HomeMy WebLinkAbout894486WARRANTY DEED (CORPOJqATIO~)~FORM NO. WARRANTY DEED Tlff~S INDENTURE, made the ...... 20_Lh .......... day of .......... J_ul4z. ..... · ..........., by and between the ............... ~.--Be~ne~c~.--In-¢ .............................. a corporation organi~i and existing under and by virtUe of the laws of the State of ............. _T. ex~.s .............. , and having its principal place of business in the County of-~I-u%~_-hi~a.~on ...... , the GRANTOR. and ....................... __ i__,___,__,__..,___,__,_ _3__ *- -*- - -*- =~.~_: ~'~A:r~d~.~.:.N._p =t {o d~e__*__*__*__ _*__*__ _*___*__*___*___* __*__ _*_ _*_ _ _*.... _*_ _,__ _ · * * * * * * * * * * * * * who~e address is 1207 _E__4_Q_8_$___S_~__H_ql.laday_.__U_T .__8__4_1_2_~_-_~2_~ * ~* * * * * * * * * * * , , , , , , *, the GRANTEE, WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in Consideration of the sum of. TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION Dollars (~_l_0_._O~)_*_~_*_) in hand paid, the r~ceipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, does, by these presents,//rant, bargain, ~eil, CONVEY AND WARRANT unto the ee. id 2'rantee__, tlmt certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land situated in the County of____Li~.cQ. Ln ................. , State of Wyoming, and described a~ follows, to-wit: LOt Seventy-One (71), Unit C-2, Commissary Ranch Subdivision SUBJECT to easemenhs and restrictions 89 [,86 of recor~,ECEiVEO LINCOLN. COUNTY CLERK IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor'has caused it~ corporate se~l to be hereunto affixed, and these ~re~ents to be signed by it~ duly authorized officer, the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Attezt: TEXAS Pres i'dent f Owner THZ STATE OF ~i~~. ] HUTCH I NSON ~ lUl. On thi. .... _2_~_t_h_ .............,_~-; ct ..... Aunt, S_ ..... - .... . ................. )l~2J]0_3 b.to~ mo ~~ ~ ._' ....... _%93_~!~_~.~ n~$$. ....................................................................................... C.G. Bennett, Inc. · -nd that the ~al a~fixed to ~aid lnitrument is the corporate ~1 of ~ld corporation, and that ~ld instrument ~aled on belmlf oi Iaid corporation by authority of ira Bolrd o! Director~ and ~dd-Pres iden t ~cknowled~l ~id instrument to b~ the fr~ ~ct ~ud ~ 01 ~id corporation. My Comml.lon expi.r~ on t~ ..... l-s-t- .........4a~ of ...... _J_u_g_e_ ........................... A. D, t~_tD_04 i