HomeMy WebLinkAbout894468KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That FIRST NATIONAL BANK - WEST a corporation, of tbe County of 'l.in~o] n and State of certify that a de,tala mortgage, bearing (late the 17th day o1' made and executed by . Ri_Ca Claye & William ,1. C:laye as mortgagor__, to_ First Hational Bank-West as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as secnrity for tile payment Of $ tberein stated, which mortgage was recorded hi tile office of tile County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register o! Deeds of Lincoln 471 _County, State of Wyoming, ou the. 22nd in Book_ of Mortgages, at page_. 282 All lands described in above said mortgage. 894 68 Wyom ing , floes hereby August A.D..20 0_~, 35,69O.5O as day of August 20 pi . and mortgaglng the following described real estate in said County. to-wit: LINOOLN OOUNTY CLERK' is. with a uote secured thereby, and tile aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof tbe said~rnortgagee does hereby release and q,itclaim unto the said nmrtgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WtlEREOF. the ]?irq~- lqatinnal B~,nk-14e. nt has caused these Presents to be signed by its Branch President and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 6th _day of. Ocrober ^. 19. 2003 Signed. Sealed and Delivered ill the presence of ~T['Mest Seal: CAshier~ ~ First National Bank-West Its Branch President Note: If it is not desired to describe lands in space therefor, insert the followiug: "All lands described in said mortgage." TIlE STATE OF WYOMING Count), of. Lincoln On this 6th Ron Thomas day of.. } October ~0 FIj before ,ne persoually appeared to n,e personally knowu, who. beiug by me d, ly sworn, did say that he is the First National Bank-West Branch President anti that the seal affixed Io said instrmnent ~s the corporate seal of said corporation, ami that said instrument was sigucd and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board o[ Directors and said Cashier acknowledged said instrunmnt to he the free act and deed of said co[potation. Give,, u,,der my band and uotarial seal th'is 6th My em ' 0 ~lon ~ I ~t 12, dayof October _day A.D2003 Notary Public. A. D..200_Q_~. THE SCI'ATE OF WYOMING, Couoty of This iuslrun,ent was filed for record at_. A. D. 19 , and duly recorded in Book SS. o'clock M., on tim on Page da)' of By County Clerk and Ex-Olficio Register of Deeds No. Fees, $ Deputy Clerk