HomeMy WebLinkAbout878384 MINERAL DEED
THAT, HERBALY PETROLEUM CORP., 1515 Arapahoe St~ #1350, Denver, Colorado
80202 , hereinafter called "Grantor", for and in consideration of the sum of Ten
Dollars ($10.00) cash in hand paid by HERBAL¥ EXPLORATION LLC, a Colorado limited
liability company, 2412 W. Dry Creek Ct., Littleton, Colorado 80120 hereinafter
called "Grantee", the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, sold,
conveyed, assigned and delivered, and by these presents does grant, sell, convey,
assign and deliver unto the said Grantee, all of Assignor's interest in and to
all of the oil, gas and other minerals in and under, and that may be produced
from the following described land situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit:
Township 24 Northt Range 114 West't 6th P.M.
Resurvey Tract 46A (formerly SW/4SE/4 Sec. 2)
Resurvey Tract 43 (formerly NE/4 Sec. 11)
E 1/3 of Resurvey Tract 45 (formerly (NE/4NW/4 Sec. 11)
Together with the right of ingress and egress at all Eimes for the purpose
of mining, drilling, and exploring said land for oil, gas and other minerals, and
removing the same therefrom.
Said land being now under several Oil and Gas Leases, it is understood and
agreed that this sale is made subject to the terms of said lease and/or any other
valid lease covering same, but covers and includes Grantor's share of all of the
oil royalty and gas rental or royalty due and to be paid under the terms of said
lease, insofar as it covers the abo.ve described land and depths.
It is understood and agreed that Grantor's share of the money rentals,
which may be paid, on the above described land, to extend the te~m within which a
well may be begun under the terms of said lease is to be paid to the said
Grantee; and, in event that the above described lease for any reason expires,
becomes canceled or forfeited, then and in that event, Grantee shall own
Grantor's share of of all oil, gas ~nd other minerals in and under the said
lands, together with a like interest in all bonuses paid, and all royalties and
rentals provided for in future oil, gas and mineral leases covering the above
described lands.
The te~m "gas" shall include coalbed methane.
Grantor agrees to execute such further assurances as may be requisite for
the full and complete enjoyment of the rights herein granted and likewise agrees
that Grantee herein shall have the right at any time to redeem for said Grantor
by pa~nent, any mortgage, taxes or other liens on the above described land, upon
default in payment by the Grantor, and be subrogated .to the rights of the holder
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described property, together with all and
singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said
Grantee herein, and Grantee's successors, heirs and assigns forever; and Grantor
does hereby bind itself, its successors, heirs, assigns, executors and
administrators, to warrant and defend forever all and singular the said property
unto the said Grantee herein, and Grantee's successors, heirs and assigns,
against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any
part thereof.
Witness my hand this 6th day of December, 2001, but effective for all
purposes October 31, 2001.
,'>'i~%~',,~1;~ I, ~ HERBALY PETROLE~ CORP.
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~ .:A~ssistant secretary Vice P~esident
) .SS.
Before me, the undersigned, a Notazy Public in and fo~ said County and
State, on this day personally appeazed David L. Hezbaly, kno~ to me to be Vice
Pzesident of Herbaly Pet~ole~ Corp.., a Colorado corporation, and acknowledged
me that he executed the same as the free and voluntazy act and deed of ~aid
corpozation foz the purposes and consideration therein expressed.
.. Given undez my hand and seal of office this 6th day of Decembez, 2001,
:'~ , :. ~ ,?, :, ~o~ ~ub~c
~,, 1515 Arapahoe St. ~1350
. . :,.(,~. Denver, Colorado 80202
My co~ssion expires:
When recorded please return to:
Herbaly Exploration LLC
2412 W. Dry Creek Ct.
Littleton, Colorado 80120
When recorded, please return to: