HomeMy WebLinkAbout894571 L]NOOLN COUNTY OLIrRK ~: G~NT NT 03 0ET 20 AH 9:19 Wyom, ng, hereby ac~owledge, CO~EY (S) A~ WA~NT(S) to S~~-~k~ & TELEPHO~ COMPS, ~C., ~antee of Freedom, Wyoming, an easement for the benefit of the Grantee on the following described real estate situate in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, for the following pu~oses and under the following conditions: 1. Pu¢ose of Easement. This easement shall be for the pu~ose of~ght-of- Way for telecommunications lines and construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon underground telecommunication facilities. The g[antee may trim or remove trees or other objects that pose a threat of damage to the utilities. 2. Description of Easement. The easement shall occupy the following described prope~y: A 20 foot wide utility easement described on the following centerline. Starting at the South West Coruer of the SW1/4 NWl/4 of said Section 8 T33N R118W, Thence; 8.27' N 83d34'27" E, to the true point ofbegimfing. Thence; 38.75' S 87d38'29" E, Thence; 82.33' N 83d19'25" E, Thence; 134.58' N 71d16°17" E, Thence; 296.81' S 64d4'27" E, Thence; 396.72' N 89d8'32" E, Thence; 196.65' S 88d6'33" E, Thence; 145.07' N 89d34'34" E, Thence; 60.81' S 86d46'54" E, Thence; 793.86' N 43d7'42°' E, Thence; 526.81' N 46d28'6" E, Thence; 534.98' N 87d2Y32" E, Thence; 99.92' S 7d28'49" E, Thence; 100.49' S 23d16'50" E, Thence; 156.05' S 3d16'42" W to end point. See attached" Exhibit A". Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon the inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. Witness our hands this /'~ day,cf Grantor(s) '~--~--~/.~/~,._. ~/~%.~_ - ~ 2oo_W IN THE STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged b,efore me by ~',P,..O~ (4~_~_~[TCX ~-. '.~.0_~'(1~{", this ] ~) day of (golf>be_g- 2oo~ Witness~ my hand and official seal. N~T~Y PUBLIC My Commission Expires ~'£X I-/16iT O34 RANCH