HomeMy WebLinkAbout894444 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SUBLETTE COUNTY~(~,9, Gt, t fR NINTH J-LTDfCIAL DISTRICT,. ' . ~ _ ,- :Probate No. 1881 ) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) FILED ) OF ) ) SEP 8 0 2003 .DOROTHY ELEANOR E. McALLISTER, ) · ) MARILYN MOJENSEN CLEBK.OF DI..q'l;tRIC'l~ COURT BY ORDER ADMITTING FOREIGN PROBATE PROCEEDING/ ' THIS MATTER came before the Court for hearing on September 5, 2003, on the Petition of JOHN D. McALLISTER IV, seeking to have probate proceedings conducted in the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake, County, Utah, Probate Case No. 0239000631, in the estate of the above-named decedent admitted in tlfis Court as a probate of said estate by this Court; and the Court, having reviewed the file of record herein and being duly advised in the premises, makes the following: : FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Certified copies of the proceedings had in the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake, County, Utah, Probate Case No. 0239000631, as filed with the aforesaid Petition, are sufficient and in accordance with the requirements of the law. 2. The decedent, DOROTHY ELEANOR E. McALLISTER, died testate on March 18, 2002, as a resident of Salt Lake County, Utah, and was seized of certain mineral property located in the State of Wyoming, as described in the Petition. 3. The value of the assets of the decedent subject to this Petition did not exceed $70,000.00 on the date of death of the decedent. 4. Due and proper notice of these proceedings has been given in accordance with the law, and proof thereof by Affidavit of Publication is on file of record herein. 5. There are no inheritance taxes due because of the size of the estate. 6. No objections, written or oral, to the admission of the foreign probate proceedings to record in this Court have been presented to the Court by any creditor of the decedent or by any other party whomsoever. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY ELEANOR E. MoALLISTER, Probate No. 1881 Decree Admitting Foreign Probate Proceedings ~.. Page I of 4 0 94444 556 ' CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Court has full and complete jurisdiction over the subject matter and all interested Parties in this cause. 2. The file of reCord herein is complete and meets all the requirements of the law for the relief prayed for in the Petition. 3. The Petitioner is entitled to relief as prayed for in the Petition. IT IS,. THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the certified copies of the proceedings in the estate of DOROTHY ELEANOR E. McALLISTER had and conducted in the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake, County, Utah, Probate Case No. 023900063 t, as filed with the Petition herein, be and the same hereby are admitted to record in this Court, and shall from this day forward be considered and treated as original proceedings in this Court, and shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein shown. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to this Order all right, title, and interest of the decedent in mineral property described as follows: o o SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING Overriding royalty interest in Government-Minton "A" (W-89657), Sublette County, Wyoming. Overriding royalty interest in Government-Minton-A, Sublette County, Wyoming. Overriding royalty interest in Government-Minton "B", Sublette County, Wyoming. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend FR # 100-35, Sublette County, Wyoming. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Royalty interest in Chapin USA #4, 831294, located in Township 19 North, Range 99 West of the 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming: Section 4: NW¼NW¼ Overriding royalty interest in federal oil and gas lease E-07798-C, Township 26 North, Range 113 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 3' SW'ASE'A Section 10: W½SW¼ Overriding royalty interest in federal oil and gas lease E-07798-D, Township 26 North, Range 113 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 3: Lots 8, 9, E½SE¼ Section 10: N½NE¼, E½SW'A IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY ELEANOR E. McALLISTER, Probate No. 1881 Decree Admitting Foreign Probate Proceedings Page 2 of 4 os844.44 557 8. Overriding royalty interest in federal oil and gas lease E-07798-E, ToWnship 26 North, Range 113 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, WYoming: Section 2: Section 10: Section 11' SectiOn 14: Section 15' Lot 4 SE¼ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, W½E½, N½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, SW¼ Lots 1, 2, W'AE½, N½NW¼, SW¼NW¼ N½N½ .00014814 overriding royalty interest in lease USA WY 0131513, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 10. .00018520 overriding royalty interest in lease RAINBow FEDERAL/B/, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 11. .00018520 overriding royalty interest in lease GOVERNMENT RAINBOW, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 12. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Tertiary EV7798A, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 13. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Tertiary EV7798B, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 14. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Tertiary E10270A, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 15. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Tertiary E-22405, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 16. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend TR3 Mesa, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 17. 18. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend Unit MV PA, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend Unit FR AB E07798, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 19. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend Unit FR AB E07798D, LincOln County, Wyoming. 20. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend Frontier AB P, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 21. Overriding royalty interest in Green River Bend Bear River PA, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 22. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge-Bear River PA, Lincoln coUnty, Wyoming. 23. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Cons OT&ST FR EVS07798, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 24. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Cons OT&ST FR EVS01027, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 25. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge Cons OT&ST FR EVS02240, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 26. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge FR#25 EV07798A, Lincoln County, Wyoming. IN THE MATFER OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY ELEANOR E. Mc. ALLISTER, Probate No. 1881 Decree Admilting Foreign Probate Proceedings . Page 3 of 4 ~:-~ :~ o-'3' 26. Overriding royalty interest in LaBarge 23 Hilliard EV07798A, Lincoln County, Wyoming. SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING 27. Royalty interest in Chapin USA #4, 831294, located in Township 19 North, Range 99 West of the 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming: Section 4: NW¼NW¼ 28. 1/12 of 1% overriding royalty interest in BLM lease WYW-018787 (Chapin USA #1, Chapin USA #2), located in Township 19 North, Range 99 West of the 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming: ' Section 4: Lots 7, 8, S½NW¼, SW¼ Section 6: Lots I0, 11, 12, 13, 14, SE¼NW¼, E½Sw¼ Section 8: NW¼, herebY is, in accordance with the foreign probate proceedings, declared to be the sole property of and hereby is set over to and vested absolutely in JOHN D. McALLISTER IV, whose address is 1081 E. Kirkwood Way, Sandy, Utah 84094. Dated this _~4~day of THE STAT£ OF' WYOMIN~ COUNTy OF' SUBL£TT£ ~ 2003. BY THE COURT: DistriCt Judge/eX7 IN THE MA'Iq-ER OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY ELEANOR E McALLISTER, Probale No 1881 Decree Admilling Foreign Probale Proceedings Page