HomeMy WebLinkAbout89524104018577 (Oi)_ 546 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 031.10V 1 3 hN 10:2 9 JEANNE WAE;NER THIS CERIFIES that under a certain Real Estate Mortgage executedKF[.!~,fERER ,...,, By Robert R. Meikle, as Mortgagor To F. Michael Kibbie and Carla S. Kibble, as Mortgagee Dated June 13, 2003, and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming on June 19, 2003, Book 524 P.R. at Page 506, in the amount of $390,000.00. Mortgager is entitled to a partial release of 20 acres of the mortgaged property, as described in the first sentence of section 3.11 of the Mortgage. According ly, Mortgagee hereby releases from the lien of the Mortgage that portion of the mortgaged property that is described on exhibit "A" that is attached hereto, each page of which exhibit "A" has been initialed by Mortgagee. All of the remaining mortgaged property shall remain subject to the Mortgage. Dated as of 13th day of October 2003. F.'lVllchael Kibbie Carla S. Kibbie STATE OF County Of ?2F-~k ~ On the /'~1'1~ NbTARY PUBLH2 SABRA HOPKINS 1111 8outh 3200 W,,st Salt Lake City, Utah 84tD4 My Commls,,Ion Expire-, May 30, 2007 STATE OF UTAH day of (Y~'~bb02C , A.D., 2003 personally appeared before me F. Michael Kibbie and Carla S. Kibbie, the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledge to me that they executed the same. N~yt~ Public I Comnfission expires: Residing at: I Ill ~. t ' MORTGAGE ~CT DES ~ TION That part of S½SW¼ of Section 1¢ T~6'N RII~W, Lin¢o.In County, Wymning, bring part of that tm:~ of r~cord in the 0/i~ :e of'the c-J~zk of Lmco/n County in Book 524 of Photostatio Reeordz on pag~ $00,,~d". rushed a~ follows: BEGINNING at a petition on th~ south rightiof-way line of th~ MoNte] ?ewer l~laut ·S~SWy,;Onunty Road No. 12-104. $72°.$~'_22-E,.i 104/I.85 ~/kzm the northwest comer o£said [o ' ' thvnee S00o.57..21,1!. 116.2/} £e,t,' 200.00 rccc ~ct a ~laard b=~'z".~'~°.sa'_~q,,~ cctrve; ~ j ..... ~.,, mo.at rec£. to me ma potation of said tl~4-~e $$0"-$0'-0T'%/, 377.72 fe~ thence '~outhea~terly 75.31 f~at, ~..Ugh i ,mtn~l angl~ o£2IO34'26-, having a radiu.q of 200.0/1 f,,~ and. a vhard beark/g ~40o.02..$6.,E, 74.1/6 feet. to th, omi posit/on of ~id thm~-- N60~.44,_ly,,E, 30.00 £,ot, mi. a petition; thence N89~_19'. 10"E, 595.56 f~et,.~ a pemiCan:of the w,at=l¥ zil/hr..o£.way lin~ of U.S. Highway 89; thence N04O. l l,_24,,W, 154.29 feet;~ along the w~zt~:rl ri - . ' _ .. !.. Y ght of, way line of U.S. I~w,v 8g, to a point on a fcucc l~e wmqn record in szid Office ia Book 481 ~lahotostal/cRu:orda on page 263; th~cc coming sa/d frnoo lin,.: S89°'17"1 i"W, 554.$7 £cmq to ~ poini at a £~c,. corn=; N00%20'-00"W 385.46 feet, to:~ point on ~¢ south right-of-way lin, of said County Road. No. 12-104; Nago.2 ,.o4,,w, 70. 1 f ong' ia' du right-o.f, way linh to POSITION OF BIgGINNING; ' DIC01~g.SSII~ AI~ ~ OF 8.0 ARC'RES, I'DRE OR LES8 the BASE B~U~q'G for this ~urv2~ i~ th~ we~i line ofth~ 8WV, of Section 10, T36N R119W, being N00o.04,42-11; .i each "comer" found ss descril:~l in ~he C~n=.R~oord filed or tn b,/'acc[ in th~ Office or ~h¢ Clvrk of Lincoln County; aeh '¥oint" a u: d by .in.scribed, "SUKVEYoI~ a 518" SCJ~KBI~L LTD Ai~ON WY PLS 536~1" or "$UKVEYOR $CI-I.ERBI~L LID BIG PINt~Y WY ~LS 53611", ~th ~ppmprial~ dm/h; ROBERT RILEY ME,~'~- --J - ' '~-~' .a~q. JAMIE MEiKLE MORTGA~ · . PAGE TWO each '~o~i~on" DESCR~TIO~ FOR. P.O]~E~.T P, IL~,¥1V~IKL~/ FROM ROBERT P-EX NIEIKL~ To-wiff- , That part oft. he 8]~M bfSec~on 9, TJ61qR119~r, Liucoln C~, W~ng, b~ p~ of · at k~'of ~ec~ M ~e O~ce of~ Cl~k of ~=o~ Co~ M Bo~ J24 of~oto~ado ~~ o~ pages 500, d~0dbed ~ ~ow~: ~EG~G at ~po~t ~ ~ so~ ~ ofs~d S~cfion 9, SB9%46'-52"W, 131.00 fc~ ~ ~ho sourest c~ of s~d ~en~c ~~'_52~, 62335 ~ (~0) foot e~Iy o~t ~c to ~e fi~ (e~ly) b~ of~ S~t ~v~; N27~-42'-19"W, 7.07 ~e~, ~ a po~n; N~3~-~0'-l~"~, 9~.7~ feet, NSP~'44'-2~'~, 71.40 f~t, ~ a posi~on; ~ce 81~.I~'.~-W, 494.15 fc~ to a po~ · ~cc S00~-40'.~0,~, 456.13 fc~t, to ~e ~CO~A8~O ~ ~ o~10.87 a~, mom ~ le~; ~t ~ abow described '~ (50) fo~ tastily o~aet ~no to ~e fi~ (c~t~ly) b~ o~ cast~ b~ ~c above co~ of ~o~d- - ............. - v 04018577 DES~TIoM FOR ROBERT RILEy FROM ROBERT REX ~II~E F~Y E~~ON T~CT ·AGE TWO · ~e sou~~ly, ~6.g6 ~ 9lc ~t6a ' theI1cc end pf sa~d 13 feet to ~, 141,1Z~et to a spikg; E]{HIBIT "i" Cont th~ce S32°.5 C~cc S23%43'-0, thence tract; ed tmon; 550 arc of Ga/d .cUrve and a cAozd bc curve to / / / \ \ \ \ \ \, / 66.g9 fe~t t~ a / 36,,7g ~et to a \ t~e Grantors, ' ovcr, SUBJECT to an a::~s casmment aa'ass th: southerly thkty (30) ~ct ~ aOcord~o~ ~ · at ~as~mr of record ~ s~d O~cc ~ Book 524 of Photostats R~o~s ~ p~a 497; ~e BASE B~O 'for th{, s~cy is ~a c~t ~u of ~u S~ of S~fion 9, ~ R119W, ba~g N00o.04,~2,~ each "corne~" fmmd a~ d~ibed in tho Comer Record filed or to he filed in thc Office of thc Clerk of Lilmoln Comity;, car. h "point" mark~ by a 5/g" x 26" st~".J rciafo~ md with a 2" aluminum Gap inscribed, "SURvEYOR $CKERBF. L LTD AFTON ~ PIS 536g", with appropriate :a~h "pordtioa,,.i~ a caloulared poaitiou ~ no m~~t s~ or ~; o~h "sp~e" m~rked by t 3/8" x 1'2'; steel sp~ r~~ by one (1) °r ~o (2) 5/8" x 24" steal ~orc~g md(s) ~ 2" ~~ cap i~b~ ~S~YOR SC~EL L~ ~ON ~ p~ 536g", wi~ appmp~atc ~; ~ A. ~OWg ~ 8C~EBB~