, Plat is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt. fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in coniidararion thereof.the said mortgagee does hereby release and qukdaim unto th~ said mor[gagor the promises thereby conveyed and mort- gaged, I ' uy ~ Carl jk~Galle~os Secretary. Nato: If i; is nor desired m describe lands in space therefor, insert tho following; "All hnds described in said mortgage," ~unry of. ~ MI-ah. ss. On Ods_ 2 6 k~ ~ day of. ~vo~ 20 Carl J · Ga~..e~os ~ .~, before me personally appeared ~o me personally known, who. being by me duly swam, did say that he is tho~S ~ells Fargo Bank Northwest, $.A. ' and [hoe tho seal affixed ~o said ins;mment is ~he co~orate seal of. said co~otation, and tha~ said ins;rumon~ was signed and soaledonbahalfofsaidco~oradonbyauthorityofitsBoardofDiroctoraand,aid_._ Cfl~.~d. acknowledged said instrumene to bo r}~e free act and deed of smd corporation. ' jG,v~n under my ha~d:'a~ no~al ~it~tis 2 6 Eh ' day of ~~eF : =~-, , . .................. day or H reh ~HE S.[APE OF WYOMING County el } s~. This in~trum~n~ w,s filed for r~rd at o'cl~k_ M., on 0~ d~y of. A. D. 19.~ and duly r~eorded in B~k on Pag~. , Ooan~y Cbrk and Ex-Off, cfa R,g(~r el D~,d~ No.~_ Fees, ~ ' By ~ Deputy Clark