HomeMy WebLinkAbout878358 0201.5494 I [~~ KN'OW ALL ~[EN BY TItESE PRESENTS, That FIRST XAI'IONAL BATIK - a corporation, of the County of ~ -, and State of ~o~ certify that a eertaln mortgage, bearing date the~ 20~h ~ - ~, does hereby · , -' __day off Au~st mndeandexeeutedby D~id E. Ritchie & Carol Dee Ritchie A.D..~99~, as mortgagee, collveyln~ certai~ real estate thereill l~efltio~ed as security {or tile payment of $ 35 ~ 00O O0 therein stated, which mortgage was recorded ~~~ iu the office of the County .Clerk and Ex-OffiCio Register of Deeds of. as __County, State of Wyoming, on the~day of~~999, in Book~~ of ~ortgages, at page~ 85 and mortgaging the following described real estate in' said County, to-w/t: A~Li lands deserSbed ~n above saSd mortgage. · is, with a note secured thereby, aud the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration tbereo! the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises tbereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN. WI'TNESS WHEREOF, the 'bas ~useq ~[?t,'t'e' l;'~:h';d~¥t~.,~,9 be signed by its Branch p~,. ~ , ~' ~;, ~,.~-~,~p ne amxeo, this 9 ~!gnea *~e~[ed ai~d Deli~/~. h :.J~, . ~ y ~ecemoer ~ · ~ ..... au.,: me rescue ' '~;. t,::: .... ' . .... : ' First )ational Bank-West eah . . /-,,, f ~ Cashie~ ~XtX~, Its Branch Pres~d_ent Note: If it is not' d}slr~*a~'io describe lands in space therefor, - " ' - ~~~ ' ' ~: ~ . iusert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage. THE STATE OF WYOMING, } County of kftlCO]~H On this _~ Ron 1qmma. s Aay of_~~ -, ~, befm-e me personally appeared to me personally known, who' being by me duly sworn, dkl say that he is the Branch First National Bank-West .. and lbat the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of sam corporation, and that said instnm~ent was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by auH orlty of hs Board of Directors and said_ Cashier acknowledge~ ~id instrument to be the free act and de ' r,. )~~'~"~r~~ ed of satd cot oration - ~~ ~~ A.D20,0~ TltE STATE OF WYOMING, Cotmty of~ ) ]'bis iustrmnent was filed fo~ record at ~~°'cl°ck~M., on the _day of A. 1). 19 .... and duly recorded in Book_ .on Page~ County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register nf Deeds No. By Fees, $__ ~ Deputy Clerk