HomeMy WebLinkAbout895331.KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That First Natinal Bank-Kemmerer torpor.lion, uf the County of Lincoln aud S~ate ol Wyoming dnes hereby thai a cerhdn morlgag., bearh, g d,,, n,, 14th d,r of September A.D. X~_901. o-ulenudexecuh'dby Larry W. Meeks and Judith R. Meeks, husband and wife ,. ,,.,ng~,eo~. ., First National Bank-Ke~erer ua nmrlgagee, conve).iug cerlain real calais Iherein menlioncd as securhy tot Ibc puymeul el $ $1 1 ~ 786.39~v Iherehl aluh~d, which morlgage was recorded in the oHioe of Ihs County Clerk .nd Ex-Oifieio ]leglsler el Deeds ol L~co~ Connty'. S~ale o~ Wyou,i.g, un ~1,~. 2Oth day .I September X~ 200~ i,, Ih,ok. 473 of M.rLg.ses, at p.~e.. 339 . a&nd mortgaging IJie following deacribed reul e~lnle in saki County. h,-wJl: ALL LANDS DESCRIBED IN ABOVE;'SAIU'MORTGAGE ' 5~JPRPAO~']8 7 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 8 9 5.3 3 i os I I:q4 2: os is. whh ii Itoh' secured Ihereby, and the aforementioned deht. full)' paid, aali~lied, reh.nsed, n.d discharged ami io c-nsid*~rali.. Ih,tre*d Ih. ~.id m,,rlgng,.e d.es hereby release ami qoilclaim unlo Ihs amd m.rlgagur Ihs premlsc. Ihereby couve)'ed aud morlgaged. IN WI'I'NE:S~_WI.IEllEOF. the ~C NaL~ona~ ~ank-Kemme~er I,n~ csti.i'd Ihe.e Presenta'lqbe .ign~ hy i~ President ~i.,..d. Mei,4ed nnd Delivered ~i~ the presence ol Note: l[ il is not desired Icl deserlbe lands in .pnce Iherefur. i.svrt the I.II,,wing: "All lands descrihed iu said i rlgnge." TIlE STATE OF WYOMING~ C,,,,"v ,a Lincoln ss. On iAi. ]7th day o! No embe ~X}~O03 ~eh,re me personnlly np|,eurcd I,, ... i,ur.,mally known, who, being by me duly sworn; did say Ilia! lie is Ihs President First National Bank-Kemmerer his Ired Ilull Ihs soul nffixed lo ,aid inslrumenl is Ihs corpornle seal el auld eorlmralhm, hud thai ~aid inslrumenl wa. signed and seah'd .n Itoh. Il .f .uid c.rlmrl, i.n Iq ,,,dhnrib. of ils Ih.,rd of Directors aud said Loan Clerk . n,'kn.wh.,l~,.d amd Jll~lruluelll IO be the free scl aud deed of said corporation. ] 7 th N6vember ~dny of. May . N.Inr)' I'ublic. Till': STATE OF WYOMING,. C.u,lly .f_ This iostrume. I was liled for record al. A. I). Iq__ , anti d.ly recordcd i. Book. ' o'clock M., on ihr nn Page day uf i: C.nHI), Ch'rk .u,I I':x-(Ifli,.i. Ih'gi.~ler .f I)ccd. I-h'l,-I) ( :h'rk