HomeMy WebLinkAbout895068 L-17 T23N, R116W State of Wyoming Corner Record (In comp/l8nœ wHh tI16 CORNER PERPETlJA TlON AND FlUNG ACT, W}omh1g StBtu/s8, 1977. SøctJon 36-11-101, st seq., tN1tI th6 RuIsB tN1tI RBguIat/on8 of tI16 Bo8rd of Rsg/8In1fIon for P1rJfrJ8sIons/ EngIneers and P1rJfrJ8sIons/ Land SunleyotB) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is neec:Iec:I, Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterat8d), Description of comer monumentstion evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer, Sketch of relative location of monumert, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey), Method and rationale for re-estabIishmen of lost or obliterated comer. RECORD: ONE-QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 14 & 15, T23N, R116W; 1902 G.LO. RESURVEY BY STAHLE & VAN ORSDEL; 1907 G.LO. SURVEY OF SEGREGATED LOTS BY E.F. STAHLE; 1912 G.L.O. SURVEY - ELIMINATION OF PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS AND PATENTED LAND H.E. 01418. FOUND: A WELL SET HARD SANDSTONE 14"X3"X8" ABOVE GROUND, POORLY MARKED WITH STONE MOUND 2' WEST. SET: 1 /2· X 5' STEEL CONDUIT ALONG EAST EDGE AND CARVED AN "X" IN TOP OF STONE. N89"59'45·E N~~~9' 45·E 1285.71' 1362.50' LOT CORNER r , - ,z 0 Z ",,0 ° 0)0 /;;,-<:- W ....d ,'11m 0 "'~ 'Z I Ne,,; :~: -J:;> 0 Z::o -. ~ z ;:z .c . . ~8 om :IE ro"-;1' I ~d ;0- "'- 0° P'U!. "'1 ¡-;¡ 0" c~ ~~ ?:I z< .. ,-r- ",.. . . .....~..~ -I fT1 :IE ....-,... ::E N89'48'21·W N89'48'S1·W '.:¿ ;.> -<0 1325.82' 1325.55' Q.G'J ë5 0 ~z .. cJ1 ï !Z::fT1 rr'I ~. OFFICE REFERENCE: 03-82 .€) '::;0 :D ~ SECTION 14. T2JN R116W N89'42' 46"E 1284.87' I 'z ""8 ~d CD~ be,,; "'~ . . :IE . .S.B.!'I'59' 45·W 2645.01' . CORNER FILED THIS FORM o CONTROLLING CORNER DA TE OF FIELD WORK: OCTOBER 2003 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM A 7 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 17 72 7J 74 75 76 '7 78 1920 21 22 2J 24 25 A B _J__l__L_ _l__t_JL_ __l__L_J__ __L_J__l__ _J__J__L_ _J__L_JL_ B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C -":--6-~-- --L-5-~-- --L-4-~-- --L-3-~-- --:"'-2--1-- --~--1--L- c I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I D -~--i--~- -~--}-~- --~--t-~-- --~-~--+-- -~-i--~- -~--t-~- D E I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I! ! I! E I : I I: I I: I I: I I:: ::: F -~--~--~- -4--r--~- --~--~-~-- --~-~--.-- -~-1--~- -4--r-~- F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G --J--7-~-- --~-8-~-- --:--g--~- --':'-1 0-:-- --~-11-~- -~-12-~- G I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H -1--f--~- -~--t--r- --r--t-1-- --~-1--r-- -1--f--r- -~--t--r- H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I K -~--~--~- -~--~--~- --~--~-~-- ~-~-~--~-- -~-~--~- -~--~-~- K I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I L -1-18+ +17+ -~-16+ -+15-HÞ+14+ +13+- L I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I M -l--t--~- -1--f--~- --t--r-l-- --~-i--t-- -i--t--t- -"--r-~- M N I I I I I I I I I : I I N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o -1--~--t- -i--~-~- --t--~-1-- --t-~--+-- -~-~--t- -i--~-~- 0 p _L 1'gL -J-20L --L21-L- -J-22L -L23L -L24L p I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I Q -~--i--~- -~--}--~- --~--t-~-- --~-4--¡-- -~--i--~- -~--t-~- 0 R : I: : I: : I: : I: : I: : I: R I : I I: I I: I I: Ii: I _J__l__L_ s -+-'t-- -- -1--1'-- -- --t--~-+- -+-~--t-- -+-'t--t- ", S T --I-30-L- -J-29-L- -l-28-L- --l-27-L- -1-26-L- -J-25-:"'- T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u -~--t--~- -~--~-~- --~--~-~-- --~-1--+-- -~-4--~- -~--t--~- u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I! ! I! v v _J__..:__L_ _!__L_JL_ __l__'...._!__ --L--o:--l-- -JL_..:__t_ _J__l__L_ W w ,,' õ" ,'õ ,,' ,,' ,,' x --~-31-~-- -~-32-~- -':'-33-~- --~-34-~- -~-35-~- -~-36-:-- x I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y -1--~--~- -~--r--r- --r--~-~-- --~-~--+-- -1--~--t- -1--r--~- y z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z 7 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 77 12 IJ 14 15 76 77 78 19202122 2J 2425 Corner Name: WEST 1/4 N89'42'23"E 1360.25' LOT CORNER z ~O ~~ LOT 1 !" U!. 01(,1 VI "'~ '" 8 'i Old ~ "'--------- ~,!i . . :fTI co U) (J1 o (T\ 0) LOT 4 z ~O (,10 ",d UIUI Òle,,; "'~ "i This comer record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision, URVEYlNG 906 Main Sfr8et Evansfon, Wyoming, 82930 Section:K T 23N, R.1.1.É.-W, 6TH PM; Cross-Index No.; L-17