HomeMy WebLinkAbout894727 RECEIVED .oOK_~,'-~D ~PA6~ 5 8,~ ~(.yz/¢.~ ~ LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK JAMES PATRICK GORDON and EVF, I,YN A~ GORDON, J, GO~EN and EVELYN ANN GO,ON TRUST dated June 15, 1993, JO~ PER'I' ROB~SO'N Iii, a married man, as his sole and separate propc~y. HAWAII R. KNOWI,TON, f.k,a HA~-I R. HYDE, f~k.a. HANNA C. ROBINSON, a married woman, as'her sole and separate property; JUDITH A. ROBESON, a maried woman as her sole and separate property; Grantors, ~br a~d in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, m hand paid. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WA~NT TO JAMES PATKICK GO,ON ~d EVELS~ ANN GORDON. Trustees of the ROBERT GORI)EN and EVEf,Y~' ANN GORDON TRUST d}~led June 15. 1993. JOt-~ PERT ROBESON I11. a ma~ied man. as his sole and separate property, HA~AH R. KNOWLTON, f.k.a ~ANNAH R. IIYDE. f.k.a. HA~A C. ROBI'NSON. a roamed woman, as her sole and separate properS; .I UDJ. TH A. ROBINSON, a m.a~.-ied woma]~, as her soie and sep~zate property: Grmatees. their heirs, successors and assigns, a 60 lbot wide perpetual right-el:way easement on the following de,scribed real estate s~tuate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for the following proposes: I. Description of the Easement. The center line of the easement is more particularly described in Exhibit A. 2. Ptu~ose of Otc Easement. This easement shall be for the pu~ose of providing a perpetual 60 fbot right-of;way easement fbr ingrcss, cgrcss and utilities to the properties sen, cd along the easement_ 3. ~t~slitions of the Easement. The cascmcnt shall be used tbr regress, egress and Ett*'emeJtt Pat,re I qf .7 10/16/20~3 08' 05 undergr°nnd utilities. 4, Mainten~mee ofth~ Tho Grant¢gs will agree and share in the cost of the mainlenance of the e~enlenk includin~ snow removal. Costs of maintenance or installation t, fthc underground utilities or road maintenance wil~ bc bom by the person or perso~ i~ralling · c m~dcr~ound utilities or de~imlg thc maintea~cc of thc underground utilities. No one will be ob~igatod to ~ay without' wrkt~m agr~cmc.t. 3. Bi__ndi~ The terms and conditions of his ca.gemell; shall be binding upon and inure to the b~nefit of the h~irs, successors ~n interest, and &ss~g~ of~e parties n~ed in dlis instrument. 4. W~f N.~Rights_. Tile Grantor,, hereby waive and re/ease all the described easement under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the Stale of Wyoming to the oxtent that. such rights r~ay int,~rferc with tho purposes of the easement, 1N WITNESS 9,/HEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this ~ day of' Sentemhcr, 2003. JOHN PERT ROBINSON. I~ HAN~AI.t 'g. KNOWLTON. Lk.a HA~;~-I R. HYDE, Lk.a HA~AH C. ROBINSON Eosem~nl Pn#e .~ ~£ 7 underground u~ilities_ 4. '.~_.[a. intcnm~ce of the Easement. The Grantees will agree nnd ~h~e in tl~e cost of th~ maintcnance of the e~emont, including snow removal Costs of maintenm~ee or inslaltation of'd~e underground utilities or ro~d mmntennnce will be born by the person or persons in,tailing the undcrgmund utilities or desmng the maintenance of tl~e underground utilities. No one will be obligated to ~ay withou~ written agreement. 3_ ~y~diu~Eff~t. The terms and conditions of his casement shall be binding upon. aud inu re to thc benefit of the heirs, successors in interest, and assigns of the parties n~ed in this inslmment. 4. Wai~4_. Rial~ts. dm describcd easement under trod by virtue of the homestead exemptiou laws of the State of 'Wyoming to the cxtcnt thul such rights may i:!tcr!~re with the pu~oses of the easement. IN WITNESS wu,z'~,~cm ....... ,,,_~. xv¢ have hereunto set our hands this da,/of ~. 2003. PERT o · ,.~ ~,C, BIN cON. III ~,~w~Ea v/-x ~ ~,C~ GORDON r. kk - -- HA.'N-N~AH R. HYDE? f:k.a HAb,~',IA} 1 C. ROBINSON Pt:ge 2 of 7 18/1G/2003' 08:05 .Ill ~D1TII A. ROBINSON JACKHIFE P~GE 84 ) COUNTY OF .,~_j.~,. A//~c--- ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged ~[0re me by and EVELYN ANN GORDON, and JAMES PATRICK OORDON, Trustees oft he RORI~RT J. GORDON t/VEI.,YN ANN GORDON TRUST dater] June 15, l g93 this ~__~_"~Y 2OO3. Witness l'flS' hand and official soul. My Commission Expires:_ &(/a //PT"- NOTARY PI~LIC THE ~'TATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COtJNTY OF LIN¢OI,N ) 'l'h~ tbrt:g°hxg instrument wa~ aekm.vMedged before me by JOHN PERT 2003. ROBINSON II1, this_ .~ day of__ .--,, Witness my l'tand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires:,.. Euscm#ttt pttge I of 7 .~J~)ITII A R()BEN-SON ~ 588 olArE OF ) COt.;NTY OF The tbrcgoing instrum, ent was acknowledged belbr¢ me by and EVELYN ANN GORDON, and JAMES PAT~CK GORDON. Trustees of thc ROBERT J. GORDON and EVEI,~ ANN GORDON TRUST dated June 15:1993 fl~is day of Witness my hand auld ofticial seal. NOTARY I I My Commissit~n Ex pircs: TIt~ STATE OF \:VYOMINO ) ') SS COI.!N FY OF L1-NC()I N ) The [bregoing in,qtrument was acknowledged be£ore me by JOHN PERT ROBD4SON !Il, (his~;fiT~,l day of_.