HomeMy WebLinkAbout894822OCT cj -',l~pF~ . .... · . ~_¢o 10:8;9Ar,1 FAHTCO GREELEY 110.536 p. ?/2' 01018565 RECEIVED .,,LiN¢OLN COUNTY OLERK A POWER OF ATTORNEY [2FI ECT YOUR LEGAL ADVICE SHOULD BE OBTAINED IN THE ANY POWER OF A ORNEY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:. THAT, I, Stayer D Peterson , of the County of _ We] d State of .EO_lQrado . , reposing specialtrust and confidence In_ La'la 6. Petersor) _, of the County of Nc'Id , State of Colorado _, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint Lela G. Pal:arson to be my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, to act for me and In my name, place and stead, fo purchase and accept title in my name to the/ollowirlg property; Lot 102 of Nordic Ranches, Division 7, Lincoln County, Wyoming or any interest in said lend for such price as my attorney-In-fact may deem advisable, My attorney-in-fact Is hereby authorized to sign, seal and deliver, as my act and deed any contract, deed, deed of trust, promissory note, agreement, for purchase or any other document required, Including but not limited to the HUD-1 form in such manner that the estate and interest In said land may be effectually conveyed and assured to me, or to such other' person or entity as my attorney:in-fact may name or appoint; and I hereby declare that any and all of the contracts, deeds, receipts, notes, or matters and things which shell be given by 'my attorney. in-fact, made or done for the aforesaid purposes, shall be as good, valid, and effectual as If they had been signed, sealed and delivered by me in my own proper person: and I hereby undertake at all times to ratify whatsoever my' said attorney-in-f~ct shall lawfully do or cause to be done in or concerning the premises by virtue of these presenfe, My said attorneyqn.fact is hereby authorized lo apply the consideration or purchase price arising from the purchase of said land or any interest therein, If funds are received at time of closing from any lender which requires endorsement, my attorney.in.fact is autl~orized to endorse and/or cash gaid check or draft to complete the purchase of the above described property. This power of attorney shall continue to be effective even though I become disabled, incapacitated, or incompetent. My attorneyqn-fact may net delegate the power constituted in them by this power of attorney despite any contrary prevmions of any applicable law or regulation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of October 2003 STATE OF COLORADO _)ss. COUNTY OF _ WEJ..r~ Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbefere methis October , 200~',by Steven D, Peterson day of My Commission Expires Seal. (BUYERS) DCPo;J3 . Witness My Hand and Official Notary PuNic