HomeMy WebLinkAbout894644Loan No 1001~0A381 C E R T I F I C A T E KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B. IS the owner and holder of a executed by HUDSON L ENGLAND AND CAROL ENGLAND recorded in Official Records,' Book 462 , Page 519 Doc# 872663 in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming, has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is fully cancelled and discharged. Dated this 10TH day of October in the year 2003 INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B. By: //~' SUS~/~ STRAA~MANN ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT CO~ O~ Pi~ellas ~ Hg~gB~ Cg~FY that o~ t~is day, be~o~e me, a~ o~ice~ duly authorized i~ the State a~d County a~o~esaid to ta~e acA~o~ledgeme~ts pe~sona11~. apDea~e~ SUS~ S~~ ~ell Ano~ to me ~o be a co~o~a~io~, a~d acknowledged execut&~g the same ~eel~ u~e~ authority ~ul~ vested in ~im/~e~ b~ said co~o~a~io~. W~NgSS m~ ~a~d a~d o~icial seal ~ t~e County a~ State last afore~id this 10TH day of October in the year 2003 STEVEN ROGERS ~%¢',~% Nolau Public, S~le of Flodda My Commission Exp. Jan.8, 2007 ~4;~f~ Bonded through STEVEN R~ ~L~J~ , DD0176'50 ~ota~~11c/Co~1ssion Expires: 01/08/2007 FloridaNom~sn.,Inc. [ / Prepared A.Grahm~TC,2100 Alt. 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34683 (800)346.9152 ~hen recorded ~e~urn ~o: ~aEionwide ~iEle Clea~ing 2100 Alt. 19 No~Eh Palm Harbor, ~L 34683 IMBRC BS1504 ...... RCNWY1