~kCL~ 2003. Witness my hand rind off'lc/al seal. My Commit~sion ExpJ. res :_~ 7.,30 -O~ NOTARY PUBLI'C l'-'tt~remctlt Page 3 qf 7 THE $1'ATE Or: W¥'OM1N~' J ~.) SS COUN'-I'-Y OF LINCOLN . .) 589 The ibrcgoi ng instrument, was acknowledged belbre me by HANNA H R. KNOWLTON F'h,-~MI-IANNAI-I R. IIYDE, l~k..a. HA,'~NAH C, ROBINSON. thisf~-dav of' seal. N()TARY P[/BLIC TN'F: STA-FE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY (.)_Ir' LINC()LN ) this_~_Th°dayfi-~reg°i~lgo f ~/~.~~instrumcn[ was21')03acknowledged bc fbre me by JUDITH A. ROBINSON Wirness mv hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 5J2_5_D_2...G%_ NOTARY PL, BLi~;-'--' ..... Easement Page Il. Mauri¢ J. Robinson, hereby sign this easement solely for thc purpose of waiving and releasing all rights to thc described casement under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of thc State ol.' Wyoming I.o thc extent that such rights may intcrt~re with thc purposes of the easement. MAURIE j. ROBINSON .... THE'"' "' S F:\ FE OF WYOMING ) ) COLiNTY OF LINCOLN ) SS Thc foregoing inst.rmnent was acknowledged before i11c by Maune J. Ro 2inson. husband '.and wife, tl~is.<S/~ day of ~l~22~xx3e.2( ,2003. \Vimess mY hand ~'md ol. Tficial scrd. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commissi on F. xpircs: c~.,..~ b-~ 591 L Robert L. Know]ton, hereby sign this ~asemcnt solely For the purpose oF waiving and releasing all rights to the described easement under and by vir~uc o~' die homestead exemption laws o£th~ Stoic of Wyoming m 1he ~xtem [hat such righ[s ma), interlar¢ with [he purposes o£~he easemenL ? ROBERT L. KNOWLTON TIlE ,..[ATE OF X, Y()M[NG ) C'O'[ JNTY 01: I.INCOI ,N ). SS The £oregoing instrunient was acknowledged before me by Rober L. Knowlton. this a2/~day ol~yj7.~.~ ., 200'3. ' Witness my hand and off]c/al seal. My Gotr~ission Ex. pires: tt --.~& NOel 'A RY P [.lB LIC 1, Jolm Pcart .~o~son, II. hcreby sign this easement solely for thc purpose of waiving and releasing all righl~ to thc described easement under and by vim~e of the homestead exemption laws of the State~j' Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purPoses o£the easement. -. l.:,'tlxetttert! pti,itC 6 of 7 'I'HE STATE OF ~()MING ) C. OUNTY OF _,I~(_.OLN ) SS Thc foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mc by Jol~n Peart Robinson II, thisff.:~ day of..~, 2003. Wimess my hand and official seal. My C. ommission Expires NOTARY PUB[,IC Ea.~'eme.t Page 7 ~' 7 593 Description: Rock Farm Road A portion of the Sl/2N1/2 of Section 2, T35N, R119W, of the 6t" P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being 60 feet in width, the Center Line being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Cotton Gin Spike marking a Point in the West line of said S1/2N1/2, said Point of Beginning, being 1,448.75 S1°44'10"W, .along said West line from the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Baker Engineers PE/LS 698, 1979 location for the Northwest Corner of said Section 2; thence S87°49'57"E 1,143.43 feet to a Cc~tton Gin Spike marking the beginning of a 150 feet Radius Curve to the Left; thence Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Left through a central angle of 24°40'42'' an arc distance of 64.61 feet, said curve having a chord of N79°49'42"E 64.11 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the tangent of said Curve; thence N67°29'21"E 64.86 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the beginning of a 670 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a central angle of 6°43'22'' an arc distance of 78.61 feet, said Curve having a chord of N70°51'02"E 78.57 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the tangent of said Curve; thence N74°12'43"E 45.95 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the beginning of a 40 feet Radius Curve to the Left; thence Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Left through central angle of 74°38'54" an arc distance of 52.11 feet, said Curve having a chord of N36°53'16"E 48.51 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the tangent of said Curve; thence N0°26'1 I"W 70.99 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the beginning of a 35 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right through a central angle of 91°07'34" an arc distance of 55.67 feet, said Curve having a chord of N45°07'36"E 49.98 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking the tangent of said Curve; thence S89°18'37"E 1,209.33 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike; thence S89°10'18"E 1,319.64 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking a point in the East line of the SW1/4NE1/4 of said Section 2 said point being 41.67 feet S1°42'02"W from the B.L.M. type Monument marking Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS, 1994 location for the Northeast Corner of said SW1/4NE1/4.