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HomeMy WebLinkAbout895468 RECEIVED LINCOLN COLNTY CLERK WESTERN BUSINESS CONSULTING, LLC, a Utah linfited liability c0mp,_~.. ~.,quglifigcJ., in.~v, oming, Grantor, of 8alt Lake City, Salt Lake CoUnty, State of Utah, hereby CONVEYS anl(t~Y'~~N~S,t~ VALLEY ENERGY, INC., Grantee, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyomingi Commencing at the quarter section comer common to Section 13, Township 33 North; range 119 West, (.th Principal Meridian, Lincoi:a County, Wyoming, with Section 18, Township 33 North, range 118 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln. County, Wyoming, being a brass cap and ken pipe monument, thence N. 00050'00"W., 2633.81 feet along tho section line common to said sections 13 and 18 to the section com¢:r common to Sections t2 mid 13, Township 33 North, range 119 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming with -~:tions 7 and 1.8, Township 33 North, range 118 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being a found stone monument, thence S. 78~27'37"W., 1,655.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Ihe northeasterly comer of a parcel of land for the enlargement of a commtmications parcel to serve Lower Valley Energy, being a 3 inch diameter brass cap and iron bar monument, set this survey; Thence S. 00°00'00'' E., 4:13.50 feet to a 3 inch diameter brass cap and iron Bar monument; Thence S. 90°00'00" W., 704.00 feet to a 3 inch diameter brass cap and iron bar monument; ' ' Thence lq. 00°00'00'' W., '186.00 feet to the southwesterly comer of an existing Lower Valley Energy parcel, a found 3 inch dian'tcter brass cap and iron bar monument;, 'Thence lq. 90°00'00"E., 528.00 feet along the southerly boundary of an existing Lower Valley Energy parcel to a found 3 inch dhtmeter brass cap and iron bar monument; Thence N. 00°00'00" W., :!47.50 feet along thc easterly boundary of an existing Lower Valley Energy parcel to a found 3 inch diameter brass cap and iron bar monument; Thence N. 90°O0'O0"E., 176.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The total area of the above described parcel of land is 4.01 acres, more or less. EXECUTED by the Grantor November WESTERN BUSINESS CONSULTING, LLC ,2003 Kenneth Cheshire, Manager and authorized signatory Signed in the presence of STATE OF UTAH County of Salt Lake On November ~, 2003, personally appeared Kenneth Cheshire, General Manager and authorized signaiory for Western Business Consulting, LLC, signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that tie executed the same with full authority for the above-named Grantee.