HomeMy WebLinkAbout894637 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In cOl'lpllo.nce with theCORNKR PERPETUATION AND 1lLlNC ACT. ""yo!'llng Sto.tutes, 1977 Section 36-11-101, et, seq., o.nd the Rules o.nd Regulo.tlons 01' the Boo.rd 01' Prol'esslono.l Engineers o.nd Prol'esslono.l Lo.nd Surveyors) Reverse side 01' this I'orl'l l'Io.y be used II' !'lore space Is needed. Record of original survey and citation of' source of' historical Inf'orMa tlon (If corner Is lost or oblltero. ted), Description of' corner MonuMentatlon evidence found o.nd/or MonuMent and accessories esto.bllshed to perpetuo.te the loco. tlon of' this corner, Sketch of' relo. tlve loco. tlon of' MonuMent, o.ccessorles, o.nd ref'erence points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (If' deterMined In this survey). Method and ratlono.le for reestablishMent of lost or obliterated corner. FOUND, STANDARD GLO B.C. 8. I.P., 13' A,G. SET STONE ADJACENT NORTH N-E FENCE LINE 1'-0' EAST 0) \.D + 0"\ W -.J 4- r z (") o r ;;::: ::rJ o~ Om "--- :;~~ Z < o. _", --If11 c,:,>::':). -< 0 Ii:: :;5>" 9? <:') Monumen~i~~ctlPti~ A ~'~-:_,~ (~l Cc_':> o c..) a ç'') ..... Monument location ~:",-, -7 '.-::37?: N ¡-'" ;:; ¡-:-¡ S9 S10 S16 S15 LAND ~\.- ()~ ~~ ~-" T19N, R112'J ,,~ 1944 Date of Field Work: 9/22/03 Office Reference: 10.084-3 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by Me or under MY direction and supervision, SEAL ct SICNATURE 1 2 3 .. 5 I 7 a I 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. 17 18 l' 2Q 21 22 23 24 2S · . · C D · , o D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 H y y · . o 0 p p Q Q R R · . T T U U V v w w · . y y z z , 2 3 4 5 e 7 . . ID " 12 '3 '4 15 ,. '7 ,. It 211 Z' 22 23 24 211 Corner Name Northwest Corner Section 15, T 19 N, R 112 W, 6th P.M. County: Lincoln Wyoming Cross-Index No.: ~