HomeMy WebLinkAbout878389 QUIT CLAIM DEED ~ ::'>i"i~i,i'':' ,,~ ~. ..... ~.,~: ,: ~,'~:': ~ ,:! 'r ~ .. : ,! : ,, ,.1~,~; ~ KNOWN ALL MEN TItESE PRESENTS, That BrLL¥ HOOVES ~ S~T~L ~OOP~S, psOOK~O ~{ Pn.~ 7 ~ 4 of ~e County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in co~ideration of Ten ~d 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in ~d paid by Earl D. Je~ins and Jill Jet~u Whose address is 1080 State Highway 238, Afion, ~ 83110 ~e receipt whereof is hereby coffessed ~d ac~owledged, have reused, released, convey and forever quitclamed ~d by these presents do for my heirs, excreters and administrators, re. se, release and forever quitclaim, unto the said E~ D. ~.~NS ~ JILL ~S, l-l~b~d ~ Wife ~ Tenants by the Entireti~ heirs md assigns, forever, ~I such right, title, interest, propers, possession, cl~ ~d demmd as we have, ought to have or hereafter acquire in or to all ~e following described premises, to-wit: That part of Section 35, T32N RllgW of &e 6~ P.M,, Lincoln Count, Wyoming described on Exlfibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel labeled "E~I D. Je~ ~d Jill Je~s Earl JehUS Ranch" dated November 2, 2001, Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by vktue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of-Wyoming. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto the said Earl D. Jenkins and Jilt Jenkins heirs and assigns, .to his and their own property use and behoof forever. So that neither we nor anY other person in my_name or behalf shall or will hereafter ,claim or demand any right to title to the premises or any part thereof; but they and everyone of them shall by fl~ese presents be excluded m~d forever barred. Dated this ~_~_ day of, C~ ~./[-J , 2001. , ...... /? i/ ~;f Billy Hoopes STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Billy Hoopes and Shantell Hoopes this 5-'(:~ _ day of/~=~t~..~.d~, 2001. Win'ness my hand and official seal. '~ \ Notary Pu~ic My Commission Expires: " ~,.i ¢5 ~ DESCRIPTION FOR EARL D. JENKINS AND JILL JENKINS EARL JENKINS RANCH That part of the NE¼ and that part of the S½ of Section 35, T32N, R119W, Lincoln Comity, Wyoming.. it being the intent' to mare correctly describe and combine those trams of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 304 of Photostatic Records on page 385 and in Book 448 of Photostatic Records on page 379, as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on 'the north line of said Section 35, S89°-51'~48"W, 60.72 feet from'the northeast comer of the N'W~ANE¼ of said Section 35; thence S00°-34'-07"W, 29.69 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of Wyoming State Highway 238; thence contimfing, S00°-34'-07"W, 219,31 feet to a point; thence NS.9°-51'-48"E, 98.00 t~et, along a line parallel with the north line of said NF?A, to a point trader an existing north/south fence line; thence coursing said fence line as follows: S02°-35'-48"W, I9.88 feet to S00°-27'-34"W, 1055.59 feet to a point;~ S00°-33'-49"W, 1303,77 feet to a point; S00°-35'-28"W, 678.66 feet to a point; S00°-15'-08"W, 1129.30 feet to a point; S00°-20'-16"W, 815.82 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Papworth County Road No. 12-145, and leave said fence line; thence continuing, S00°-20'-16"W, 30.00 feet, to the southeast comer of the SW¼SE¼ of said Section 35; thence S89°-50'-23"W, 1322.48 feet, along the south line of said SW¼SEY,, identical with the centcrline of said Papworth Cmmty Road, to the southwest corner of said SW~ASE'A; thence S89°-50'-05"W, 643.99 feet, along the south line of the SW¼ of said Section 35 and along said centerline, to a spike; thence N00°-41'-46"E, 30.00 feet to a point under an existing fence line and on said northerly right-of-way line; thence coUrsing said fence line as follows: contim~ing, N00°-4I'-46"E, I752.~7 feet to a point at a fence corner; ~,,,,~, ~:~,,~, S88°-25'-39"E, 955.16 feet to a point at a fence comer; ,~,~,~, ~0~'~,,~,~0,,~o.~0~ N00°-46'-22"E, 897.98 feet to a point on m~ existing east/west irrigation pipeline; ~ A. S~h~mol Wyo. R~gi.~.ali~n Na, 30Bg '~"°"°~'°"'"°~"°.~°~ N00°-47'-59"E, 420.18 feet to a point at a fence comer; Matlow~ A. ScI~FOoi V~o. BeOi~l~lion No, 5368 At[0tl, Wyom;n~l DESCRIPTION FOR EARL D. JENKINS AND JILL JENKINS EARL JENKINS RANCH PAGE TWO N88°-27'-14"E, 492.78 feet to a point at a fence corner; N00°-28'-5 i"E, 1734.80 feet to a point at a.fence corner; S89°-32'-17'35, 158.36 feet to a point at a fence comer; N00°-lg'-08"E~ 435.89 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Wyomh~g State Highway 238, and leave said fence lh~e; thence continuing, N00°-19'-08"E, 29.66 feet to a spike on the north line of said NW¼NE¢; thence N89°-51'-48"E, 247.55 feet, along said north line, to the SPliCE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 132.64 acres; more or less; the BASE BEARING Ibr this survey .is the east line of the NE¼ of Section 35, T32N, R119W.. being N00°-21'-30"E; SUBJECT to an easement for Wyoming State Highway 238; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate detai!s; each "corner" foundas described in the Corner Record filed or to be flied in lhe Office of the Clc~rk of Lincoln County; each '~point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" alnminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368', with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to tx~ filed in the Office of the Clerk o:£ Lincoln County titled, "EARL D. JENKINS AND JIlL ~NK]~. S HORACE LaR©YCE NIELD FAM/LY LIVING. TRUST, DATED 18 APRIL 1984 BILLIE .1D~NEE NIELD FAMILY mT}liN TI-m NE¼ S½ SECTION 35 T32N R119W LI.N..C0~N CO.~TY,; ~fOMING", dateA,0113etcher2001. /O f : ~u~/ot S~h~tb~l. LTD. AMn, Wyomin~ J~o~ Wy0min~ ,o~,,,..t~""°'s"'~°~' ~0,~,,~,. "Modification in any way of the foregoing description formica*es., liability of the sUmeynr"