HomeMy WebLinkAbout878337 Jack O. Corsi, of Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming, (mailing '-: .......... '"' '"
3673, Alpine, WY 83128), grantor, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00)
and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, CONVEYS
AND QUITCLAIMS to Rayola C. Park, Jack E. Oorsi, and James B. Corsi, (mailing
address: c/o Jack E. Corsi, '~1~31~ No~h U.S. Highway 89, Etna, WY 83118), grantees,
an undivided 1/3_interest each as-tenants in common in the following described real estate,
sit~ate in the County of Lincoln,.:'S(ate of Wyoming:
Be'~'inning at a point 80 rods West of the NE corner of Section Twenty-seven,
T36N, R119W of the 6th P.M., and. proceeding Scuth 60 rods, thence East
80 rod~ thence Nodh 38.6 rods:, thence 'West 69.6 rods, thence Nodh 64
'degrees West for 23.8 rods, to point of beginning, containing'20 acres, more
or less. '
EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A pod'ion of Section 27, Township 36 No~h,
Range 119 West of the 6th P.M. Commencing at the NW corner of Section
27, ToWnship 36 Nodh, Range 11'9 West and running then;ce East 4,026 feet,
more or less, to the West edge of U.S. 89, thence southeasterly 1,100 feet,
more or less, along the West edge of said Hwy. 89, thence West 4,422 feet,
more or less, to the West boundary of said Section 27, thence No~h 990 feet
to the point of beginning.
DATED as of this 27th day of November, 2001.
O. Corsic-
COUNTY OF ~,,-,'~ ·
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Jack O. Corsi, this
day of "~'~-~,.,--/~-¢., 2001.
Witness my hand and official seal.'
My commission expires: