HomeMy WebLinkAbout894731PAGE_ 89h731 WARRANTY' RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 03 OCT 2 7 8:5 '2 t.'""~""' E RF R, '"" KNOw ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that GERALD S. PUTNAM and CHARLEEN PUTNAM, husband and wife, of Auburn, Lincoln County, Wyoming, Grantor(s), for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby ackmowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to DALE A. FLUCKIGER and LANIS FLUCKIGER, husbm]d and wife, as tenants by the entireties, Grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situate in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: Lot One (1) of Block Eleven (11) in the Townsite of Auburn, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming of the NE1/4 NWl/4 of Section 4 Towhship 32 North, Range 119 West, Excepting out that property more particularly described in the attached Warranty Deed filed at Book 449 PR Page 584, attached hereto as Exlfibit A. Together with all water rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. WITNESS ~ny hand this ~'0/"[+k day of ('~/7)~2>e.,¢ ,2003. GERALD S. PUTNAM Grantor (~HARLENE PUTNAm;il Grantor Putnant/Fluckiger Deed Page 1 of 2 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) PUTNAM 2003. SS. 6O3 The foregoing instrument was acka~owledged before me by GERALD S. and CHARLEEN PUTNAM, husband and wife, this c:~9t/~ day of (~F"~ My Comnfission Expires: WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC Putnant/Fhtckiger Deed Page 2 of 2 SEP. 2:4. ,SvDg9 1: O1PM LIHCOLM CO 3LERI<' r'lo. 57'5 P. 2: WARpj%N T Y DEED BRA~IDoN RoBINsoH and KARARoBI}fSON, husband and wife Exhibit A Grantors of Aubolin, County of Lincoln, State of wyoming hereby CONVEy and WARRANT THEODORE Gt~IFFIN, III and JULIEPOPE GRIFFIN, husband and wife, as tenants by t~e entiratie~ Grantee of P.o~ Box 961, Alton, To'fl 83110 for the sum of Ten Dollar~ a.nd othe~ good and valuable consideration ~ 'the following described tract of l~nd in Lincoln County, State of W¥om/ng, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: PARCEL 1: A portion of Lot I, Block 11, AUburn TOwnsite, being also a portion of the NE1/4~W1/4 of Section 4, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being mor~ particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 and Block il ~nd running thenc~ South, alon~ the East llne o~ said Lot and Block, 208.71 f~et; thence West, parallel with the Nor~]l line of ~aid Lot and Block, 20~.71 feet; thence Nor+h, parallel with first ~ai~ East line of said Lot and Block, 208.71 feet to th~ North line of ~aid Lot and ~lock~ thence East, along last said North linm, ~05.71 feet to the Poiht of Beginning. Subject %o reservations and restrictions cont=ined in the United States Fatent and to easements .and righta-o~-way of record or in use. Together with =11 improvements and appurtenances thereon. WI'mESS, the hand of said qrantors,i this .1~-~ day of ~tx~7- , A.D. :~000x, ~J~afi~on Robinson - ~ :. K~a Robeson" ' '~'~ RECEIVED LINCO[ "4 COII:.ITV JEAI',INE WAGNER KEMMERER. WYOMING on the ;~¢ day of /¢~¢~J7- , A.D. 2000, personally appeared 'before me, Brandon Robinson and K~ra Robinson, ~cwn or identified to me to be the persons whose'names are ~ubscribed th the within instrument, and acknowlmdged to me that they .ex~cuted th~ sa~e. Stephanie It. Brown - Notary Public Oounty of ~;~ State of Lincoln '~ Wyoml110 C.~rnl$~iOn Expire,', July 14, 2002 LAND TITLE COMYANY SEP-24-2003 HED Oi:02PM ID: