HomeMy WebLinkAbout878382 MAIL TAX NOTICE TO: R. Max Steadman Jr. 7 3 Logan, Utah 84321 QUIT CLAIM DEED R. Max. Steachnan and Dorothy L. Steadman Grantors Of Thayne, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming hereby Qtfit-Claim to: R. ]Max Steadman Jr. and Diann S. Steadman hOOK/~l~S{) PR PAGE Of Logan, Utah Grantees of For the stun of Ten Dollars and other good and valnable consideration the following tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wymning: The property refen'ed to in the Deed, recorded in Book 462PR, on page 331 and a portion referred to in the Deed, recorded in Book 277PR, on page 188, the Deed, recorded in Book 277PIL on page 190, being within the NE1/4 of Section 10,° T34N,. R119W,. of the 6th. P.M., Northwest from' Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming the boundary and area being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at au Iron Pipe marking the Northeast corner of said proper .ty in Book 4.62PR, on page 331, said Northeast corner being 1710.75 feet S64v29'57"W from the B.L.M. type Monument found marking the Charles V. King PE/LS 590 location for the Northeast corner of said Section 10; thence S1"09'59"W along the East line of last said Prop&ty, 986.66 feet to the Southeast comer of last said property; thence N 2°48 59 W alon~ the South hne of said property, 4>8.63 feet to the Southwest corner of last said property; thence N3 29'35"W along the West line of last said property, 793.45 feet to the Northwest comer of l;~st said property; thence North 137.12 feet; thence East 283.13 feet,' to the Point of Beginning, containing 10.824 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH: A 30 - foot Right-of-Way Easement from U.S. ttighway 89 to the above described parcel, as referred to in said Deed recorded in Book 462PR, on page 331, also TOGETHER WFi'H: A 60-foot Deed of Easement, the Center Line being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron Pipe marking a point in the West Right-of-Way for U.S. Highway 89, said point being 114.78 feet S75'~44'02"W from said King Monmnent, also being the Beginning of the 60 - foot Right-of-W~ay Easement Center Line referred to and recorded in Book 470PR, on pag~e~475, .o,~ said records; thence N89~06'52"W, being' coincident with said Center Line 1468.60 feet; thence S0 26' 15 E 73~1o95 :feet to a point in the North line of the above described ~arcel, also SUBJECT TO: A 60 - foot Right-of- Wa5, Easement, being the North 60 feet of the above described Parcel. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors,, this..~ ? day of ]~ ~cSr-.. C£~,.~,t /5~ r.~:,,tA.D., 2001 ' ' 7. ?/-.? Dorothy L. Steadman State of Wyoming, )SS. County of Lincoln On the ~. ]__day of l~ec~,i~ ~'4- _, 2001, personally appeared before me R. Max Steadman and - Dorolhy L. Steadman, the signers of the wit~n instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed lhe same. ~ NOTARY 1~ ~'~'I~C My Commission Expires )c_?,j~:,-~/~.~:~ . My residence is: ] Llnc61n ~ ~ ~ ~