HomeMy WebLinkAbout89452601018517 RECEIVED b [~3~ ~:PAOE 7 8 3 Wi~RI~N]TY DEEDLINCOLN COUNTY CLERK Gra.to~, o~ ~ir~lana, Cowry o~ King hereby C0~Y and WA~ TO~ STEVEN P. WANKO, a single man Grantee of P.O. BOX 3450, Alpine. WY 83128 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration ......... the ~ollowin~ ~es=ribed ~ract of land in Lincoln county, state of wyo~%ing, hereby releasing and waivin~ all rights un,er and by virtue o£ the homestead ex~mptlon laws of the State, to-wit: Lot 58 of the Leon Livingston Subdivision, according to that plat o~ record ~ubject to reservations and restrictions contained in the Unite~ States P~tent and to ease~nts an~ ri~hts-o~-way cf record or in use. Tc~3ether with all improvements an~ appurtenances thereon- WITNESS. the hand of said grantors, this I~~ day of october, A.D. 2003 Lama Harrison-~el-dsted fka Lama H. Harrimon cowry of On the l t'~ day of october, A.D. 2003, personally appeared before me, Lama ~arrison-Fel~sted fka Lama H. ~arri~on, known or i~entified ~o me to be the ~ersons who~e names are subscribed to t~m within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they.executed the ~ame. Notary Publm~ ~y commission expire~ on _l 6~~ LAND TITLE CONfP~